Abyss Domination

Vol 6 Chapter 12: Advanced transmission!



"The first person - Sauron!"

The entire Columba Arena was boiling, and many demons shouted excitedly. The high-end demons were not surprised, and some even secretly sent back. The high-end demons here are not all natural wanderers. In fact, most of the high-level demons in the bottomless abyss are serving some powerful demon lords. The strength of Sauron has attracted their attention, even for the demon lord, a powerful inflammation is also worthy of the object.

However, at this time Sauron has no energy to pay attention to the other.

A row of data emerges in front of his eyes:

"The creature level is increased to 18!"

"I'm able to improve my ability!...Devil's blood fusion!! Ability is improved!...Improved effect!...The spell-like ability is improved!...The spell-like ability is improved!..."

"The elite form is advanced!... The basic attributes are improved!..."

"Energy variation!..."

"The spell-like ability is transformed into a talent-like spell ability that can be cast freely!..." (Remarks: There is no casting time, no casting time, and the ability to cast freely.)

"The spell-like ability is transformed into an instant spell!..."

"Special insight!..."

"Devil blood fusion variation!... You have mastered the magical ability of the spell!..."

"Experts comprehend!..."

"Devil blood fusion variation!... You have mastered the talent!..."


I finally realized it.

The threshold of the middle and high-level demon has finally been crossed by Sauron, and the most iconic ability is the spell-like "high-transmission".

Sauron can finally be delivered.

The power of the flame is getting stronger and stronger. The devil's tattoo on Sauron's chest is like a strange light. Finally, these flames are all integrated into his body, gradually disappearing little by little.

not enough!

Power is not enough.

Although Sauron has advanced, but still can not achieve the amount of breakthrough energy. He has to raise the creature level to around 20 before he can be made directly by mutation!

At that time he was the real legendary demonic.

"Flame of the Flames; as the signature power of Barlow's Demon, they can summon a legendary level of flame whip. This weapon is regarded as a 1st-day legendary magical weapon, and the level of the flame whip can be set every 10 creatures. Upgrade 1. The highest is considered a 3rd-day legendary magic weapon."

Born to be a legendary weapon.

This is the difference between harmony and a huge increase in essence.

The shape of Sauron is further enlarged. As a kind of higher demon, the demon is able to reach more than three meters in height and weigh more than 3,000 pounds. The height of the Balomon is similar to that of the giant, and the weight can reach more than 4,500 pounds. . At present, Sauron's height is far more than many demons, and it looks like the little giant. But the weight is only about 1,000 pounds. The final form of the Baloyan demon can even suppress most of the giant species in the body.

At that time, relying on the power of 35 points and the huge body advantage, the attack of the bald devil's dagger will become extremely dangerous!

at this time.

The attributes of Sauron have become.

"Name: Sauron.

Race: Devil.

Form: Fire Burning

Level: Biological level 18.

Attributes: Strength 27, Agility 20, Constitution 24, Intelligence 18, Perception 18, Charisma 21.

Faction: lawful evil. (Note: Other demons will be slightly hostile to your actions.)

Life: 72/275.

Devil's power: 0/3000.

Skills: Sneak 125, Fraud 75, Negotiation 85, Knowledge 100, Intimidation 210, Spell Recognition 90, Use Magic Device 90, Listen 85, Scout 85, Search 70.

Ability: Fear of gaze, fear of aura, body of fire, whip of flames, entanglement, devil's claws (1 day magic weapon), demon skin (injury reduction 10), demonic resistance (all types of resistance 10).

Expertise: multiple attacks, violent attacks, weapons mastery: long sword, heterogeneous weapons master: long whip.

Spell-like abilities: advanced teleportation, panic surgery (optional), fireball (three times a day, instant), dominating demons (once a day), burning hands, summoning demons, telepathy. ”


at this time.

Sauron is very close to the ability of the demon, and the current poor is the ability to sign, and so on. There are also some spell-like abilities such as , , , , , and so on.

The ability that must be mentioned is.

This is an important force of the high-level demon, which can be used to imprison the soul of a creature!

In the future, if Sauron believes in other demons, he can use it to imprison the soul and eventually transform it into a demon. This kind of devil is born to serve him as a master, and both sides have a strong contractual force.

There are always some such dead loyalists around the demon lord!

of course.

It is not possible to create all of this in this way because there is too much energy and strength. And the quality of the soul is quite difficult to find.


On the Columba Arena.

The goblin evil magician's expression was horrified. What he never dreamed of was that Sauron actually won the final victory.

And it seems that after he defeated a corner demon, he is almost on the verge of promotion, which means that a legendary level of fire may be born in the Columba Arena.


This was the first emotion, but then it realized that it was a business opportunity.

The appearance of Sauron.

As well as the current status of Soron's upcoming breakthrough, it can be used as the most important gamble in the Gulamba Arena. With its business mind, at least three gambling contents can be listed. www.readwn.com~including Sauron's success Advance. He can support a few battles in Death Athletics, whether he can be the final winner, and so on.

An immortal that is about to advance!

This is definitely an eye-catching gimmick. It is impossible for the evil spirits of the neutral evil camp to participate in the gambling.


There is a more daring idea in the brain of the Goblin Magic, and there is a deep abyss in the Columba Arena. Although it is impossible to fight in person, it is not impossible to get out of the black dragon.

Fire Magic vs Dragon!

This will definitely be the most eye-catching battle in the Gulba Arena over the years.

As for the outcome of the gambling, it is natural to be manipulated by them!

..................(To be continued)


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