Abyss Domination

Vol 6 Chapter 42: Big fist!

Sauron is now having a headache.

Princess Alendale’s Princess Anna is a little better. Now his biggest headache is how to deal with Vivienne’s problem.

The little girl insisted on standing up to face the fear of the devil, Sauron also wants to exercise her on the one hand, and the other side is worried about the danger. It is as if a child has grown up and may not be arranged by a parent. Although Vivienne is sometimes obedient, if she decides something, her temper is as stubborn as Sauron.

She can't always hide under her umbrella!

The eagle always has a day to fly high, and Sauron can bring her back forcibly. I am afraid that Vivienne will be able to follow him back to Modo City even if he is unwilling. But this is not a long-term solution. Moreover, Sauron thinks that Vivian's decision is actually correct. She really needs to exercise, so what he can do now is to ensure the safety of Vivienne as much as possible. The manpower to help her deal with the fear of the church.

The good thing is that.

The little girl learned a lot with him, and did not slam the ground to find the trouble of fearing the church, but knew that she would accept a little snake as a beater.

Since I plan to exercise Vivian, then Soren naturally needs detailed arrangements.

"Come on!"

Sauron shouted out and soon the guards came in. He screamed: "Send someone to collect any information about the sects of fear. Modo City is in Shipwreck Bay, Port of Tello, Fortune. The city’s eyeliners are all sprinkled out, and people are sent to contact the thieves’ union and the shadow thief’s union. The adventurer’s union also contacts, don’t be afraid to spend money, I will allocate 300,000 Kindlers as funds.”

"Even if you dig three feet, you should find them all out!"

Money goes.

The 300,000 Kindler is equivalent to the total income of a small Principality for one year. Nowadays, Modo City can easily take out so much money. I am afraid that I have to change it into other forces. Treasure Island has already entered the formality. The funds in Moto City are constantly flowing, and the funds flowing on the books are more than 500,000 Kindler. Inside the storeroom is a large amount of gold jewelry. Centered on the city of Modo, the power of Sauron is now a sea kingdom.

So much gold is spilled out. The intelligence organizations around the entire South Coast are going crazy!

No matter what is useful or useless, any information related to the sects of fear has been sent to collect and sorted out, and soon their movements have been sent to Sauron.

This is a big list for thieves unions that has not been seen for many years.

Not yet three days.

A detailed and accurate message was sent, and the fear sects were active in the South. After the death of the vampire gods, they seemed to be re-convened by someone, and the locations of the fear sect activities were marked. come out.

It is worth mentioning that.

This time there is a demon figure in the fear sect. The thieves union also damaged three veterans in order to spy on the news.

Soren naturally needs to be represented.

For Wei Wei'an, he never bothered to spend money. Anyway, the money was used for flowers. It was directly sent to the thieves' union by a box of gold. He immediately prepared to dig three feet and used all the information. They all spit out.

Fear sect.

If they are other **** churches, they still need to measure it, but a **** church that has gradually weakened, the thieves union still dared to go and test it.

The movement of the city of Modo naturally attracts the attention of many people.

However, for the things that Modo City suddenly did with the fear sects, many forces expressed their happiness. Anyway, as long as Modo City fights with others, they like it.

of course!

All this also requires a name on the table.

That is, Modo City was attacked by fear sects some time ago. The fear sects summoned the demons to cause great damage in the city of Modo, and even led to the death of many civilians. I was very angry with Lord Sauron and decided to mobilize power to eliminate the fear of the church and let anyone who offends Modo City pay a painful price!

This is the reason for the countertop.

Anyway, as long as any force can spy on it, it can be known that Modo City has been attacked by fear sects, and there are also many demons.

The entire city of Modo is as crazy as a war machine.

With this in mind, Sauron simply took the opportunity to smash the fleet to the vicinity of Shipwreck Bay, while hoarding heavy troops in the port of Tyrol.

The external statement is naturally to deal with the revenge of fear sects at any time!

But when the heads of other forces heard this sentence. They just want to squirt out a bit of old blood. Is it necessary to mobilize so many warships to fight the fear sect?

Do you still want to use warships to deal with fearful believers?

At first, I thought that the head of the power that could consume the power of the city of Modo was a little uneasy. Because they came up with a very bad thing.

That is, in case Sauron suddenly said who is colluding with the fear sect, what if the city of Modo is going to retaliate against it?

Think of this. They even want to kill themselves.

The more I think about them, the more likely I feel that the whole fist of the South Modo City is the biggest ~www.readwn.com~ What Sauron said is what you are, even if you are not colluding with the fear sect, as long as the city of Modo says you and the sect of fear Collusion, then you can take the opportunity to attack. When a large warship was surrounded, Modo City mobilized heavy troops to hit the ground, I am afraid that no one could sit still at that time.

In fact.

Soren also thought of this in secret.

The fear sects did cause great damage in the city of Modo, and they also killed many civilians. It’s reasonable to ask Resolen to retaliate against them. By the way, hit some other targets.


To his surprise, it may be that other forces are really afraid of being implicated and innocent. One by one, they stand up and say that they have nothing to do with the sects of fear. For such evil organizations that violate the rules and cause terrible damage to kill civilians, they are all Expressed willingness to help Modo City fight against fear.

Let's talk about the relationship first. It doesn't matter if you want to deal with fearful people.


Things have evolved to this point, no matter how they express themselves, Sauron has mobilized a large number of battleships, and secretly cooperated with Vivian to deal with the fear church, and he realized that the timing is almost ripe.

It is time to take down a site in the southern continent.

- "Wind Pike Hill!"

This is a rather fertile land. What's more, there is no power to compete with him, and it is close to Shipwreck Bay. Soren can use it to strengthen the connection with the inland.

This dark line has been buried for a long time.

With this opportunity, Sauron is ready to turn it into the fruit of harvest!

..................(To be continued)

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