Abyss Domination

Vol 6 Chapter 43: Wind spear hills! 5th more

Time is getting closer to August.

The terraces of the second phase of Modo City are about to be completed. The Golem factory has produced a batch of materials and then created five clay figurines and a stone statue. These golems have been invested in the construction of the workforce, they can easily carry heavy materials, and the efficiency has been improved several times. The Fallen Witch and Goliath are currently investing in intense research. Sauron has left a space marker on the third floor of the Abyss. They are preparing to build a portal across the plane to the bottomless abyss.

Orders from the Northland Council have increased.

The city of Modo does not know what to prepare, and has ordered three batches of heavy-duty two-handed weapons.


this day.

With the arrival of the autumn and summer seasons, heavy rains have started everywhere, and there seems to be a flood in the central part of the mainland. The lizards have once again expanded their sites along the flood, and many of the submerged areas have been occupied by them. However, the South is still relatively calm, except for the occasional traces of fallen people, that is, some people saw the legendary lich before.

The lich rarely walks in the world.

As the top undead life, they have endless years to squander, and the lich's favorite thing is to study in his own cemetery lair.


Recently, it seems that a lich has appeared in the south, and this matter has attracted the attention of the samurai.

To the south of the wind spear hills, it is a dense forest. It is the territory of the Isabella family, and it is the place where the noble children are hunting and boring when they are bored.

The heavy rain just stopped shortly.

Then there was a group of people marching along the road. They were well equipped with sturdy faces, and even the accompanying weapons such as military shackles were able to judge the private soldiers of the nobility at a glance.

"Baron adults."

A middle-aged man dressed as a knight came to the center of the team and said: "Through the hills in front of us, we will come to our territory. Recently, a rogue snake gangster appeared in the windy hills."

"Let's not rest here."

Soon, there was a reply from the team, a young aristocrat with a bit of tiredness: "Sir is looking at it."

The middle-aged knight leaned over and nodded, but the expression was a hint of implied disdain.

This is only two days away. It has already made him tired, and the new lord is really too bad compared to the old baron who used to kill the ogre. The fancy swordsmanship is all about attracting the ladies. As a knight's most basic snoring, he barely saw the Baron adults.

The team continues to move forward.

These guards are veterans who have been on the battlefield. Even one-on-one encounters with adventurers do not fall into the wind.

Sir Slark was not very worried about the bandits who dared to attack them, but due to his cautious habits, he sent out his own confidant to investigate the situation.


More than ten minutes passed, and I still didn't see people coming back.

Sir Slark felt a little bad in his heart, and he couldn’t help but press his hand on the hilt. Then Zema rushed to the front of the team.

The surroundings seem to be very quiet.

Suddenly, a little cold man shot from the side of the woods, and then heard a scream, and a guard fell down on his throat.

"Be careful!"

"There are archers ambush here!"

A burst of exclamation sounded, and then someone fell down to the ground. From the dense forest, a black shadow rushed out, they held a variety of weapons, but the most striking thing was their skin. These people have silver scales on their skin. Wearing a variety of armor, surrounded the team from both sides.


"Damn! It’s a snake robber!"

The team suddenly got a little confused, but soon assembled under the orders of Sir Slark, and the array guards were in the middle of the team.

Recently, there have been many traces of snakes in the south.

Especially in the area of ​​the wind and spear hills, there are many caravans attacked by snakes. Many nobles know that there are a group of rogue snake robbers, and even Baron Naros is still in the hands of the snake people. Because of this, their talents brought so many guards, but after seeing the number of enemies, Sir Slark still took a breath. The heart could not help but cast a shadow.

The number of snake thieves has grown stronger.

In addition to the snakes, there are many other human robbers who attack them, at least twice as many as them.


A guard's face turned black and seemed to be crumbling, with a trembling voice: "The enemy's weapon is poisonous!... Be careful!..."

A round of shooting came.

Sir Slark rolled over. Pick up a shield and block it in front of him. The guards around him have also raised their shields.

There are people who are constantly falling down.

The robbers in front of him rushed over and the losses on both sides were not small. Sir Slark carefully watched the snake man in front of him. Most of the human robbers were weak. The real danger was these snake people. If you can kill the enemy leader, perhaps this band of robbers will not break.

found it!

Sir Slark soon discovered the leader of the snakeman who commanded the battle.

He screamed and suddenly lifted the shield on his chest, and directly slammed the crowd in front of him, then launched the charge and waved his sword to the leader of the snake man~www.readwn.com~ As a high-ranking knight, he had a melee Take the courage and strength of the enemy leader.

A dark ray of light crossed!

Sir Slark’s figure suddenly stiffened in place, and two figures suddenly appeared in his sight, followed by a dagger piercing his throat.


Two high-ranking rogues.

Beyond this band of robbers, there are hidden more dangerous enemies.

The darkness is coming.

Sir Slark’s figure slowly fell to the ground. Before he died, he seemed to hear the baron’s pleading, and the voice seemed to be a girl.


The snake thief appeared again.

The news seemed to be with wings and soon spread around the place.

It was not the merchants who attacked this time, but the rulers of the wind and spear territory, the aristocrats of the Isabella family. The cause of the incident seems to be because the lords here have encircled a snake thief and nailed one of them to the cross, trying to shock the lawless bandit gangs. But never imagined that the snake thief actually madly retaliated against the rulers of the wind and spear hills and directly killed several nobles.

A conspiracy network has begun to gather.

After the first step of the plan is completed, the next stage is Adele-Isabela. The shadow of Sauron is shrouded in this land. I don’t know if it is a terrible disaster, or the prosperity and hope of the second Moto City.

But there is no doubt about it.

Any good start is full of blood and killing, just like embracing war can usher in peace!

.................. (To be continued.)

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