Abyss Domination

Vol 6 Chapter 54: Long Wei!

The glory of the morning sun is falling.

The calm day of the city of Modo began again, and the busy people began to prepare for work, and the playfulness of the children was faintly heard from the ear.

Reen Bird sorted out his clothes, reached for a scimitar that was forged with a hint of Mithril, and turned to walk toward his post. He is a semi-dall elf. He has been in Moto City for some time. As a drow ranger, he is the one who first came to follow the warrior. From time to time, someone greeted him. Ryan Byrd smiled slightly. He always wanted to change people's views on the drow. Maybe other places are still hostile to the drow, but the city of Modo has accepted them.

There are not many female drows in the city of Modo.

These stubborn female drow spirits are still gathered beside the priests. The long-standing concept of male esteemed women still makes it difficult for them to recognize the status of other male drow spirits.

For thousands of years, it is difficult to change at a time.

So those **** female drows reject the city of Modo and reject these higher-ranking male drows.

Reinhold knows it all.

He knew why the priests had been reluctant to completely close the city of Modo, because when the dark girl fell, she died in the hands of her mother, but there was still something left.

Just recently, the female drows contacted the dark areas and they seemed to have received some assistance.

At least the last time he went back, he saw some specialties from the dark areas.

Rein Bird is a half drow.

In fact.

Almost all of them are living in the city of Modo and have a sense of identity with the city of Modo. And those who remain in the original group are many purer drow spirits and the people they can influence.

Rein Bird likes it here.

Modo City gave him the means to exchange his strength for status, instead of being like the past, even if he has made countless efforts, his status will always be lower than those of the female priests.

There are many curious eyes on the road!

There are only one or two hundred drows in the city of Modo, all of which are elite one-on-one. From time to time, outsiders will be surprised to see them.

Rein Bird is used to it.

Someone has been greeting him on the road. Others invited him to drink at night. But Rein Bird refused.

He does not drink alcohol.

As a soldier who strictly demands his own, Rein Bird is very demanding on his own. He hopes to enter the legendary field one day, as a highly advanced professional. This possibility is still very large.

"Ryan Bird adults!..."

Just around the corner of the street, a little squeaky voice sounded at Rein Bird's ear. This gentle voice made him unable to stop, and when he turned around, he couldn’t help but smile a little, and said softly: "Lucina. Good morning."

A young girl who is young and tender.

Her ears are slightly pointed. This means she is a half elf.

"You haven't eaten breakfast yet?"

The little girl's face appeared on the face of a blush, and he handed a food box to him. Then he shyly said: "This is for you."

"Don't bother you. I will go back first."

There are other half-elfs next to see this scene, some people make a good laugh, which makes the girl's footsteps more flustered.

Even Reinhold himself couldn’t help but blush. But he was very dark and basically couldn't see anything. Because the image that was originally in the eyes of people is very bad. After coming to the city of Modo, the dwarf warriors have been strict with them, if anything goes wrong. Even the warrior will personally whipping the erring, so the senses of the dwarf warriors in the city of Modo are serious, strict, rigid, cold and so on.

Reinhold’s previous feelings for people were like this.

Although the drow warriors have been accepted by Modo City, they have not really integrated into the people.

Others are afraid of them and carefully keep a distance from them.

This happens until one thing happens.

Devil invasion!

The feared believers summoned the devil in the city of Modo, causing great damage to the city of Modo and killing many innocent people.

On that day, Rein Bird also joined the battle.

As a high-ranking drow samurai, he discovered the demon in the first place and protected the civilians near the street where he lived. At the same time, he also smothered a mad war with a **** battle and saved a half-elf girl.

It’s just the girl.

To this end, he broke an arm, or the priest of the temple restored his "debridement regeneration".

Everything has changed.

Reinhold suddenly found that people around him began to be friendly, and even the aunt next door would help him clean the courtyard from time to time.

Every morning, someone starts to greet him.

Although Reinhold only slightly nodded in response, people seem to have used and accepted his serious attitude.

All the time.

The drows lacked an opportunity to prove themselves, and the devil invaded this thing, and many people agreed with them.

"Looks like that little girl is interesting to you!"

The voice of the companion came from the ear.

In the face of the ridiculous ridicule of his companions, Rein Bird seriously thought about it and said seriously: "If I can, I want to marry her."

A piece of surprise.

Then there was the noise of other guards. Many of these people were pirates, and there were no dwarf warriors on the temper.

Rein Bird liked the little girl.

As a self-respecting drow warrior, he hates the female drow in those ethnic groups.

Strong, overbearing, rude, arrogant...

Reinhold can use a lot of words to describe his view of the female drow, because from his childhood, the female drow has left a huge shadow area in his heart.

The ideal opposite **** in his heart should be like Lucina.

Like her, she married her.

As a serious drow warrior, Rein Bird thinks so.


The handover was completed very quickly.

Reinhold guarded a group of people outside the building. It was the core restricted area of ​​Moto City, and even he did not enter.

Every day, three dwarf warriors lead the team day and night to guard, and no one other than Sauron, two witches and Miss Vivienne is allowed to enter. They are outside guards, and there are many spell traps in them. There have been many enemies who want to spy on them, but the final results of these people are very miserable.

Everything seems to be no different.

But when Ryan Bird patrolled outside a house today, he suddenly felt his heartbeat speeding up and the whole person couldn't help but get into the battle, and pressed his hand on the handle.

An invisible breath.

There is something in the house!

When Rein Bird turned to look at the other people around him, he suddenly found that everyone was almost the same expression.

"Long Wei!?"

A man who claimed to have been interrupted by a white dragon with eight ribs suddenly jumped up. His voice was slightly a little excited and slightly trembling. He said: "I will never admit it! This is definitely the feeling of Longwei!"

This man is called Baidu Luo.

A very uncommon name, once an elite force of pirates, has now been transferred to the restricted area of ​​Modo City.

This is a man with some words.

However, his relationship with other people is very good. He likes to drink and likes to brag. His favorite thing to do is to take off his shirt and open his chest in the pub after drinking half a drunk, revealing the huge scar on his chest. Others talked about how he followed Sauron’s Dragon Slayer, and then how he was drawn by an adult white dragon with a dragon tail. After breaking eight ribs, he still survived tenaciously.

This is an old pirate.

The real elite of Modo City, the elite of the elite, even Reinhold did not have full grasp to win him.

He was one of the few survivors of the White Dragon War!


Day and night alternate.

The life of Modo City is happening every day. The pub is always the most lively place. Here you can hear a one-armed old man telling people how they used to fight the king of the swamp in absolute disadvantage. Here, you may also encounter a story like the guy who took off his shirt and boasted that he had been interrupted by an adult dragon with eight ribs~www.readwn.com~.

From the sea battle of the son of the big bang, the fall of the king of the swamp, the decisive battle of the angry sand island, the battle of the dragon, the battle against the indigenous people, the fleet against the southern island country, the cruel and fierce Viktor pirates, until the expedition to the deciduous city against the half-orcs, etc. Wait!

The story here will never be heard.

They are all warriors, they are also survivors, and may die in some places in the future, but they will leave their own figure in these stories.

Modo City.

This city that rises in the overseas archipelago is like a star. Its glory belongs to Sauron, but it belongs to these unknown people.

This is the soul of the city of Modo!


(PS: I wrote it and suddenly felt it, so I added a small paragraph.) (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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