Abyss Domination

Vol 6 Chapter 55: Domesticated dragon

(I am brewing a big wave, I feel a little out of it, but I haven't got it yet. There is only one more today. It is estimated that you should get used to it, because every time you reach a certain plot point, the buzz must be ready to brew.)

Is it really Longwei?

Reinhold felt the feeling of this cold hair, and suddenly found that it is very similar to the legendary Longwei. The most common dragon in Modo City is the two-legged dragon that was raised by Miss Vivian. This is a Yalong species, and there is also a very light dragon on the body. Ordinary people may be scared to move. Ryan Bird has encountered this situation before becoming a high-level professional, but later Get used to it slowly. The pressure of the Yalong species is simply not enough to affect the determined drow warriors.

"There is someone over there."

A dark guard with a few whip on his head suddenly said, he called Zagud, this is a very mouthful name. Unlike other guards, Zagud speaks with a strong indigenous voice. He is a strong and burly indigenous man with a slave brand on his cheek, which means he was once the lowest. Slave gladiator. Zagud is also a small legend in the city of Modo. With the origin of an indigenous slave, the slaves are mixed by the slave gladiators to the most important guards in the city.

I don't know how many slaves follow him as an example, treating him as an idol of worship!

Modo City is such a magical place.

Anyone has the opportunity to climb step by step, even a slave without freedom of life may become an honorary citizen of Modo City, or even a higher status.

This is the soul of the city of Modo!

A city that gradually precipitates over time, when it is truly formed, the rules of Moduo City will also be imprinted in it.

Soft footsteps.

The restricted areas of Modo City are all guarded by high-ranking professionals. Perhaps there are not many casters who have won the hand in Modo City, but the high-ranking melee-based professionals in Modo City are quite rich. From the very beginning, the other pirate kings were settled, and then the army of the southern island countries was intervened by Arendal, followed by the expedition to the half-orcs, and finally the many indigenous tribes of the overseas islands. A battle in the field will train the elites of Modo City. The men who survived the battle are all trying to sharpen themselves. A battle between life and death can make them understand how important their strength is.

In the power network of Moto City, although the high-ranking casters are still less than double digits, the high-rank melee class professional can reach the terrible four-digit number!

It can be said. Looking at the entire material plane, no force will be more than the high-ranking melee professional under Sauron.

Of course, no other force can fight more than the pirates of Sauron, and has experienced more battles. Even when it is now close to the cultivation of the students, Modo City still has three legions stationed outside to fight against the indigenous people, a fleet blocked the waters near the Amazon jungle. The battles of the Qing tribes have never stopped.

The guards in the restricted area are dispatched from these elites, and the loyalty of any one can stand the test.

The only pity.

That is, although there are a large number of high-level professionals in the city of Modo, but the legendary fighters still have none.

Occupational level 15 is even a high-level professional. Moto City has a base of more than 1,000 people. It is a large number of pirate leaders and other elite troops who have been trained in a battle. But so far, none of the melee-class professionals in Modo City have entered the legendary field. The closest to the legendary warriors is the pirate leader-giant, then the knife face and the one-eyed dragon, even the pirate leader under Sauron. There is still no one who crosses the legendary field.

It is estimated that one hundred of these people can have an advanced legend and it is amazing!


Reinborn quickly discovered the coming, but when he saw the other person's appearance, he immediately leaned down and bowed his head, respectfully: "His priest!"

The coming is the high priest of the city of Modo.

The leader of the Half Elf Church, a powerful psychic warrior part-time pastor, is second only to the characters of the hostess Gloria and Miss Vivian. It may be to avoid the suspicion that the high priest only manages the church's affairs, and does not intervene in the operation of the Moto City Council, but there is no such thing as dare to despise her position.

"You two stay here."

Behind the high priest are two young girl priests. One of them is quite famous because she is a pastor of the Holy Spirit.

Upon hearing the command of the high priest, the two teenage priests nodded respectfully.

Then the high priest walked toward the penalty area. Slightly nodded: "My Lord has something to call me. You should be careful not to let anyone close."

Reen Bird seriously said: "Yes. Under the umbrella."

The restricted area is an important secret of the city.

The high priest naturally knows how important the shadow tower is, but this time she came because of something else.

A touch of Longwei.

For Longwei, a purebred dragon, the high priest was already very familiar. She turned and entered a warehouse, and then saw Sauron and Gloria standing at the door.

"My Lord."

The high priest leaned down and bowed his head. Glanced at the shadow dragon trapped in front of the chain, whispered: "Is this what you are looking for?"

Sauron’s will forcibly suppressed the shadow dragon in front of him.

He turned and glanced at the high priest behind him, slowly saying: "Yes! It will be handed over to you."

An underage shadow dragon.

Probably is about to reach the youth period, the body is only about seven meters, the blood is very pure, it should be the descendants of the dragon inside the dragon. On its huge dragon's body is a chain of chains with a simple rune mark that limits its movement. The pride of the dragon's nature makes them difficult to tame. Sauron doesn't want to waste too much time, and immediately bundles it back after finding the target.

The battle is not worth mentioning.

A god's ontology, two legendary witches, if not the hand to come to see the ghost.

After seeing the arrival of the high priest, Gloria nodded and dissipated the spell, and then a transfer left here. Sauron has brought back the higher soul spar, and during this time she was busy working with her mother to make a diamond golem. In addition, they found a book in the library of the chess plane, which introduced a name called something.

For this golem, Gloria and the fallen witch are quite curious!

The high priest gently came to the front of the shadow dragon, she could feel the anger and uneasiness of the little guy in front of her eyes. After a simple spiritual contact, she nodded slightly: "There should be no problem, but it may take a little time."

Domesticated a purebred dragon.

This is a very troublesome thing. The surrender on the surface is not what Sauron wants. What he needs is a dragon that does not hesitate to execute his orders.

Therefore, this matter can only be done by the high priest!

Because she is a powerful psychic warlock, for manipulating the minds of other creatures, changing their minds, controlling their consciousness, and looking at the whole material plane no one is stronger than her.

Sauron nodded with satisfaction.

He doesn't care about spending a little more time, but the control of this shadow dragon must be strong enough.

After handing over the domesticated dragon to the high priest, Sauron sent it directly back to his study, and then began to study how to deal with the **** of hunting - Marathi.

After this period of finishing.

Sauron roughly thought of three feasible options. The first option was to draw up other allies and invite them to deal with the **** of hunting.

The only people who can choose now are the long princess, the ocean goddess, the goddess of wealth and the goddess of agriculture.

The possibility of a long princess’s shot is not high.

The Ocean Goddess is estimated to be feasible~www.readwn.com~ But she seems to have not fallen, even if she is only a **** incarnation, if she succeeds in killing the **** of hunting, the nature of the ocean goddess must be divided into the priesthood of the prey. Field and divine power.

The chances of inviting the goddess of wealth are lower, and the goddess of agriculture may not like fighting.

Sauron thought about a lot of things during this time, but when he wanted to discover that the price of the United allies was too high, he certainly could not give up the core priesthood of the **** of hunting, and gave it out to others, otherwise he would pay What is that hard? And the chances of this joint success are very low, and the possibility of exposing yourself to alert the enemy is even higher!

and so.

After collecting such a long time of intelligence and analyzing a lot of things, Sauron still felt that the other two plans were reliable.

Be prepared!

Sauron has always been a determined person, so he is wondering if he wants to carry out the other two plans at the same time. (To be continued.)


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