Abyss Domination

Chapter 68: Bo Wenqiang

Quiet room.

Sauron slowly closed his eyes and began to perceive the magic network, which is commonly known as the 'magic net' by the casters. The magic net is an invisible energy field that exists in many places in the multiverse. Its biggest role is to help the caster build a spell model, and then condense the power of nature, and eventually form a spell space to store. After the spell bit is stored, you only need to cast it and activate it to quickly extract nearby energy for casting.

The energy of nature itself is very arrogant, and it is not easy to control. There is no limit to the magic net cast spells!

Another role of the magic net is to limit the ability of the caster, to avoid some powerful casters who even fear the gods to destroy the balance of order. It's a spellcaster who doesn't have enough talent to cast spells, limiting the talented caster to threaten the realm of the gods. In general, the Magic Net is still very important, because without it, the number of casters in the world will be reduced by about 90%.

The belief network of the gods is also connected to the magic net, but at the highest level of the magic net, the magic is the power that is fed back by the power of faith.

The magic net helps the caster manipulate the energy, and the normal caster can reach the most superficial magic network.


This is the easiest way for a wizard to perceive the magic net. It seems that there is no difference between a meditation and a specific posture. The key is to let go of your body and mind, gradually forget the perception of the body, and then extend the consciousness to the energy of the outside world. The successful part-time Sauron skipped the initial accumulation period of meditation, which means that he did not have to meditate for a long time like a wizard apprentice before he could reach the top of the magic net.

As the perception spreads gradually, Sauron faintly touches an invisible energy field, which looks like a spider web formed by a myriad of invisible lines. The squares between each staggered position are used by the wizards. Spell bit. This is the most superficial spell bit that can be used to help cast a level 0 spell. The magic net is just a channel to help cast spells. The real power is still in the brain of the wizard, that is, the spell model built in the brain.

After successfully connecting to the magic net, Sauron stopped meditation.

Meditation is not the main means for wizards to improve their strength. The real power lies in their development of the brain. The greatest use of meditation is to help them understand the magic net and then extend to the outermost energy understanding.

“Upgrading the wizard's professional level.”

Sauron was not eager to analyze the spell model, but began to upgrade his professional level. The higher wizard level helped him to touch the magic net and then speed up the analysis of the spell model. The killing experience required for the level improvement of the wizard itself is about 50% higher than other occupations. If it is part-time, there is still about 20% experience punishment. Raising to a level 2 thief is only about 200 points of killing experience, but it takes more than 300 points to upgrade to a level 2 wizard.

"The wizard's career has been upgraded to level 2."

"Get 22 points (intellectual value 18 + (intellect 18-10) * 0.5) point skill points, health value increased by 9 points (professional life 4 points + (physique 20-10) * 0.5)."

"Get 1 free attribute."

The biggest advantage of part-time job is that you can get extra free attribute points. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to upgrade a certain occupation to a higher level. At the beginning, many people liked to work part-time at the same time, but the result of this is that unless they succeed in killing, all occupational levels are not high. Because the first part-time job has 20% of the killing experience punishment, the second occupation is 40% of the killing experience punishment, while the part-time job needs to pay 5000 points of killing experience.

The third part-time job is even more exaggerated. Not only does it have 60% of the killing experience, but it also requires 10,000 points of killing experience. This part-time punishment is applied to all occupational levels, which means that after part-time work, Sauron will increase the professional level of the thieves, and also pay an additional 20% of the killing experience.

Under normal circumstances.

There are very few people who work part-time, because there are attribute requirements for part-time jobs and it takes a lot of time.

Even the talented aborigines of the story, even the gods with extremely high natural attributes, are only two part-time jobs. Only some of the gods will be full-time and part-time. Part-time needs to spend more time and energy, and turning into a killing experience requires more soul energy.

Before the professional level is upgraded to level 5, there is not much experience in killing the upgrade.

However, starting from the second level of the professional level, the killing experience required to improve the strength is linearly improved, and the third-order is an amazing value. The more difficult it is to raise part-time jobs later. At that time, the enemy of the mortal world was not enough. It is impossible to upgrade the strength without going to the underground world and exploring the outer plane.

For example, if you want to advance into the legendary field, basically the abyss is the place to go.

"Free attributes are assigned to intelligence."

Although Sauron wants to improve agility, considering the collapse of the upcoming magic net, it is decided to raise the intelligence to 20 points first, and will not completely lose the ability to cast spells in the future. The skill points obtained by raising the level of the wizard are assigned to the knowledge. One of the important factors for the wizard to master the speed of the spell is the knowledge skill he has.

“The wizard profession has been upgraded to level 3.”

"Get 24 points (intellectual value 19 + (intellectual 19-10) * 0.5) point skill points, health value increased by 9 points (professional life 4 points + (physique 20-10) * 0.5)."

"Get a specialty."

The third-level wizard can get an extra feat, but he can only choose from the wizard's professional expertise. Sauron is not very familiar with the wizard's promotion, so first look at the spellcasting skills that the wizard can master.

"Battle Casting [Master]: Wizards gradually improve their ability in long-term training, even if they are attacked in battle, they will not be easily interrupted by their spells. With this ability, the wizard is directly attacked. You can still cast spells successfully. When this ability is upgraded to a certain level, some part-time wizards can also cast spells while fighting. However, this may require the expertise of [Spell of Motivation] and [Spell Instant]. 10]."

"Mobile Casting [Master]: Wizards can move spells under special training. They don't interrupt their casting process when they move dodge. At the same time, as the level of expertise increases, the wizard can do the same while flying and moving at high speed. Casting. This is one of the abilities that high-level wizards must master, otherwise it will lead to spell failure in the case of flying. [Focus +5]

"Spell Control [Master]: The wizard can control the spells cast by the spirit, strengthen the power of the spell, or weaken the effect of the spell. Some summoned spells need control ability to send out powerful effects. This feat is [spell] The powerful feats and the pre-existing feats of the spells are only able to further increase the power of the spells after mastering the spell control."

"Bo Wenqiang" [talent]: Wizards often have amazing memory skills. This talent feat can further increase their memory ability, and at the same time strengthen their understanding of various knowledge, and gradually reach the field of analogy. This talent can be Strengthen their training effect on other specialties. If you master the expertise of [unforgettable] at the same time, you can further improve your mastery. [Knowledge +10]."

It may be because there is personal expertise [unforgettable], this time there is actually a choice of a talented specialty [Bo Wenqiang Ji].

Sauron looked at the expertise he could gain and couldn’t help but fall into meditation.

First of all, [Spell Control] is a feat that can be abandoned, because he has already obtained the comprehension information, and if there is no accident, he should be able to grasp it quickly. Then there is the feat of [Fighting Casting]. This feat is a very powerful ability, because the wizard can't always pull away the distance. If you are attacked while casting, the possibility of the spell being interrupted is high, but you have this feat. It won't interrupt, and it can also passively improve its basic skills to focus on 10 points.

Then there is the feat of [Mobile Casting], as the name suggests is to strengthen the ability to cast spells at the same time, the attack may be interrupted when casting, and the spelling may also fail when moving, especially after the wizard learned the high-speed movement of the spell, and higher. After the flight of the order, if there is no such expertise, the possibility of casting failure is as high as 50%~www.readwn.com~ Both are very important specialties.

However, Sauron’s mind is obviously a bit of a trade-off, because he is more inclined to the talent of [Bo Wenqiang].

First of all, it can increase knowledge, and secondly it can further strengthen the memory and understanding ability. The additional 10 points of knowledge is also very helpful for mastering spells. More importantly, it belongs to talents. This kind of feat is not available through training, and Sauron knows that with this feat, as the number of points increases, you can gain a special feat.

“Bao Scholars [Background Expertise]: Your knowledge has become more and more amazing, and you know everything in almost any field. With more knowledge accumulation, most of the things you can do are by analogy, you learn Speed ​​is several times that of others. This is not just limited to knowledge, but also a variety of combat skills, you know how to calculate the weight axis of the weapon, and use it to maximize its power. But you know Not only these, but the accumulation of knowledge to your present level, can be directly transformed into a real power! [Knowledge +10] (precondition: possessed [Bo Wenqiang] expertise, 250 points.)


(Focus on [Basic Skills]: Your ability to focus can be used in many ways, such as the success rate of spellcasting, the speed of entering meditation, the effect of meditation, the chance of copying a reel, the success rate of making a wand and extraordinary items, etc. Etc. Sometimes a focused person will always gain more insight when focusing on something, even if he is learning combat skills.) [PS: Focusing skills also have a bonus effect on the usual skill training of the soldiers. 】

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