Abyss Domination

Chapter 69: Arcane Missile

Soren eventually decided to master the expertise of [Baowenqiangji].

The other three specialties can be mastered through training. It is difficult to obtain talents through routine means. Bo Wenqiang is a useful feat. If you don’t have the unforgettable expertise, many people will master them from the very beginning. it. When Sauron chose a new specialty, the experience of killing has reached nearly 3,000 points. The wizard's professional level originally consumed a lot of experience, and now there are additional penalties for part-time work, enough to raise the thieves to the killing experience of level 5 or above, just enough to raise the wizard to level 4.

“The wizard profession has been upgraded to level 4.”

"Get 24 points (intellectual value 19 + (intellectual 19-10) * 0.5) point skill points, health value increased by 9 points (professional life 4 points + (physique 20-10) * 0.5)."

"Get a free attribute point."

no doubt.

Sauron continued to improve his intelligence. He just reached the extraordinary intelligence of 20 points. Even if the magic net collapses, he will not completely lose his ability to cast spells. Because there has been a part-time job, the thief-raising profession has also increased the experience penalty by 20%. The experience of killing him now as a 7-level thief has changed from 4,500 points to 5,400 points.

The more part-time jobs are, the slower they are to improve their strength.

"Although there are 20% more experience penalties, I also got 2 extra attributes."

Sauron looked at his data template and muttered: "Overall, it is not a loss. At the very least, the combat effectiveness of the post-operative improvement is very obvious."

20% of the experience penalty has been very serious, especially after the promotion of professional level.

So Sauron basically gave up the idea of ​​re-employing other professions, and if possible he would try to advance one of the professions. The most obvious advantage of part-time job in the early stage is the additional attribute points obtained, and the killing experience is exchanged for more attribute points. If it is a part-time job at the same time, you can even get 6 extra free attributes in the early stage. But the downside is that the level of promotion is very slow, 60% of the experience punishment can afflict the dead, and in the future I want to enter the ranks of high-level careers, I am afraid it is not so easy.

Skill points are mainly assigned to the knowledge, Sauron raised the knowledge to 90 points, and then assigned 5 points in the spell identification.

The remaining killing experience is running out.

After Sauron allocated all the abilities, the current data page has become:

"Name: Sauron.

Race: half elf.

Attributes: Strength 14 (+2), Agility 20 (+1), Constitution 20, Intelligence 20 (+1), Perception 15, Charisma 16.

Faction: lawful evil.

Occupation: 10 civilians / 6 thieves (0/5400) / 4th level wizard (125/2750) [second order].

Health: 90/90.

Experience: 1875 (killing experience), 150 points (professional experience) [unallocated].

Skill point: 0.

Property point: None.

Status: Normal.

Basic skills - stealth 113, knowledge 90, theft 35, unlock 45, trap 55, focus 8, negotiation 5, valuation 3, fraud 3, threatening 10, taunting 5, performance 1, listening to 9, avoiding 15, parry 5, Block 1, Medical 11, Search 8, Spell ID 10, Field Survival 2, use magic device 10.

Legendary skills - omnipotent hand [seal] (weak state).

Personal expertise - dexterous left hand, unforgettable, perseverance, fascinating, reborn [primary].

Professional expertise - shadow mastering, military weapons [mastery], machete [master].

Combat skills - shadow attack, sword potential [heavy]. ”


"There are already 8 specialties."

Sauron carefully glanced at his data page and muttered: "There are two more specialties than the same level. If you can advance the legend, it should be more powerful than in the past!"

He gently opened the spell book and tried to use mental power to resolve the model construction of the first spell.

- Arcane Missiles.

The most common spell of the caster, the advantage is that the power is good, and the casting time is very short.

Only one second.

"Arcane Missiles [A Ring of Legends]: The caster condenses Arcane energy to form a sphere at the fingertips, launching at a specific target, having a base spell strength of 5, and an Arcane bonus for each 2 level. Missiles, class 9 casters can fire up to 5 Arcane Missiles at the same time."

Although it is just a ring of spells, there are more than ten pages of spells and spells recorded above.

Sauron first roughly overturned it, recorded the basic words and patterns in his mind, and then began to try to meditate to connect to the magic net, and at the same time try to construct a spell model according to the knowledge of the spell book.

The middle of the night soon passed.

When Sauron opened his eyes and closed the spell book, his face was pale and his expression was extremely tired.

Even if it's just a loop of spells, it's difficult to construct a spell model. The main reason is that there are more than 300 spell nodes on the spell of Arcane Missiles, and there are about 50 spell loops. If it is not his memory is very good, I am afraid that even the basic structure will take several days.

"This is a magical version of the energy gun."

Sauron frowned and rubbed his head, then opened the spell book again, only to look at it and feel dizzy, he knows that this is his spirit is about to reach the limit. The spell node of the Arcane Missile contains three parts: the extracted energy, the compressed energy, and the spell loop. If the energy gun of the Star Age is used as a standard explanation, the energy ammunition is composed of the magic power of the wizard, and the launch of the firearm itself is composed of mental power. The spell model, hit target is guided by the spell loop, a bit similar to the infrared aiming guide.

"Only less than one-fifth of the completion."

Sauron roughly flipped through the spell book and then closed his eyes: "If you want to master this loop, it will take at least five days. With my 20-point intellectual understanding, plus the unforgettable expertise, and 90-point knowledge takes so long. Does it take another month or two for other wizards to master this ring spell?"

In fact, Sauron is wrong.

Ordinary wizards master a ring of magic for three months. After graduating from apprenticeship, they can master the first ring spell in about three months.

The number of wizards is small, and there are even fewer choices to venture outside.

A large part of the wizard, who has been stuck in the third-order door for a lifetime, can never cross this step into the ranks of high-ranking casters.

The night is getting deeper and deeper.

Sauron was resting in bed, maybe a spiritual transition, and he couldn't sleep.

That feeling is like forcing a long academic paper before, although I have tried to write down a lot, but still feel dizzy, lying in bed is also a little groggy.

Excessive use of the brain.

This is Sauron's first reaction. He tried to meditate to alleviate this situation, but the effect was not obvious. On the contrary, he could not go deep into meditation because of fatigue.

In the end, he could only wait with his eyes closed, and it took a long time to sleep.

the next day.

When Soren woke up, it was already noon.

His biological clock didn't wake him up for the first time, until the owner of the hotel came over and knocked on the door, and Sauron climbed up a bit.

He overslept today.

Fortunately, the spirit recovered well, and there was no feeling of dizziness yesterday.

The speed of the caster's ascension is no way to compare with the melee system. Although Sauron used the killing experience to upgrade to a level 4 wizard, the spell has not yet mastered one. He hurriedly ate something below, and immediately rushed toward the direction of White Horse City. The lizard man of the Black Marsh had expanded to the periphery of the wilderness. This road could not be opened in a short time.

He may need to stay in White Horse City for a while.

Fortunately, although there have been many wars and killings before the turbulent years, White Horse City has always existed in his advanced legendary field. That is to say, even if White Horse City is involved in the dispute, there will be no such thing as the direct destruction of Amber City. There should be no problem in staying here for a short time.

Soren has been away for so many days, and he plans to go back and see how Vivian is doing, and then transcribe some of the 0-level scrolls.

Although she decided to let Vivienne learn the knowledge with the caravan hostess, he was still a bit uneasy at all. www.readwn.com~ There are very few people in the world who can trust him.

It was not until noon on the third day that Sauron returned to the White Horse City. Because of the recent frequent accidents, the fire did not focus on the investigation. Now the whole city is talking about another thing.

Amber City has become a ruin!

The speed of information dissemination in this era is very slow. It has been such a long time that the news of the destruction of Amber City was passed.

Although there has been speculation for a long time, Sauron has been silent for a long time when he actually heard it.

A city is destroyed like this!

The number of casualties is still not countable, but I am afraid that it will exceed tens of thousands. This big event has shaken many places, and even many churches have begun to send high-level professional surveys, including even legendary fields. Some churches seek answers to the gods of justice, but unexpectedly they do not receive any response and gods. Although the pastor can still acquire the magic, it seems that all the gods have lost their tracks.

They no longer respond to the prayers of believers, and some rituals cannot ask for their will to come. All the gods of prayer are like sinking into the sea, and no waves appear.

The news was blocked very tightly, but many people still feel it.

The kingdom of the gods seems to have something big!

All the gods have been silent in the recent ones, and the pastors can still get the magic through prayer, but they can no longer contact the gods they believe in.


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