Abyss Domination

Vol 6 Chapter 122: Ask for more happiness!

Finally, there is an artifact of my own.

At this moment, Sauron actually had a tearful impulse to come to this world for so long. He has been sacred for a while, but until today he has an artifact that truly belongs to him. The most fundamental reason is that this world artifact is too rare, even when the Holy Holocaust broke out completely, the number of artifacts is still not much. The ice was infused with a part of the soul and divinity of the devil's grandfather. The foundation of the artifact has been completed. Now Sauron has to inject it into a part of the law.

Any artifact has a part of its own power

This is also why artifacts can't be used casually, and even legendary items may have a career demand for camp demand.

Sauron now has two options.

One is to infuse one's own soul power into it, so that this artifact will become his exclusive weapon, and others will not be able to exert its power even if they are holding it. The Warrior family of material planes has such artifacts. It is representative of a ring. Because the name is too long, it will not be mentioned. Its effect is that only the direct passers of this family blood can be used. Of course, if you master the plug-in expertise like a versatile hand, you can use it as well.

The second option is to inject the power of law belonging to Sauron himself, which is the evolution of his priesthood.

This method is more common.

Just like the ring of the vampire **** Reinhardt, the artifact ring can be used in addition to his own, other vampires can also be used. If Sauron chooses to infuse his own priestly power, then this artifact can be used in addition to him, and the priests and believers who believe in Sauron can also use it temporarily, provided that they have already obtained the permission of Sauron.

This effect is similar to that given by Divine Power. Used to deal with some powerful enemies, while Sauron's body is not in the material plane.

Many powerful gods have left such artifacts, but only if the **** has more than one artifact.


Sauron chose the infusion of the power of the law. This takes a little time after returning to the city of Modo, when the completion of the priesthood injection. The power of this weapon will be even stronger.

After all, artifacts can't have only one or two weapon characteristics.

Remarks: If you choose this, Sauron can infuse his divine power into the weapon when necessary, and then let a devout believer temporarily gain some of his own strength to fight.

At last.

It is the name of this weapon. Since it has been upgraded to an artifact, it is natural to consider whether to change the name.

It’s too much trouble to take a name.

Sauron has no good choices for the time being. He can only look at the characteristics of weapons in the future. If he can't think of it, then he will continue to call the ice. Anyway, the name is just a code name.


at the same time.

On the third floor of Bata Hell, in a huge and magnificent palace, suddenly a roar of angry and horrified sounds: "How could my power..."


"He actually took my strength..."

The terrible breath filled the entire palace, but the sound was not transmitted, but it was echoed inside the palace, because the devil could not let others know that his power was weakened. Although he is extremely angry, he has not lost his mind, especially if he has many competitors and potential enemies.

The avatar represents a part of the soul.

If Sauron's demon avatar dies, it is possible to permanently reduce some of the attributes. The death of the same Devil's avatar will also lose some of its attributes and power.

This ratio is about one-twelfth

It took a long time.

The angry devil Dagong finally calmed down, and his snake-like body hovered over the throne and began to think about his next plan.

The lost power will not come back. He is not a stupid demon lord. Since he has lost some power, he must find a way to restore or take away the power of others as a devil. Along with the arrival of the Holocaust, many of the devil's attentions have been transferred to other planes, and the internal combat has temporarily reduced several intensities, so no one will find that he has become weak in a short time.

"the host"

At this time, a fascinating demon appeared outside the palace, they are similar to the succubus, but belong to the devil camp of Barto Hell. There are some bloods of fallen angels. These seemingly beautiful females are all sucking the essence of the witch, the mortal fall into their hands, the final result is miserable. Not only will it be completely drained, but even the soul will not escape the fallen fate.

What is even more terrible is. The mortal who wants to kill is too addicted, and IQ is easily affected.

If the will is not enough, it is easy to become the lowest level of bad demon.

The Devil's Grand Duke Maman is the embodiment of greed and has a large number of servants in his palace. At this moment, he appears to be his maid's servant. I saw this banshee slightly leaning over the towering peaks, and the voice was charming: "Hell The poet wants to visit you."

Remarks: Demon will add a comma every time, so temporarily call it a demon girl.


"Hell poet?"

The devil's great man, Maman, couldn't help but raise his eyes. He didn't care much about this **** poet, because his strength is not in the Barthol's hell, but he can't ignore this person because he is Barto's hell. The supreme ruler, the believer of Hell Lord Asmodiers, to some extent, the position of the **** poet in Barthol Hell is no worse than some low-level devil lords.

Maman stood up to the snake's body. He hated the present body because it was not as powerful as the original Purgatory, but he did not dare to show it all, because this is the punishment of Asmodiers.

After seeing him ponder for a moment, he slowly said: "Let him come in."


The figure of the **** poet appeared outside the palace, and behind him there was a fallen angel with a beautiful face that looked like a devil. There was a hint of ecstasy and ecstasy in the depths of the Devil's Grand Duke Maman, but He was well concealed because He found that the soul of this fallen angel was a little different.

"Lord Maman."

The **** poet leaned down and bowed his head to show respect. Then slowly said: "I have brought you good news, maybe we can try to cooperate."

"Cooperation?" Maman picked up his snake's eyes and smiled in amazement: "Speak and listen?"


Deciduous city.

With the incarnation of the devil's grandfather, Sauron gave it up. The balance of victory has also been completely offset to the side of Sauron.

The next battle has almost no difficulty, but the ghouls hiding in the sewer are a bit troublesome. The servant of the ghoul king has been lurking under the city. It is very troublesome to completely clean them up. It is always known that the undead is always easy to be manufactured and resurrected. The time and cost of thoroughly purifying it is too great.

at dusk.

The deciduous city has completely changed hands. The aristocratic parliament that has been tempted by the devil has suddenly become the target of everyone. Even some nobles with good conduct have become the object of doubt, and they think that they may also trade with the devil. There were some riots in the angry people, their accumulated resentment broke out, and some even tried to attack members of the aristocratic parliament. But soon these people were brutally suppressed by the elite army of Sauron. The remnants of the aristocratic parliament became the object of protection for Sauron.

Because he absolutely does not allow this almost violent behavior.

Blood and fire.

Under the rapid and cruel suppression, a small number of civilians and a small number of soldiers in the riots were quickly slaughtered by the elite army. The calm people began to feel fear and learned what it was called obedience. They understood that Sauron was not the Virgin. The savior, he is a ruler with an iron fist.

Perhaps they used to reject this iron-like dictatorship, but now they are just weak lambs and need strong people to protect their own safety.

Any anger, any resentment, any suffering. Neither should it evolve into a chaotic atrocity.

This is the order of Sauron

Therefore, after thousands of people landed in a row, the deciduous city resumed order and calm at night at an alarming rate. Tomorrow will begin to prepare for the migration of people, and Sauron has compiled a part of the Deciduous City Army. At the same time took over the defense of the entire city.

The druids were silent.

The lurking of the devil's grandfather represents their dereliction of duty, and proves their incompetence. Even such a serious corruption has not been noticed, which makes the Druid's right to speak seriously weakened.

Sauron doesn't want to waste time.

Because his time is too tight, only two months is the New Year. After more than sixty days, Sauron will consider dealing with the first batch of enemies.

The surface barrier is completely ineffective due to the energy storm

A large number of spatial cracks have caused the organisms of other planes to appear at any time because of some accidents. In a simple metaphor, when a demon in the bottomless abyss wanders around, it is possible to encounter a sudden opening of the space crack, and then a blink of an eye appears in the material plane or elemental plane.

Modo City is also within the scope of the attack

In the memory of Sauron ~www.readwn.com ~ the demon army and the high-level devil appeared in the Amazon Islands, although these enemies were defeated by the powerful Amazon female soldiers.

But this also means that overseas islands that are very close to the Amazon Islands will also become disaster points.

Population transfer.

This should be the last time Sauron transferred the population of the Deciduous City. If you are willing to go with him, you will find a way to send it to overseas islands. If you are not willing to leave, you can stay in the Deciduous City or go to the Elven Kingdom.

Holy Holocaust

The Orcs are no longer a threat. The arrival of winter makes them slow down the offensive rhythm, and before the snow melts in the spring, the gods Eugene should have a headache how to deal with the sudden devil.

The terrible turbulent times have arrived.

Soren can finally give them a sentence, "only ask for more happiness."

..................to be continued


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