Abyss Domination

Vol 6 Chapter 123: Floating ring

Modo City. △,

Sauron is busy moving the population in the deciduous city, and Gloria is also conducting important experiments during this time.

The transfer of population from the deciduous city to the city of Modo is a very cumbersome thing. It is even necessary to mobilize the fleet of Shipwreck Bay and Angry Sand Island. So in a short time, Sauron is unlikely to vacate time to further explore the Witch Tower. However, there are already many achievements, and many of them need two legendary witches to understand and master. After all, the alchemy process of the Arcane Empire is very different from the current alchemy process. Even if Gloria has advanced to the legendary field, I still feel that a lot of knowledge is very esoteric.

Laboratory room.

With the appearance of a spell, the fallen witch appeared in the transmission array.

The laboratory has specific space markers to ensure that they can be sent directly back wherever they are in the material plane, thus avoiding many dangers.


The battle in the deciduous city is over, and the next few trivias are enough for Soren to stay there, so the fallen witch was sent back the next day. Just back in the experiment, the fallen witch found a metal ring suspended in the central experimental platform, which was engraved with countless arcane runes. The whole metal ring was made of silver and white, with a strange luster. It does not seem to be a common metal species in the material plane.

The expression of the fallen witch was a little excited, muttering: "Daughter!? Are you successful?"

at this time.

Gloria, who has been recording with a quill pen, has turned around. Her look is a bit tired and somewhat exciting, because she has not rested for three days, even if she is a singer of the legendary witch. After all, she is not a professional in the warrior department. Gloria slowly closed the magic book in her hand, and then took a hand to take the silver-white metal ring in front of her. There was a smile on her face and she slowly said: "It seems to be a success."

“But there is still a need for further testing! Some data needs to be re-recorded!”

Floating ring.

One of the core mysteries of the Arcane Empire!

It is also the key to the wizard tower and even a city rising into the sky. On the first floor of the shadow plane, there is a huge unfinished floating ring. At this moment, Gloria makes another imitation, which is small. Many features may also be weaker. However, if it is successful, it is not impossible as long as the material is sufficient to make a large floating ring.

"let me see!"

The fallen witch walked over quickly. For each wizard, it is always a temptation to raise your tower to the sky.

She looked at the floating ring in front of her.

After a while, the fallen witch slowly said: "It seems that there is no problem. Maybe we should test it."

Gloria nodded lightly.

Later, the two witches cast their sights on the side of a steel golem.

The floating ring is a separate device that acts to float what is on top of it. As the core part of the floating city, its most important point is the ability to float multiple objects.

The weight of a wizard tower is not good, and the weight of a city is hard to estimate!

The weight of the steel golem in front of you is about one ton. This is an experimental assistant type of konjac. It will be heavier than other Golems, and it should be best to use it to test the effect of a floating ring.

The two legendary witches started at the same time.

Soon the floating ring was placed on the Iron Golem, and Gloria and the fallen witch looked at each other and began to inject magic, accompanied by a faint aura, and the steel figurine weighing about a ton was gradually suspended. It’s up.

Rise and fall.

The decline has risen.

For the operation of the floating ring, the two witches quickly became clear, and Gloria stopped the spell control, and took out the magic book and quickly recorded: "The small floating ring can bear about 1-3 tons of weight. If you want to suspend the wizard tower, you need at least a large floating ring, and if you want to build a floating city, you may need to complete a fairly complicated structure."

"The experiment was successful."

“The first part of the statistics on the floating ring is archived.”

The steel magic image slowly landed.

The fallen witch reached for the floating ring placed on it and carefully placed it back on the test bench.

The process of making a floating ring is not very difficult, but this metal is quite rare, not an ordinary metal, but an alchemical alloy developed during the period of the Arcane Empire. If you have enough of this material, maybe they can try to make a medium-sized floating ring for testing. The two cores of the floating city. One is the energy system and the other is the floating ring. Only enough energy can maintain the normal operation of the floating ring. The weight of a floating city is so amazing that the atomic pool of the half-plane can not provide such a huge amount of energy.

Therefore, only the forces generated by [element fission] can supply the normal operation of the floating city.


The fallen witch turned and glanced at Gloria. Whispered: "You should take a break."

The legendary caster's physique is also limited. If you don't rest for a long time, it will cause some harm to the spirit. Although Gloria is not as paranoid as her mother, there is still a bit of fanaticism for academic research.

The spirit is still very exciting.

But Gloria knew that her body was really tired. She gently nodded and put down her research work, ready to wait until she slept before continuing the experiment.


Just as she was about to leave the lab and return to the room to rest, she suddenly relaxed without frowning, but then her expression was a bit strange, as if she was astonished, as if she was nervous, as if she was nervous, she put the white palm in her hand. The abdomen ~www.readwn.com~ Her whole body was stiff in place, and it took a while to relax.

"what happened?"

The fallen witch seems to perceive her strangeness and cares: "Is the body uncomfortable?"

Gloria shook her head gently.

Her teeth biting her lips and talking, but soon revealed a hesitant and hesitant expression, then shook her head: "Nothing. It may be because I was too tired recently."

After that, she turned and left the lab.

Just out of the lab door, she immediately placed her hand on her abdomen. Gloria closed her eyes and felt it. The white palm gently stroked her abdomen and muttered: "Is it true?"


Gloria stood in the same place for a long time before she walked to her room. She needed to determine if it was true.

..................(To be continued.)

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