Abyss Domination

Vol 6 Chapter 134: The disaster is coming!

Divine, divine, and divine.

This is the foundation of the Trinity on the level of the gods. If these three points are not satisfied, then it is impossible to become the true God.

The group quickly returned to the city of Modo.

If possible, Sauron is still very eager to help Vivienne to seal God, so that she is on the same level as the fear of the devil, God's battle against God, even if there is a gap in strength, but there will be no **** to mortal That kind of terrible repression. However, the priesthood suitable for Vivian is a problem that makes Sauron a headache. Even if the priesthood of his body is divested and given to Vivian, I am afraid that the little girl can not absorb the fusion.

The priesthood must be in accordance with its own conditions.

It is as if Sauron is a half-elf and a rogue, so it is easy to integrate these two priesthoods.

Although there is no direct connection between the priesthood, but the degree of fit with him is also very high, so Sauron can easily absorb the transformation.

If Sudden suddenly gave Sauron a priesthood, he would not want to be a whole person.

There are still more general clerics.

However, there are many priests who are only suitable for men and women. If you don't want to become a man and a woman like the elf god, it is best not to confuse the priesthood that is not suitable for you.

Time has passed and one day has passed.

With the arrival of the New Year, the atmosphere of the city of Modo has also become cheerful, and even the solemn and dignified drow have begun to prepare for the New Year. Others are naturally very eager.

During this time, Modo City came to some outsiders.

Many are troubadour poets, some of whom are believers who serve the goddess of joy, and some are hedonists who worship the cat and the goddess of dance.

The festival is when they are very active.

The war on the mainland has made the joy less and less, even if it is almost the New Year, there are many places where you can't feel the joy of a holiday. So in order to complete some of the tasks of the temple, these guys cast their sights on those areas that are more peaceful and prosperous. If you don't even have enough stomachs, then there is still some joy. The beliefs of these two goddesses are based on the condition of 'satisfaction and desire.' Without the material conditions as the basis, the teachings of these two goddesses are simply a joke.

During this time, the watch on the streets of Moto City has evolved a lot, and the emergence of novel programs has greatly enriched the lives of the residents of Modo City.

of course.

The residents of Modo City, who are rich in life, are not embarrassed. For those satisfying performances, they don't mind throwing a few more Gindlers.

Chinese New Year is still a holiday.

The time is not very long, Sauron is only ready to give them a seven-day holiday, the army only three days. The garrison is closed for the New Year. Half a month before the Chinese New Year, these troubadours came over, the performances in the pub did not stop, the streets also had novel magic, or a song full of joyful songs and dances.

Joy may be really good, but enjoy it!

Both goddesses are famous hedonists. Their followers are naturally all the way. The middle and high level of Moto City is still restricted by Sauron. He absolutely does not allow the internal corruption to have hedonistic ideas.

Aristocratic dance?

forget it.

There is no aristocrat in the city of Modo, and naturally no aristocratic masquerade is needed. This is the church of the two goddesses used to infiltrate the ruling class.

The joy of this thing is definitely the pursuit of more talented people.

Therefore, since this time, the ordinary people in Modo City have had a lot of fun, but the top management is still shrouded in a tense atmosphere.

Sauron didn't want to be in a relationship with the two goddesses, but he didn't want to see them infiltrate their power.

In this regard, we must pay attention to it, because there are more beautiful men and women in the believers of the two goddesses. The singer poet also eats by face and charm, and it is not unusual for the beauty to count such things. Soren now remembers an aristocratic masquerade that he had participated in, and even the priests of the goddess of joy had personally ended.

As for what the game is, as long as it is a male must understand.


Sauron thought that time would be such a quiet transition to the New Year.

But he still thinks more.

Just a week before the New Year, a terrible disaster came to the city of Modo.

That day, the wind is beautiful.

It should be regarded as a rare good weather during this time. Many people have come out to bask in the sun to wash their clothes. It seems that there is no difference from usual.

But when it was near noon, suddenly the sky became dark.

Very dark.

Like the black cloud and the pressure of the city, the wind is raging. But there is no rain, just not seeing the sun.

“Is the storm coming?”

Sauron seemed to be inductive, and the figure appeared outside the door, frowning and looking at the sky. As a **** to shelter the city of Modo. He has a special sense of everything here, and some too drastic changes, including the weather, will be noticed by him.

Everything looks nothing different.

But in Sauron, it was thought that only a relatively severe storm was about to come, and suddenly there was a scream of fear in the port area.

The Guard's response is extremely fast.

Almost immediately before the harassment spread, the army of the first team rushed to the port of Modo City, but after seeing everything in front of him, the generals of the garrison could not help but swallow. This man with a high-level professional strength instantly came out with a cold sweat.

In front.

There was a huge whirlpool on the surface of the sea, and then the sea began to frantically rise and was directly lifted into the air by powerful suction.

There is a medium fishing boat not far away.

Only in a short time, the fishing boat was pulled in by the huge suction. During the high-speed rotation, the whole fishing boat became fragmented, and the living people above were blind and disappeared.

Dragon absorbs water!

A terrible huge tornado is taking shape!

It is still a long way from the port of Modo City, but it has already brought terrible disasters. The nearby fishing boats simply can't get out of the air, and they are pulled into the air and broken. Even a warship in the city of Modo could not resist this terrible natural disaster force, but also vacated and smashed under the astonishing tearing force inside the tornado.

Giant tornadoes are getting closer.

The terrible strong wind is almost unstoppable, and the route it takes is just the direction of the city. If you let it pass from the city of Modo, I am afraid that everything will be left with ruins.


Bardolph is a brave warrior.

Although unlike some people in Moto City, they can take off their shirts in the pub and show their rich achievements to other people. However, as a warrior in the sea of ​​angry sands, they have already made great contributions. Bardolph said that it is not an exaggeration to go through a battle. But now the North Man, who dares to rush into more than a dozen times of the enemy's volley, is now a bit weak, because everything that appears in front of him is not the power he can fight.

This is a natural disaster!

He is not afraid of a powerful enemy than himself, and even kills his opponent who is better than himself, but now he is facing everything. It has already made him feel deeply weak.

The terrible tornado is getting closer!

When it passes over the port of Modo, it can destroy everything here in a flash. This is the power of nature. It is not something that mortals can fight.

Maybe only the gods can fight this terrible natural disaster!

God! ......

A thought flashed through the brains of Bardolph, and the next moment he saw the sacred radiance of the central square of the city of Modo.

This radiance goes straight to the sky!

Then there was a huge figure that appeared in the sky. His whole body seems to be composed of golden light, and in a flash, it appears in the port of Modo City.

The situation is so crisis!

Soon, Solon simply couldn’t think about how this terrible tornado appeared. He couldn’t let the huge tornado pass by the city of Modo. Otherwise he could only rebuild it on the ruins.

"The form of the gods!"

On the central square.

The high priest is personally presiding over a very large prayer ceremony. The believers are almost always forced to gather together by the army. A burst of prayer echoes over the city of Modo. The power of faith shrouded in the temple is drawn by Sauron. Then, like a tide, he poured into his temporary body.

A body that is fully energized by divine power!

Although it still does not reach the complete form of the gods, it is already the strongest form of Sauron.

Only in the place where he has his temple, Sauron can temporarily enter such a form. And also need to consume amazing power.

The huge tornado is getting closer and closer.

The wooden structure near the port was easily shredded, and there were not only pieces of debris flying in the sky, but also people who could not escape.

Sauron has no energy to save these people at the moment.

The enemy he needs to face is not something that can be killed by force. In the face of this terrible disaster of nature, he can only fight against the power of the gods.

The power of God is consumed in madness!

Even the power of the temple can't sustain Sauron's spiritual form at the moment. In the face of this terrible super-tall tornado, Sauron can only gather all the power to cast a magical level of spells.

"The miracle! (Legendary magic)"

"Change the reality! (God ability)"

The dazzling golden glow shrouds the heavens and the earth.

All the powers of faith in the city of Modo were drawn by madness. In an instant, the world was discolored, and even the surrounding space seemed to be blocked. The enormous power of the gods and the beliefs of the people gathered. The prayers of the believers echoed between heaven and earth. Sauron is the carrier of this power, transforming all of its divine power and the prayers of the common people into real forces, and transforming the reality in front of the eyes with the spirit of the gods, in the torrent of the surging power. Hard to kill the giant tornado in front of you!

Everything is calm.

If it were not the fragments of the buildings that had fallen in the sky, and the bodies that were already bloody, I am afraid that everyone thought that the terrible disaster that had just emerged was just an illusion.

A burst of cheers sounded.

The rest of the people who were robbed couldn’t help but cry, and thanked themselves for the terrible disaster.


Sauron’s expression was as tired as ever.

He was able to maintain his standing almost with the help of Gloria. This terrible tornado appeared so strangely, as if it was a heart-sensing. Sauron suddenly looked in the direction of the Amazon jungle.


Sauron seems to be a bit of a fuss at the moment, and he said to the next Goliath ~www.readwn.com~ So soon the two people who are connected are vacated.

The height is gradually climbing.

Everything at the foot became more and more small, and Gloria began to have a little unclear expression, but it was quickly shocked.


In their sights, you can also see a huge tornado, but far from the city of Modo, raging far away from the island, tearing everything apart.


Sauron had a sigh and slowly said: "Go ahead. I understand why."

Lord of the storm!

This ancient god, he ultimately failed to resist the energy storm, and it seems that he is now falling into the mortal world.



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