Abyss Domination

Vol 6 Chapter 135: Dead bird

Modo City.

There were several documents placed on the desk in front of Sauron. At this moment, his mood seemed a bit heavy. After picking up a document, he re-closed the archive to his database. The above records are some of the more special information, many of which are related directly to the gods. For example, this piece of information on the left side of Sauron records a place where hundreds of years of grass are not called by the locals as the 'death valley'. Suddenly, the blossoming of the flowers has become a living paradise overnight.

Until now, the Druids have been called the miracle of nature!

no doubt.

This is definitely the arm of the gods.

The second document records a forest near the ice and snow country. It is a relatively large virgin forest. It suddenly died overnight, and it became a place of death. It even plagues everything around it. . This must also be from the arm of the gods. No accident should be the credit of the plague and the poisonous lady.

These events all have one thing in common.

That is when the gods fall to the mortal world, they are accompanied by special events that completely violate the laws of nature. It is not an exaggeration to say that some kind of miracles.

The sudden big tornado is the same kind of event.

The lord of the powerful power of the storm, because the sacred sacred sacred fall, the terrible power that He himself has is out of control. As mentioned earlier, if the gods fall to the mortal world, they cannot retain the power accumulated in the long years, and the power of faith from within the kingdom of God. The fall of the **** to the mortal is a form of saint, and it has its own All the power values ​​are all cleared at once.

The value of the emptied power will not disappear for no reason!

These divine powers produce a variety of terrible effects depending on the nature, power, and priesthood of the gods. For example, the Death Valley suddenly becomes a vibrant paradise, and a huge forest suddenly dies overnight. Or, like the city of Modo in Sauron, there is a huge tornado inexplicably, which brought quite serious losses to the city of Modo.

of course!

Yesterday's disaster is probably more than this. This is why Sauron sits here and meditates.

First of all. We need to calculate the power of the Lord of the Storm.

As the oldest group of primitive gods, the Lord of the Storm has been born since he was born. He is one of the few gods who are qualified to be alive, and is the master of many evil camp gods. Soren’s current godhead value is 30 points. The value of the power that can be accommodated is 600 points, and the value of the gods that needs to be 100 points for the medium divine power is increased, so the value of the power that can be accommodated is about 2000 points.

Powerful divine power is not yet clear.

However, according to the general calculation, it should be 300 points of Godhead value, that is to say, the Lord of the Storm has more than 6000 points of power in the full state.

The gods in their own gods are basically maintained in a state of full power.

An old ancient **** like the Lord of the Storm. The power of believers and faith in the Kingdom of God is absolutely abundant, but there is still a lack of opportunity for quantitative change to cause qualitative change.

In this way, when the Lord of the Storm falls into the mortal world, he has at least 6,000 points of power.

The next step is very important.

More than 6,000 points of power, in the moment when the Lord of the Storm fell to the mortal, all of them were stripped off because of the Holocaust, so such a huge power directly distorted the material plane environment, not only in the city of Modo, it was terrible. The giant tornado, even in other places, has formed a rather terrible disaster.

Because it is an overseas region, the fall of the Lord of the Storm should have little impact on the mainland.

In theory. The most affected area should be the Amazon jungle, and then the overseas islands that are affected by the Amazon jungle.

6000 points of power!

With such a huge force, Soren could not imagine how amazing damage would be caused. The Lord of the Storm is not a **** of good camp. His power is full of aggression, destructiveness and destructiveness. At this time, when He falls to the mortal world, the divine power of distraction has already had a tremendous impact on the power of the entire overseas region. .

He certainly is not willing to do so.

The devotees of the gods can at least leave the divine power inside the kingdom of God without forming a terrible impact on the material plane. Many gods are voluntarily, although they still can't bring down the value of their power, but at least they can leave the power of God inside the Kingdom of God, avoiding the divine power to further influence the material plane.

This sudden disaster may have changed some of the changes in the overseas region!


The dock area has become a mess.

The loss of Modo City is still quite serious. Losing a warship and soldiers of nearly 100 people, all five fishing boats sank, and the dock was destroyed by about one-fifth. It will take some time to repair. The current missing population is at least 1,000. There are already more than 300 people who have determined the death. Mainly because the port flow in Modo City is too dense, the giant tornado from the appearance to the close time is too short, and some people simply disappeared when they could not escape.

The only thing that is good is that there are a lot more believers in the temple.

Even the merchants from other parts of the city of Modo donated a lot of Jindler, and the miracle that Sauron showed obviously had far-reaching influence.

In the face of such terrible natural disasters, a **** who blesses them will naturally make the believers more religious.

The downside is that the power of God is all gone.

Fortunately, the speed of recovery is not slow. The increase in the value of the power every day seems to have increased by about one or two points. It should be because the expansion of believers is related to the piety of faith.

It is estimated that this disaster can bring some devout mad believers to Sauron!



The strange call echoed near the port of Modo City. There were floating bodies on the sea, and the army was salvaging these bodies for burial.


There was a strange bird in their sight.

The appearance is similar to the crow's six points, but the appearance is even more scary. The black lacquered feathers, the sharp cockles, the blood red eyeballs, and the dark blue bird's claws are not very big. What is more shocking is that it is surrounded by a strange black gas around its body, which even makes the space around it somewhat blurred.

"What is this ghost thing!?"

The officer near the port was scared. The strange bird stopped on a mast. The sailor near it seemed to be a little scared, and no one dared to drive it. The officer was brave and close, just wanting to expel this strange bird, and didn't want to be glanced at the scarlet eye of the other side, but his legs were a little soft.


He couldn't help but speak a little vibrato, and hurriedly said: "I will report it immediately, this bird is weird."

It wasn't Sauron that came first.

Gloria had to arrive one step ahead of him. After seeing the weird birds in front of her eyes, her heart couldn’t help but squint, and then looked for memories in her mind. After thinking about something, her expression could not help but be slightly tense.

"Reporting dead birds?!"

Sauron’s figure appeared in the shadows. When he saw the strange bird in front of the crow, his expression was not quite dignified. He muttered: “How can this thing appear here? They are not very rare. Go to the material plane?"

Report the dead bird.

As the name implies, it is a bird with a special perception of death.

They are also the eyes and ears of death!

This strange bird challenge level is not high, the most troublesome ability is only one, most of the time in the spiritual world and the underworld, the other planes are basically difficult to see their traces.

The dead bird has a special connection with the **** of death.

Many mortals mistakenly think that they are crows, but in fact they are a special kind of life created by the **** of death.

The dead birds can see the spirits, ghosts and undead. They like to chase the traces of death. If there are many people who die in the spiritual world, the dead birds will usually appear soon.

Then, the waiters who serve the death will come along!

Death naturally has its own kingdom. There are many souls that serve them. Most of the souls are run through the Styx. Only souls with enough strength can alarm the waiter.

Under normal circumstances!

In places where there are reported dead birds, it is possible to see the waiter who serves the **** of death.

"God inspiration!"

Sauron's line of sight crossed the space, everything in front of him became gray, not only the shadow plane entered his field of vision, but even everything in the spirit world entered his perception.

There is no death.

What he saw was just a distorted monster with a pair of scarlet-eyed eyes shrouded in dark shadows. It looked like a bird, and this is the true face of the dead bird.


The appearance of Sauron seems to have alarmed the dead bird in front of him~www.readwn.com~ After taking a look at Sauron, the dead bird that was unscrupulous at first appeared suddenly showed a very humanized frightened expression, then A roar like a crow flies in the direction of the sea.

Soren scared it.

The dead bird seems to have seen the identity of his god's identity, and then he was scared to escape.

“Is the underworld also affected by the Holocaust?”

All this looks like an episode, but Sauron thinks more than that. The appearance of the dead bird is definitely not good news, because seeing this stuff is said to bring bad luck.


There is a blessing of the goddess of doom in Sauron. Should it have no effect?

.................. (To be continued.)


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