Abyss Domination

Chapter 78: Adhere to attack

The lizard has been completely smashed.

They are now like the human villagers who were initially attacked. The soldiers in the village were massacred by a group of people, and the remaining old and weak women and children all issued a panic and scream. There are also lizards who have inspired the animal nature, regardless of the past, but they have been shot and killed in the middle of the road. These White Horse Guards are well-trained regular troops. Maybe the professional level is not very high. The single-handedness is not the opponent of the same level of adventurers. However, once the growth of the training, the strength begins to increase exponentially.

Blocking skills are conservatively estimated that more than 100 warriors use shields to match the shorts and defensive counterattacks, and advance along the village little by little. The light infantry scattered behind them solves the fish that are missing the net, whether it is old or weak or all the women and children are killed. There is no trace of compassion. Just as the lizard people began to attack, they would not have the same sympathy and compassion for human women and children. The killing between the same kind of people may also let the old and weak children pass, but the war between the races is not soft.

These lizards do not kill children, they will grow up with hatred, those women and children will not kill, they will give birth to more children.

The collision between ethnic groups is a struggle for living space. Human beings are far less powerful than imagined in this world. They still retain the primitive tradition in dealing with foreign creatures, that is, kill them as much as possible and kill them. Dare to be close to the gathering place of human beings, killing them when they attack ordinary people will remember the consequences of the revenge of the ethnic group.

Otherwise, it is difficult for the villages outside the White Horse City to exist for a long time. From time to time, there will be other monsters to fight the autumn wind.

After all, human beings are the most intelligent creatures in the world that can cultivate food!


Soren and Yas detoured the back of the village.

Unexpectedly, the leader of the lizard was not found. Soren suddenly remembered that the druid who had been killed by himself would not be the patriarch of the group of lizards.

This is highly probable because the caster's status is quite high.

If the fallen Druid withered is the patriarch, it is very likely that the group of lizards will not choose a new leader for the time being, because if there is no strong caster to suppress, the lizards will undergo a similar competition in the same race. Then the position of the leader will be inherited by the most powerful and intelligent one.

"Here!" Yass' search skill looks very high, although there is no leader to let them sneak attack, but they have found the leader's house.

Sauron sneaked in and cut a lizard's throat with a machete. They found a box in the room filled with coins of various values, some jade jewelry, etc. Everything is a spoils that the lizard man gets after attacking other creatures. They rarely have these channels to spend these things, so they are often stored, and occasionally some daring businessmen trade with them, if they are not afraid to be swallowed directly with the belt bones.

Yass opened the box and glanced at it. Sauron quietly gestured toward him, Shen Sheng said: "One person half."

Soren nodded and took things out. The two men quickly smashed and put the treasure into their own pocket. The battle was dominated by the White Horse Guards. They didn't all take the light, just the most valuable things in the future, and then put in something that was not worth much. The adventurers are naturally more greedy, they divide the most valuable gems and Kindler equally, and then leave a little silver Deller, plus some messy things.

When the White Horse Guards cleaned the battlefield, they would at most think that the group of lizards were poor.

Anyway, there are other places where you can find some valuable things. There are a lot of good things for both people. Although there are no superb items, you can divide the harvest of each person by three or five hundred Kindlers. It may be because the two were divided together, and the two people smiled similarly after taking the things. Both sides felt that the relationship was close.

They turned back from the other side and pretended to hunt the lizards, but did not join the frontal battlefield.

Sauron cleaned the lizard man and earned the killing experience while observing the way the White Horse Guards fought. Half of them had the defensive warrior's expertise (the defensive attack), which is a relatively advanced defensive counterattack skill. While using the shield block, the medium-sized weapon is used to assassinate the counterattack. If you train out the skills of [high-level defense and attack], you can also use long weapons to counterattack, such as the Hanks captain who wears armor.

Sauron shot and killed the lizard one by one. The ordinary lizard had a low killing experience. The adult was only a hundred points, and the old and weak women were only less than thirty or fifty. However, he did not have the slightest mercy. At first, these lizards killed children and women in front of him. Now how can he feel pity for these monsters? In just a few moments, more than ten died in his hands. The battle ahead is almost over. Some lizard warriors surrendered because of despair, but the White Horse guards no idea of ​​catching captives, but pierces their hearts with short swords.

In places close to the sea, some of the popular arena will need such captive slaves, but there is no such tradition in the White Horse City, and it is more direct to kill the interracial prisoners. White Horse City is a relatively old human city that can be maintained around the race and many important traditions are maintained.

It took less than half an hour to defeat the lizard, but it took a long time to clean up the battlefield.

Although most of the advanced warriors of the lizard were killed, there were still many successful escapes. There were more than two hundred lizard bodies on the ground, and about one-third of the lizards escaped from the village. After such a painful lesson, they can't recover at least in three or five years. Even if there is an attack, it will only be a small-scale sneak attack.

"Captain!" After a white horse guard opened the door with his ankle, he shouted: "There is a barn here!"

Hanks pulled out the **** sword and walked over to look at it: "It should be the human village that was recently attacked. These guys have moved to the wilderness in order to escape the tax, but they have lost their lives here."

"It's stupid!"

Obviously he already thought that the original villagers were slaughtered by lizards and even entered their stomachs.

Because there is still a lot of food in the barn, if it is transferred in advance, it is impossible to leave so much food. It seems that after Sauron left, the villagers were either transferred urgently or killed by lizards. He feels that the first possibility is higher. They should not stay after they are attacked. Maybe they are too hasty to take away everything. If this is the case, the lizards also launched a second attack before they left.

That night the lizard was scared off by the spell, and the real strength still retained most of it.

Look at the bodies on the ground and you know that these lizards have at least one or two hundred soldiers who can fight.

There are scattered killings on all sides.

The White Horse guards the three teams to disperse the battlefield, mainly to avoid being attacked. Their fighting tradition is to leave a person to cover.

The wizard does not know when the stone demon has been collected. The energy used by this alchemy golem is amazing. It is not rarely used as a regular combat power in the wizard tower. If the army is burning or burning money, then the magic image is a jewel. Their rules of operation are equivalent exchange alchemy. Because some advanced magic energy techniques are lost, the magic image is still most of the time. status.

Soldiers find loot from all over the place. According to the army's potential and rules, these spoils are deducted half by private, and then half of the turn-off will be awarded to them after the end. Hanks assigned the spoils to Sauron, Yass, and the Grey Warrior. All three did not refuse, and they naturally accepted it. Then the bits and pieces are distributed, and each soldier has a profitable return. These are the spoils outside their army.

A row of data came to the forefront of Sauron:

"The battle is over."

"Your skills have improved in battle!... You learned some skills from other people's battles!..."

"Gate block +5, parry +1."

"You have a sense of fighting expertise [the defensive attack]!..."


Did you get the hints of combat expertise?

Sauron was quite surprised to see a bit ~www.readwn.com~ dwelling attack] Although it is a relatively basic defense expertise, but should not be so easy to get tips.

Is it because of the reasons for Bo Wen’s strong memory?

Sauron tried to recall it and found that he really remembered the defensive counterattack skills of those fighters.

[Attachment and attack] is a relatively basic specialty that can be trained through conventional means. Its role is to defend against counterattacks. With the help of parry and block, it can be used to offset the opponent's attack in a similar way. Then launch a counterattack at the same time. This feat has a pre-requisite for parry block. If there is no parry block of more than 100 points, the information prompt will not be trained. Because even if you remember the skill of this battle, you can't comprehend it without the corresponding block and parry ability.

Similar expertise is also [Double Weapon Defense], which is more demanding for parry and requires more than 150 parry skills.

"Where there is still time to exercise, I can only wait for opportunities to train in the future." Sauron looked at other people and nodded to Yas not far away, and the two started to go back without incident.

It is estimated that it will be close to the ogre's site tomorrow.

The battle in the plains is the key. Only when these ogres are expelled, the business road in White Horse City can be opened.

A decisive battle.

These adventurers also want to cover the army to fight.


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