Abyss Domination

Chapter 79: Ogre tribe

There is a potential and rules in nature.

That is, if you want to acquire ownership of a certain territory, you must hold it under the attack of other races. Only such other races will recognize your ownership of this land, otherwise they may attack you again at any time. In other words, if the ogre wants to let other races recognize their ownership of the new territory, they must repel the human offensive and stabilize the rule of the land with blood and death. The territorial battle will last for quite a long time.

There are many places of nowhere in the wilderness.

If the wandering of small-scale ethnic groups is basically unregulated, once the migration of large-scale ethnic groups, the original balance will be destroyed.

Humans will not allow large-scale ogres in the vicinity of the road, unless they are afraid of it, take the initiative to avoid this territory, clean up other areas of the monster, and open another road. Most of the roads between cities do not have ethnic groups, because the large ethnic groups that originally occupied the roads have all been cleaned up by generations of human beings. The business road is so **** in the wilderness. Field creatures will remember a lesson, even if it happens, it will avoid the road.

Ogre is a challenge here.

They have to swear to the other races to take ownership of the land. Nothing is more powerful than defeating humans.

After all, it is a wilderness, not a good land. If humans fail once, they will basically not endlessly invest in the battle to expel them. Because there is no interest in fighting them, at most, they build defense towers at the border. If it is the land that has opened up good fields for generations, then the battle will become endless, and the determination of mankind to guard the land is beyond any race.

This has happened many times.

The deciduous city was established by the half-elves expelling the ogres. They fought for hundreds of years in order to guard the land, and they dealt with the attack of the ogre, the orcs, and the mountain dwarves. Until all the races nearby had no way to take them, this forced other races to admit that the half-elf ruled hundreds of kilometers near the deciduous city. Only if you hit another race and don't dare to provoke you again, you can truly own the land before you can claim ownership of it to other races.

Otherwise, they will only ridicule you ruthlessly, attacking your territory when you are weak or inattentive.

Those who live in the wilderness, although they have established villages, can only say that they live in the wilderness, not to be the masters of this land in the wilderness.

It is impossible to draw a land in this world without paving the way with blood.


Sauron saw the flag of the Ogre tribe in the afternoon of the next day.

In fact, it should not be said that it is a battle flag. It is just a thing built with a circle of stones. There is a wooden pole in the middle, with the bones of humanoid creatures inserted.

This is a sign.

It represents the territory of the ogre from here, they have the right to hunt in this territory, and other races enter it, even if they invade their territory. It is as if Sauron saw a huge stone monument sign with the words of White Horse City and the emblem of a horse in front of the White Horse City.

"It looks like an ogre tribe." Yass’s expression was serious.

Only the tribes that make up the tribe will have such enclosures and use some signs to prove their ownership of the land. This is a bit of a war against other races, you either have to repel them, or you must admit their rule over the territory. From now on, this land belongs to them, and if you enter them they have the right to dispose of you. That is to say, in their understanding, the human caravans passing through the territory are all food delivered to the door.

Because this is their place.

The dragons are the same before they build their nests. They will leave their own smell in the territory, and other creatures will not dare to come close.

"Cut it off!"

A person who is obviously an officer of the White Horse City snorted. Although White Horse City did not have the strength to expand into a dangerous wilderness, it could not accept the ogre as a king. If it doesn't matter in other places, it is equal to touching the scales in the vicinity of White Horse City. Exploring the wilderness is not powerful, but also has cultivated land and soldiers who can protect civilians. Otherwise, the unexploded expansion of the territory is that you repel a wave of enemies, and then the population is reduced for various reasons.

It took Baima City hundreds of years to expand from the tens of kilometers of territory to the current hundreds of kilometers.

Even so, there are still monster attacks on the edge of White Horse City. Forests, mountains, lakes, etc. within the territory of the territory still have biological activities such as gnolls, and from time to time will attack the established villages. As long as it is a place where you can't open a farmland, the creatures in the wilderness can always breed. You kill a new birth, and the expulsion of this group will cause other things to migrate. It takes at least 20 years for humans to train a qualified warrior. Ordinary civilians do not have any advantage over monsters.


The heavy flagpole fell to the ground, and the army of White Horse City continued to move forward.

Since the ogre tribe is encircled here, it will inevitably establish a large-scale gathering place for the tribe.

In other words, it is the fortress.

The ogre tribes are different from the ogres in the group. They are at least hundreds of them. Don't look like a small number, but they are all top-notch fighters. And the ogre tribes have their own inheritance, they know how to forge weapons, make leather, domesticated beasts, and large-scale capture of slaves. The ogre will capture a large number of kobolds and goblins as their slaves, while mining, forging, serving, and serving as reserves.

A 500-person ogres tribe must occupy at least 50 kilometers of land to ensure adequate food.

Because their staple food is meat.

The scouts of the adventurers and the army are all sprinkled out, and large-scale ethnic groups will not wander around, they will certainly establish a gathering place.

It is best to solve them before they are completed, otherwise White Horse City will face a siege war!

The expressions of all the adventurers were much more serious. The original two teams expanded to five people. Sauron worked with three other adventurers to form a five-person team to explore in the plains. Ogres are very dangerous creatures. Their skin is extremely tough, equivalent to ordinary leather armor, and has thick fat on the body. Strong shots can't hurt the internal organs. Dealing with the ogre can't be hard-hitting, it's best to have someone fight together, first consume their physical strength and then find a chance to kill it.

The deeper the interior, the more traces of the ogre activity.

When Sauron and others saw the traces of the ogre, everything in front of them had made them stiff.

It is a camp built on the mountainside. It has been completed most of the time. At the foot of the mountain, you can see the tall ogres cutting down the logs. The amazing ogre warriors are carrying hundreds of pounds of logs up the mountain. Then they were nailed to the ground with the cooperation of other ogres. This group of ogres is completely in the open cracked stone. A group of kobold slaves cleaned the stones under the whip. In the distance, they also saw traces of the furnace. The Kobolds were forging weapons for them.

Ogres don't need exquisite equipment, they only need a large amount of iron weapons, and they will soon become a threat of terror!


Yass took a look at the monocular and looked ugly: "Look at the ogre warrior who is alert there."

Sauron looked at it at first glance, and his expression was not good, because he saw the ogre warrior wearing armor all over his body, holding a mace in one or two hundred pounds, heavy armor on his shoulders and chest, not The refining armor of human beings looks more like something directly cast by some three-way blacksmiths after smelting with iron ore. A shoulder has a weight of twenty or thirty pounds, which ordinary people can't afford at all, but this is the point. The weight is easy for the ogre.

"This is definitely the hand of a double-headed ogre wizard!"

Sauron put down the monocular ~www.readwn.com~ Shen Sheng: "Ordinary ogres don't have such high intelligence. They don't eat those captives. It's good. Only the ogres who become advanced as wizards know. How to rule and domesticate."

The cottage has been completed for most of the time.

The construction of the ogre as a labor force is very fast. Although the whole cottage looks a bit rudimentary, it is constructed of a thick round log, but it is very strong and strong, full of primitive and rough atmosphere. There is a wooden pole on the wall with the goblin, the kobold, the lizard and the corpse of the gnoll. Sauron almost saw most of the wisdom creatures in the wilderness. They were captured as slaves in the village. They worked hard under the cruel rule. When they were a little slower, the ogre smiled and waved the whip, often it was the skin. Half a life, then was thrown into a huge cage by other ogres.

It contains the food of the reserve.

Near the edge, there is a huge animal cage, which seems to be closed.

The number of ogre is many!

There are only four or five hundred that are seen in front of us. It is conservatively estimated that there are nearly 800 ogres here. This is a large group of ogres. It may have been passed down for hundreds of years, otherwise there will be no So much quantity. The ogre is an extremely exclusive race. If it is not the ogre born in the group, the ogres in other wildernesses may become their food.

Some different tribe ogres are feuding, and often encounter each other to kill!


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