Abyss Domination

Vol 7 Chapter 53: Godsend!

Modo City.

This is a relatively busy and fulfilling day. Apart from the smell of salty fish floating in the sky above the city, there is nothing too much to be a headache.

Everyone has eaten very much during this time!

The price of fresh fish in the pub has fallen to one-third of the original price. Basically, every household in Modo City has stocked some fresh fish, and the rest is urgently made into salted fish. The game of fish pine, Sauron can still be made, but a **** should not focus on this, so the way Modo City responds to too much fishing is to make salted fish. This is the easiest way, and there is no need to worry about salt at all in the sea area.

The low-level wizard apprentices in Modo City have already begun to study alchemy. For alchemy, purifying salt is only the most basic thing.

However, the current difficulty in purifying is still relatively high, and there is no problem in producing small-scale salt in small scale.

On a large scale, it is still a bit of bitter sea salt.

The high-level core of Moto City has no energy and time to put on such a small matter, and perhaps consider the application of high-end alchemy to people's livelihood in the future.

This period of time should be the best time for the slaves and hard labor days of the city.

Every day you can get enough to eat, not only have you eat fish, but you can also find a variety of raw seafood from the cauldron.

People don't like to eat this thing during this period, and many of them are used as junk food for slaves.

The days are gone day by day.

Counting on the fingers, the second wave of the abyss demon from Sauron’s secret account is getting closer and closer, and on this day, there is a big deal in the city of Modo.

The time is at noon.

Suddenly, the sky emerged with a strange light, and then the light flew across the sky like a meteor, directly falling to a row of buildings on the left side of the city.


In the middle of the half-elves in the central part of the city of Modo, the figure of the chief priest emerged out of thin air. She looked up at the sky with a puzzled look and muttered, "God divine!"

The faint golden light is not very noticeable during the day.

The light fell directly into a tall building. Then all the light disappeared, as if everything was just an illusion.

Transmit spells.

The priest of the snow-white robes was instantly transferred to the position where the divine light came to the ground. Then she glanced at the founding group in front of him and muttered: "Saruman?!"

The location of the divine glow is the second largest laboratory in Moduo.

This is the restricted area for ordinary people. Because there are many dangerous plants planted here, the divine light falls on the laboratory of Saruman, and the strength of the priest can clearly see the pale golden glory inside through the magical light.

The glory of divinity!

At the same time, the central government of Modo City also raised a light, and then the figure of Gloria appeared next to the chief priest.

"what happened?"

Gloria’s expression seems a bit confused. The defensive array of Modo City has always been hosted by her, so the energy fluctuations just can't escape her eyes.

The expression of the chief priest was quite dignified, and slowly said: "Saruman seems to have gained a chance!"

Gloria heard a word and immediately felt the changes in the lab.


Alchemy Lab.

Saruman’s expression at this moment is sluggish, and everything that has just happened is completely a change in the blink of an eye.

Even, even he himself has not figured out what the situation is. He only feels that a golden glory has fallen into the body, and then the whole person’s thoughts have undergone amazing changes, just like the brain has suddenly opened up. Many things that I couldn’t understand now can be clearly understood. And inexplicably he actually had a spell.

Godsend spell!

This is not a high-spirited spell, but it was not invented by Saruman, but a spell given to him by the power of heaven or law.


Saruman looked at his hands with amazement, and then his eyes fell on the test bench in front of him, which is a result he recently researched.

A simpler and more efficient fertilizer.

Because of the purification of alchemy, it seems to have a hint of pale gold. These small particles are the crystallization of Saruman's third experiment, and the yield and effect are much higher than the original simple processed fertilizer.

of course.

These alchemy fertilizers are not for crop services. As an aspiring wizard, how can Saruman be willing to be a farmer? He purified the fertilizer completely to further cultivate the mutant plants.

Simply put, this is a fertilizer with a hint of magic to improve your combat effectiveness.


Unexpected things happened, and when this alchemy was completed, he was directly fed back a spell by the world. At the same time, it is also faintly discovered that there is a little more divine power.


Although Saruman's strength has improved rapidly after research, the divine thing is still eager and unreachable.

There is a look of hope in my heart.

Saruman slowly pushed the lab away. The priests and Gloria appeared in front of him. Even though they had just received a god-given spell and got a trace of divinity, Saruman still knew that he needed to keep it at the moment. humble. So he leaned over to the two legendary women in front of him: "Lord Gloria! Your Priest!!"

"Is the situation just alarming you?"

The priest saw more than Gloria, and she smiled slightly: "Congratulations! It seems that you have gone farther than us."

Saruman kept his humility, but there was a smile on his face.

He is very clear that even if he has gained a trace of divinity, it is still a trivial figure for Lord Sauron, the supreme ruler of Modo City.

He has just got a new starting point and is still far away from the road ahead.

"Let's see what ability you have gained?"

The chief priest smiled and turned his gaze to Golia, who was a little confused next to her, indicating that she would understand what was going on.

Saruman nodded. "Yes."

"I just realized something, maybe two of you can give me some advice."

Some pale gold particles appear in Saruman's palm.

This is exactly what he has just fully researched, a more efficient fertilizer for cultivating demonized plants, and a recipe for his new spell.


The new spell is actually based on this achievement as the core material.

- "Fertilizer!"

A faint spell of aura emerges, and with the magical aura of Saruman's body, the pale gold particles dissipate with the wind, and then turn into a little bit of light and fall into the mud.

There are no changes.

At least it seems that nothing has changed. However, none of the people present were ordinary people. The expression of the chief priest was suddenly dignified, and he smiled and said: "Congratulations!"

This is her second time to say congratulations.

The ground does not seem to change much, but it does change. The land has become more fertile.

A godsend spell that is not offensive.

The effect of the spell is to use the experimental results that Saruman has just completed as a material, and to display the effect of 'fertile', which makes the barren land more fertile.

It doesn't look very good.

However, the meaning of this representative is very deep.

Because this is a field of the gods, Saruman's research has begun to feed back to the material plane, and the agricultural temple took away the first batch of fertilizer he studied. And has begun to promote in many places.

The field and priesthood of the goddess of agriculture includes [abundance]!

The core of Saruman's acquisition of God-given spells is a vague [fertile], which is an ability in the field of abundance, but more biased towards unnatural areas, a result of artificial efforts.

This is the law and the feedback of the mortal.

It seems that the first batch of fertilizer produced by Saruman has begun to give him some information that belongs to the realm of the gods.

As the high priest who took the throne of the Temple of God, the priests saw more things. Saruman won not only a magical deity, but a ladder that might lead him to become a god.

[Fat] field!

This seems to be an emerging field. If Saruman can further influence the reality and gain a little faith for himself, then he is likely to master the [fertile] priesthood.

A priesthood that all farming races can be affected!

Maybe not strong enough.

But for a mortal. Already a great opportunity!


[Remarks: Saruman gets a godsend and gets a godsend ‘fertile’. 】


The material plane has its own rules.

It is like a druid that is active in the first line of the death desert all the year round. They may be advanced by natural feedback to become a "grassman", and thus master the field of [plant].

What happened to Saruman today is a feedback from the material plane!

A bit of seemingly inconspicuous feedback.

However, it is the ladder of Saruman's path to the gods. This is the orthodox road of the aboriginal people of the material plane. After obtaining this god-given character, Saruman has the potential to become a semi-god.

Through a little influence on the entire material plane, he can gradually accumulate the original divinity and then slowly transform into a demigod.

This process may take hundreds of years without the help of other gods. Then, after becoming a semi-god, Saruman needed to form a small church of his own, or to serve and follow his own organization, to slowly cultivate the power of God. Then, after spending hundreds of years, I stepped into the realm of [pseudo-god].

At this time, if he publicly declares that he is a god, then he will be attacked by other churches as a "pseudo-god".

But if he continues to develop slowly, it will take hundreds of years to accumulate his own strength and belief. When his existence has been known and accepted by more and more things and gods, Saruman whose own strength reaches the critical point It is possible to seal the gods and master the fields of fertility and priesthood. Eventually become a **** of [weak power]. Of course, the premise of everything is that he can live, his own divinity and field will not be plundered by other gods, nor will he die in the hands of powerful legendary adventurers.

The time spent during this period can be as long as hundreds of years.

In the long history of material planes, there are also some things that become divine creatures with this opportunity, and then slowly enter the realm of the gods.

Some of the gods of the Pantheon's faint divine power appear in this way.

However, the gods of these faint divine powers are very weak. After becoming true gods, they often need to serve and follow some powerful gods so that they can guarantee their own safety and will not be killed by other gods who are blaspheming their strength and priesthood. .

If there is no catastrophe of the saints, Saruman may be absorbed into the sacred priests who have the affluence of the sacred priesthood, as their servants or gods, as if they were the goddess of faint divine power sheltered by the goddess of agriculture. One of them is the spiritual incarnation of nature, a faint **** that was promoted by a divine water essence hundreds of years ago.


It is now a period of sacred sacredness, a period of great danger but also full of opportunities.

If Saruman can get help from other gods, his time of accumulating divinity and priesthood will be greatly reduced. The accumulation of centuries is nothing but a little powerful for some powerful gods. People like him who have divine seeds are far more likely to become gods than other mortals, and the cost of promoting him is much smaller.

Saruman got a very high starting point.

But the foundation of this starting point is not stable. He must first master the power of the [fertile] field, and then it is possible to further touch the field of the gods.

As a wizard, Saruman is still a little weak.

Although he has been able to improve his strength in this period of time, the level of the wizard's professional level is only about 17 degrees, and there is still a long way to go from the realm of the legendary realm.

Without touching the threshold of the legendary field, it is difficult for him to become a true divine creature.

Even if there is an opportunity today~www.readwn.com~ he also needs to make great efforts to enter the legendary realm, and then it is possible to peep into the threshold of the demigod.

no doubt.

Saruman is very fortunate, because the agricultural shrine is responsible for promoting the fertilizer he produces. The fact that a church operates is a bit special, and it is naturally different for mortals who are affected by fertilizer. If these things are handed over to a chamber of commerce to operate, then the mortal who gets the fertilizer will not produce some changes in beliefs that are biased towards the realm of the gods. Saruman is also completely impossible to obtain today’s divine nature, let alone so. Easily peep into the realm of the gods.


He is indeed on a new level. As a potential mortal who may be able to seal God, Moto City will certainly give him more attention and resources in the future.


(ps: Two in one chapter. Fan has been updated.) (To be continued.)



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