Abyss Domination

Vol 6 Chapter 54: Persuade success! (End of Volume 6)

Time has passed for three days.

It has been a long time since the incarnation of the king of the Ghostwolves - Jenogu, and although Sauron rescued the master of the boxing master who signed the contract with the devil avatar, but did not spend much time with her, it was spent. After a day of conversation with the young Juggernaut about the experience of the big whirlwind, Sauron was ready to deal with other things and then hurry to return to Modo City. The years of 枷 【冰】 naturally need to be taken away, he can not give this artifact to the monastery.

As for the arrangements there, Sauron naturally has a corresponding method, which is to bury a line in the East.

Mastering some of the Juggernaut's skills is not enough for Sauron to get the information of the big whirlwind again, but he has already touched the threshold faintly, and it may take a long time to understand.

The reason why Sauron was eager to go back was because of the opportunity of Saruman.

Gloria passed the magic message to Sauron in the first time, and Soren realized that it was an opportunity immediately after she learned the news.

A chance to cultivate God.

The power of Saruman should be related to the field of [fertile], the ability of this field can be matched with most of the gods, and Sauron owns the genius of [semi-elf].

In other words, the ability to farm can be planned within the scope of Sauron's ministry.

If Saruman has the potential to cultivate, Sauron intends to turn him into his own god, that is, at the appropriate time, Sauron gives him the godhead and divinity to promote him and promote him to become the new **** of [fat divine power]. . In this way, Saruman's power comes from Sauron, and Soren can even recover these forces when he pays some price. This kind of control is not very serious, but the other side is a win-win situation. After obtaining a new god, Sauron is no longer a loner, it is equivalent to establishing a framework of the gods.

A god.

Maybe it’s still very far away for Sauron, but it’s definitely not something that can’t be imagined at all.

Soren’s current divine value is 90 points, and the value of the godhead is given to Vivienne, which is currently only 36 points. The divine value distance [medium deity] is very close. Although there are still many distances in the value of the gods, there is no chance to accumulate after the full outbreak of the Holocaust.

In this way, it is possible for Sauron to enter the range of [Middle Divine Power] during the Holocaust.

Medium power.

This is almost the standard for a small god.

To know that the goddess of the sea is still [medium power], it has begun to cultivate its own **** and from God. One or two reliable helpers of the "weak power" are also very important for the struggle between the gods.

Vivian is definitely going to seal the gods.

At present, the little girl is fully absorbing the power of God of Solon. The aborigines still can't compete with him. Even if Vivienne's talent is far beyond the level of the Son of God, but want to integrate the power of God to spend the rest of the time hundreds of years. Shortened to a few months. The talent of the little girl is indeed a bit reluctant. At present, Wei Wei'an's integration progress is not fast. She is now between [Half God] and [Pseudo-God]. To truly seal God, she must also jump out of the framework of the talent of fear God.

God is far more difficult to absorb than divinity.

In the past, when I absorbed the divine Vivian, I needed to be forced to go to sleep. Although the power is much stronger now, it is difficult to complete the fusion of this year.

One year is a **** of the gods!

If you switch to someone else's body, it is definitely a speed to scare people, but it is still too slow to put on Sauron.

Short time.

Sauron can only rely on his own strength to deal with the accident.

Seeds must be planted in advance to harvest rich fruits. Saruman's potential is valued by Sauron. Maybe it is not the ability of the battle field, but his potential is very useful in the long run. Although there are quite a lot of land in overseas islands. But after all, there is no way to compare with the mainland, and the land is not as fertile as the mainland. With the help of Saruman's power, it may change a lot of the status quo.

The world is changing.

If Saruman has the potential to cultivate, Sauron does not give a little divine grant to promote him.


Since it is intended to rush back to the overseas islands, the travel of the Eastern Kingdom should be temporarily suspended.

However, Sauron still has an important task, that is, to find a way to turn the legendary sorcerer girl back, the second wave of impact from the abyss demon is only less than half a month.

Sauron decided to adopt a simpler and more rude approach.

That is the bright identity!

He is ready to send an invitation to the legendary girl as a true god, ask her to travel to the city of Modo, and then decide whether to further cooperate with Sauron.

If you go to Modo City and are not willing to cooperate, you can only consider whether you need to take coercive measures in the end.


The most important thing is to turn her back first.

Very lucky.

When Sauron returned to the beginning town again. This legendary niece girl has returned to here.

This time, Sauron did not hide his power, but came directly to her in the form of a saint, and told her the difference in strength and status in the most intuitive way.

"Game... sir?!..."

When two people meet again. Legendary Master - Alice finally understood the gap between the two. Although she guessed the identity of Sauron, she even went to see the Oriental Emperor Ji some time ago, but when Sauron’s true face identity appeared in front of her, Alice Silk's face still has the color of surprise that can't be covered.

Lying in the trough!

This is true God!

If it is not the eruption of the Holy Holocaust, mortals may not be able to see the incarnation of the gods forever.

"What do I suggest for your consideration?"

Sauron ignored the surprised expression of the girl. Instead, I will open the door and see the mountain: "The knowledge you have in your hands is very important to me. And there is a lot of knowledge in Modo City that will be useful to you. We found a wizard tower in the shadow plane, that is During the Arcane Empire, the relatively intact Wizard Tower was preserved."

"We also found a strange half-plane in the lock of the wizard tower."


“I also found an underground relic in a tour, and brought out the [Elemental Furnace] that can function normally. I believe that as a teacher who has studied the knowledge of the Arcane Empire, you should know what I mean. ”

"I am an invitation to be sincere."

"If you feel that you have no help after arriving in Modo City, I can guarantee that you can leave at any time."

"In the name of the gods!"

In order to turn this girl to the city of Modo, Sauron is now in the blood, and even the name of the gods is used to guarantee.

He is the **** of the orderly camp.

Although it is biased towards the evil realm, this kind of thing promises that if it is not done, it will lead to the deviation of its own spiritual camp.

God can not deny it!

The best result now is that the legendary sergeant in front of him is very satisfied after arriving at Modo City, otherwise it is forced to leave her in Modo City. Sauron may fall into a dilemma.


He still has a little confidence in this, and I know that the black technology in the reserve of Modo City is really quite a lot.


Wizard Tower.

Battle chess plane.

Element furnace.

Sauron does not believe that there will be no girl in these things that can attract the girl. In her hands, she holds the black technology of the Arcane Empire, and she is sure to know the power represented by this knowledge. Similarly, she will certainly be interested in other black technologies during the Arcane Empire. The magic power armor power in the wizarding tower is much stronger than the girl doll she made. These girl dolls have a maximum occupational level of about 16 or so, but the magic power armor is 21 or higher, and there is also a magical combat type Taling who is up to 25 or above.

After listening to Sauron, Alice was obviously caught in meditation.

Sauron did not deceive her.

At least the spell that detects the lie tells her that Sauron has just said that it is all true. So after learning that there are so many good things in Modo City, her thoughts are quite heart-warming.

However, leaving the familiar place to rush to more distant overseas areas.

This is not that easy.

It is difficult for her to make a decision in a short time, and the attitude of the Oriental Emperor Ji is not easy to say, but it seems that looking at Sauron is very urgent.

The girl was a little bit uncertain about her time.

So, she turned her gaze to the girl doll maid, Lilith, who was listening carefully, and whispered, "Lilith, what do you think?"


Such an important thing she actually asked for a girl doll she made.

The maid's expression was very serious, and the strange silver-white metal was very soft and tough, which allowed her to express a very anthropomorphic expression. I saw the maidservant leaning slightly and seriously: "If this lord can guarantee the safety of the owner, maybe we can go to the place called Modo City."

"Lilith also wants to see other high-profile life."

"Including the legendary Taling."


This is the alchemy life that high-level legendary wizards can make. They are very powerful and intelligent high-level creatures. There are very few Talings that can be seen in the southern part of the mainland, and the place of the East is full of chaotic magical energy. Although the alchemy dolls made by Yanshi girls are very delicate and powerful, the production process is still a lot worse than Taling. At the very least, Taling is a legendary alchemy creature, and his ability is much stronger than these girls.

Alice couldn’t help but feel contemplative.

After a few moments, she turned her eyes to Sauron, but instead of looking at Sauron, she watched another girl doll sleeping on his shoulder. Seriously said: "Cris!"

"Don't sleep late."

"How do you think of Sauron’s proposal?"

The divine doll named Chris slowly opened her eyes. She lifted her silvery white hand and rubbed her eyes very humanly. It seemed that she was still awake, and then she said: "Old stay A place is quite boring."

"Maybe it’s good to go out and see."

"Alice. I remember you last said that you want to travel to the astral. Even the material plane you have not been to the place, why not first travel to the material plane, and then consider going to the astral adventure?"


The girl named Alice was asked for advice on her own doll, and the girl dolls gave her a reply.

At this moment, Sauron is really a bit curious about how she made these girls dolls.

"okay then."

After listening to the two girl dolls, Alice took a deep breath and immediately said: "Lord Solon! I am willing to go with you to the overseas islands."

"I hope it won't disappoint me."

The voice just fell.

Lisz, the maid who stood on the desk next to her, was moving. With a serious expression: "Jasmine! Tilse! Reina!..."

"Get ready to pack things up."

"And you! Chris! Don't be lazy! If you decide to travel, then you can pack yourself!..."

The other girl dolls immediately moved.

They seem to be a bit lively at the moment, not only sorting out all kinds of things, but also with a swaying voice: "Are we going to travel?"

“Can you see the sea?”

"Jasmine!...you should tidy up our stuff!...here here, please pack it!...

A group of doll girls are busy with joy.

And Krys, who had been lazy on the shoulders of Sauron, had climbed up. She flew seriously to the cabinet on the right side of the wall, and then opened a small drawer, and then took it from inside. A set of clothes and shoes came out. All of them are very pocket-sized clothes, only two or three fingers, but they are so beautiful and beautiful, and they don’t know which top tailoring craftsmanship.

There are three sets of Chris's clothes, all of which are in the style of a maid, but the colors are slightly different.

The doll girl carefully folded these pockets and put them into a box that was only half-slapped by Sauron. Then she led the box with one hand and flew back to the table, cheerfully: " All right!"

"My stuff is packed."

The other side.

The doll girl named Lilith also flew over. She put a few small boxes on the table with a little difficulty, and then made a personified expression of sweating.

Although she is a life of alchemy, she will not sweat at all.

This is the result of their study of the outside world, they imitate human words and demeanor ~ www.readwn.com ~ and gradually formed a unique personality characteristics. It is said that the alchemy life that has been with humans for a long time is more likely to produce emotional characteristics, and it does not seem to be cold like ice.

Sauron looked stunned.

In the busyness of a group of doll girls, the salute was quickly packed up. Alice put a thick book under her arm, then pulled out a heavy suitcase with one hand, and first put a lot of books of her own. Put it in, and then carefully put the small box with the doll girls in the side.

Immediately, she looked up and smiled at Sauron: "Okay."

"We're ready."

"Go ahead now."


(ps: This volume is finished. Start writing a new volume tomorrow.) (To be continued.)



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