Abyss Domination

Vol 7 Chapter 6: Demon Gene Tree!

Columba Arena.

Because of the rise of the demon avatar, Sauron also has a foothold in the bottomless abyss.

The interior of the arena is already the core area completely controlled by the devil avatar. As for the towns built outside, the devils are managed. The most important thing in the bottomless abyss is power. As long as the power of the demon avatar can suppress those demons, there is no problem with power or wealth. Recently, the Columba Arena is preparing for a large-scale death competition. The athletes participating in the competition pass the operation of Yugossre, including not only demons, devils, demons, etc., but also elders from the elemental plane, and the outer layer. The humanoid of the plane.

This time, the competition even attracted a small number of passengers from the first floor of the bottomless abyss and Shura.

Watching the death of the game is one of the few forms of entertainment in the bottomless abyss. It is undoubtedly quite dangerous to participate in the killing in person, and the Gulumba Arena provides the battle of higher-order creatures.

This is a commendable way of entertainment even for legendary demons!

More important point.

The winners of the arena often get fame and status, and Soron’s secret way of working is to entice high-ranking powers to join the death game through fame and status.

Often the winners of every competition can quickly gain fame through the Columba Arena.

Even the audience who came to watch could pass the fame to the circle of demons, the circle of the devil, the other abyss, and even some circles of Barto Hell.


Even the demon leaders who are not in the vicinity will come. For the winners of the arena, they don't mind tempting their sire with better conditions.



As long as they win at the Columba Arena, they can immediately get rich rewards, and their fame can be easily spread out, so that both the name and the interest are satisfied. It is precisely because of this that the Gulba Arena has recently attracted other demon mercenary groups. They hope to use the arena to start their own names, and many devils have made their own titles.

Ripper, wrath, blood hand...

Such a title is not to say that playing, to a large extent represents the corresponding status.

Even recently, there is a newly emerging demon lord personally ending. He is a demon lord who is weaker than Sauron. The site is still far from Sauron. In order to attract enough demons to work, this legendary demon lord lord personally participated in the death competition, and recruited a group of demons and demon mercenaries. Sauron is working on the rules here. The most important point at present is [order], he needs to ensure that the order here will not be disturbed by any outsiders.

And this is the tradition of the Columba Arena, which is often very important!


There is a small blood pool in the depths of the Columba Arena.

The blood pool is an important reserve resource for the demon lord, because after they have acquired a good soul, they cannot always use their own power to transform the soul. At this time, it is very important to use the blood pool.

This blood pool is small.

It is only about five meters long and wide, far less than the huge blood pool guarded by the worm's mother. The original goblin demon lord used it to transform the soul and enrich his army.

at this time.

The demon avatar got up from the magma and came to the side of the blood pool.

Recently, the demon avatar is preparing to break through the realm of Baloyan. For a long time, the demon avatar needs to stay inside the volcano next to the arena. With the power of lava to fuse the power of the demon lord, the final advance becomes [ Barlow inflammation]. The demon lord can form a regional virtual deity, as if the legendary wizard is in control of the virtual deity at home in his own half-plane. What the devil avatar is doing now is like the legendary wizard's assimilation of the semi-planet law. Slowly assimilate the laws and powers of the territory under their control.

"let's start."

Soren slowly throws the soul in his hand. In the moment of contact with the blood pool, a mysterious force full of unknowns begins to function. The soul is gradually distorted, and then assimilated and absorbed by the blood pool, transformed into a group of flesh and blood. Look like it.

The abyss worm is forming.

This soul is not very good, and it does not reach the level of direct advanced middle and high demons.

The abyss worm is the basic form of all the lower-level fascia, and can even be said to be the original form of the mutated gene containing all demons, devils, and demons. The abyss worm can be used as a currency in the lower plane, and whether it is a demon, a devil, or a demon can be hatched by the abyss worm to become its own kind. The future growth of the abyss worm is to activate the mutated tree and then mutate into the basic form of the demon, the devil or the demon. Each of their own morphological advances is equal to starting from scratch. For example, if a level 10 slayer is evolved into a violent demon, the level may be reduced to about level 7.

But the strength is definitely stronger, because the basic form is different.

The reduced part of the soul energy is used to reshape, and the extra power can increase the level of the violent demon. This is common to most demons, demons and demons.

This is an incredible life form!

And the foundation of everything is because of the powerful plasticity of the soul!

"Skip the abyss worm form."

Sauron waved his hand and began to export his own killing experience~www.readwn.com~ directly with the help of divine help the soul of this believer break through the form of the abyss worm.

In the blood pool.

A group of flesh and blood began to distort and change, and it was already about to become an abyssal worm, but soon the outline of a small humanoid creature appeared.

Demon form.

The starting point of all demons, the demon has advanced to become the gene tree of all demons. The blood pool of the bottomless abyss directly opens the demon's basic tree, and other genetic trees are needed to open other gene trees.

"Skip the sorcerer form."

The form of the low-level demons is not at all considered by Soren, which is the creative mode that determines his future composition of the Kingdom of God. If you start from such a low starting point, what is the difference between turning directly to the bottomless abyss? It is too easy to turn into a demon in the quality of the soul of this believer. There is no problem with luck becoming a violent demon.

Divine power continues to output.

Sauron’s cost-killing experience has exceeded 100,000 points.

However, after passing through the demon form, the demon gene tree has been opened, and Sauron's sight can see more mysteries, including potential demonic changes.

Unfortunately, it is a bit ambiguous, but Sauron is not without a solution.

"Expend killing experience!"

"Turn on the data simulation operation!... Record the demonic morphological data!... Make the demonic tree mutation model!..."

The ability to operate at the level of the gods is activated.

After the crazy data flow, Sauron's brain works like a supercomputer, temporarily cutting off the connection with the temple and the believers, and launching the data transformation that simulates the mutation of the demon gene tree based on the template of the god.

.................. (To be continued.)

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