Abyss Domination

Vol 7 Chapter 7: Prayer!

The gods are often like a super computer. ◎,

Because they need to maintain the spiritual connection of tens of thousands of believers, although this uses the [faith network] inside the magic net, but the foundation of the **** itself is still very large. And this also needs to take into account the advancement of believers, the gift of magic, the feedback of faith, etc. Every past prayer of the pastor is a connection with the network of gods. Through the sublimation of spirit and faith, the pastor can accept the gift from the gods. More power to master more advanced theology.

The sorcerer learns the spell by himself, and the priest masters the magical technique that is entirely given by the gods.

No need to learn.

As long as the standard of the gods is reached, several gods can be mastered overnight. As for their study, it is only a more flexible use and understanding of these the gods, rather than a deep analysis of the structure of these gods as a wizard.

Sauron is a super computer.

Most of his computing power is used to maintain a connection with the belief network, which relies on the mysterious data flow in the brain, or else he is enough to deal with the prayers of believers enough to numb the spirit. It is also because of this that many gods will find opportunities to be lazy in a long time, because they are really tired of personally handling the prayers of believers every day. Sauron's ability is similar to a super-smart network. The unimportant prayers of the believers are completely handed over to the data to deal with, and other important things will alarm him.

For example, the death of a mad believer.

The form of the gods can gain insight into the power of the law. When Sauron activates the form of the gods, it can basically be understood as temporarily separating the operational ability from the belief network and using it in other more important places.

no way.

Sometimes maintaining a belief network is really a parcel, but no **** can completely abandon it.

"The form of the gods!"

In the form of the saints, it is impossible to complete such a difficult task of creating life. When Sauron activated the data simulation, he immediately spent the divine power into the template of the gods.

His vision of insight into the plane and space in a flash, also cracked the gene tree mutation in the demon body.

"Deep diving demons [activated]!"

"Quasser magic variation [activatable]!"

"Succubus variation [rejection]!"

"Frenzy Demon Variation [Activate]!"

"Floor variation [activable]!"

"Strong sorcerer variability [can be activated]!"

"Fighting Demon Variation [Activate]!"

"The fire is mutating [the lack of potential]!"

"The temptation of mutating [activated]!"

"Soul of the soul" [activateable]!"

"Six-armed snake magic variation [activable]!"

"Assassination Demon Variation [Activate]!"

Along with the mad data flow, a gene tree based on the sacred form is also formed in Sauron's line of sight. The most basic structure of the entire gene tree is the scorpion form. Every step forward requires more power. This power can come from other demons, but also from the killing experience given by Sauron. The normal demon advancement is promoted by the superior demonics, or the sudden accumulation of strength in the killing itself.

The limits of Soren's opening of the gene tree are [Assassination] and [Six-armed Snake].

The legendary "Ballo" is not in the scope of the gene tree, it should be beyond the power of the Soren spirit template. It is necessary to increase the level of divine power to be able to open.

The soul has characteristics.

Some souls fit very well with certain demonic forms, and some souls reject certain demonic forms.

The believers in front of the soul have a high degree of fit. In addition to the sacred form of the succubus, other demonic forms seem to be possible. This is a soul seed with a potential, and Soren can be directly promoted to a high-order demon.

But this is not what Soren wants.

What he needs to create is not a demon. It is the prayer of the future kingdom of God, the prayer based on the demon gene tree.

Sauron will not go to the upper plane.

Therefore, the gene tree of the angel form is not within his consideration, and there is currently no way to obtain the gene tree of the angel form, the beast form, and the tree form formed by the upper-level sub-control.

The characteristics of soul reincarnation must match the law of planes.

"Prayers must be humanoids."

Sauron first found the first element. First, the composition of the inhabitants of his gods should not be beasts, trees, monsters, structures, or other life forms.

The **** of hunting is a beast of wisdom, so many believers in his own kingdom will turn into beasts.

[The wilderness of the wild] This plane is the most beast.

Since it is a humanoid creature, the form of some demons can be ruled out, and Sauron's gaze finally falls on the shape of the "burning magic" that lacks potential.

This is a good power seed.

"Try to activate the fire burning form!"

The demon avatar came to the side of the blood pool, cut his palm with sharp nails, and injected a drop of blood essence belonging to the enchantment into the flesh and blood.

The form begins to change!

Sauron’s killing experience is consumed at an alarming rate. The flesh and blood in front of me also quickly turned into a humanoid appearance, and the burning flame appeared around the body~www.readwn.com~ What I need is not the fire. ”

"The fire is just the root form!... It must blend the characteristics of the prayers!..."

A golden glory glow appeared in Sauron's pupil, and with the consumption of divine power, his whole person also floated up and instantly activated his own power of God.

"Change the shape!"

The flesh and blood in front of the eyes gradually change, and the bones, veins, and skin are transformed by the power of the gods. This feeling is like creating people out of thin air. Sauron used the demon incarnation as the standard to transform the reincarnation in front of him.

A solid skeleton frame.

The height is about two or two meters, the face of the humanoid, with a small part of the characteristics of the devil. Demonized dark red skin with a demon-like devil tattoo...

There is a strong mutation in the demon gene.

What Sauron is doing now is to use divine power to guide it to change as much as he wants, but some things are still due to the demon genes, even if he is forced to twist is just a bad thing.

At last.

After spending a lot of killing experience and divine power. A height of two meters, the skin is dark red, the contour of the face is a bit like an elf, the head has a devil's horn, the back spine has a little sarcoma, and it looks like a body similar to the devil's avatar.

The sarcoma is the unfinished demon wing.

The foot is part of Sauron’s failure to lead. The appearance is similar to the hoof of cattle and sheep, and the other parts are very similar to the demon avatar.


The first form of the evangelist created by Solon was shaped by the power of the law of the bottomless abyss.

It is now seen whether the soul of the believer can be integrated into it.

.................. (To be continued.)

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