Abyss Domination

: emegency notice! ! ! ! ! ! !

Just a book friend told Futu a very angry thing.

Someone actually pretended to be a bubbling on the public number! ! ! The public number of Futu is [zhushengfutu001].

And the impostor is.

This is a very disgusting act! This despicable and shameless guy may deceive readers to give him a reward or red envelope! ! !

Please pay attention! ! !

Buddhism never took the initiative to ask for red envelopes and rewards. The public micro-signal was only used to make up for the income of the manuscript through other channels.

Many readers' rewards and red envelopes, Buddhism have refused.

After all, I can barely support myself by relying on the manuscript fee.

note! ! !

This is a liar! It’s a shameless shame! ! !

I hope that everyone will advertise it and don't be fooled! ! ! !

I forced it! ! !

How can a person be so shameless! ! ! I will immediately notify the person who helped me manage the public number! ! !

I hope everyone will not be fooled! ! !

Readers who have a dragon sky can also make an announcement to prevent other authors from encountering similar scammers. (To be continued.)

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