Abyss Domination

Vol 7 Chapter 8: Faith and death!

The new form of the prayers is solid. ●⌒,.

Sauron in front of him is temporarily mired in contemplation, and he has to consider a lot of things as a god.

Death is the inevitable destination of mortals.

The road after death is nothing more than three kinds. The first is the complete demise of the soul. This is the most miserable result. The second is to fall into the Styx, and after re-injection into the depths of the source sea, it is like a pile of waste paper stamping and smashing into a new piece of white paper. The third is the reincarnation of the soul. Whether it is the upper plane or the lower plane, reincarnation is the best result after death, because it represents a new possibility, although it may be the beginning of suffering for the weak.

In fact, there is another kind of absolute unbelievers. This kind of person is actually quite few. There are few people who have no faith at all. Pan-faith is universally existed in the multiverse. In the past few hundred years, there have been no unbelievers who have been smeared on the wall. In order to avoid such a fate, even those who hate the gods will read a few words orally, and if they read a few sentences, they will not be unbelievers. . The rules of the multiverse are tolerant to these people, and most of them are re-stamped into new souls by the Styx into the sea of ​​origin.

It is best to reincarnate to enter the kingdom of the gods.

If it is reincarnation into the plane, it is equivalent to the wild monster of the sheep, there is no shelter at all, and life and death are entirely by luck. The upper plane is better, and the lower plane is completely tragedy. Many beliefs are not strong enough, but those whose own camps are relatively clear will automatically reincarnate to other planes, reincarnate the evil ones to Barto Hell or the bottomless abyss, reincarnate for the good to Heaven Mountain or Paradise, and other camps tend to be special. It is possible to reach the gray wilderness and the wilderness and so on.

These beliefs that are not strong enough are equal to the reincarnation of the wild, and the reincarnation is the wandering wild monster, which retains a little memory according to the purity of the soul.

Most reborn souls will retain a trace of memory, but the proportion is quite small.

Only when the legendary strongman reincarnates can remember a little past life, and the creatures of the Holy Spirit can remember most of the things.

The soul is still the soul.

Only changed the life form, there is a phenomenon of partial amnesia.


It is the most important spiritual believer reincarnation.

This is the best destination, even a believer in the evil spirits. It can also have a higher starting point than other creatures after reincarnation, and more importantly, they are equal to the lambs that the gods graze, and the gods are obliged to protect these reincarnations. They are not arbitrarily killed and have a higher starting point. You can live a long life, and you may be able to achieve a higher status in God's country.

The kingdom of the upper plane is undoubtedly very beautiful.

However, there are very few people who can enter it. Most mortals want to go to Heaven Mountain, but they are less than one in ten!

Sauron needs to decide the structure of the future kingdom of God.

Because his church has not begun to describe its own kingdom to the believers, telling the believers what is inside the kingdom of God. This is a very important part of the church.

Even the gods of the evil camp will try to make the country of God more attractive to believers.

Is the spider **** cruel?

Although her **** has terrible spidering spirits and wax melting demons in her country, there are also normal drow spirits in her gods. They occupy the dominant position of God and live more than mortal. A superior life, enjoy the enslavement of many gods and creatures. Many terrible monsters are distorted by the punishment of the spider god. A loyal and loyal master of the drow will enter the Kingdom of God if he dies. He may be directly given the status of a previous life and continue to serve the spider **** for a long time.

This is the structure of God's country.

This is what Soren wants to consider, and the form of the main creatures in God is the most important part of the structure of the Kingdom of God.

In other words.

Sauron needs to consider what type of race in the Kingdom of God will be the core. Whether the undead is good, the devil is good, the angel is good, the tree is good, and God must form an orderly pyramid structure.

What he has to do now is to divide the pyramid.

The potential of the prayers to grow is far more than the other creatures, and has a higher starting point to make the foundation of the Kingdom of God more stable.


"Remove the form of the gods."

As Sauron regained his power, the divine light shrouded in his body gradually disappeared. The cost of using the power of God is very high. It is best not to use it.

The reincarnation in front of the eye has been formed.

It has the blood of the devil, but it is combined with the power of Sauron.

This is a basic sample. In the future, if Sauron constructs the life structure of God, it is necessary to use this as a foundation.

"Data simulation starts!"

“Start calculating the potential data of the reincarnation!”

The same is human, the attributes of each person will be different, and the potential of the reincarnation needs a rough estimate. Sauron must figure out the potential of this form.

A row of data came to the forefront:

"Species: Prayer (Devils Transform Life)"

"Level: Biology level 7."

"Attributes: Strength 15-21, Agility 18-25, Constitution 15-20, Intelligence 10-18, Perception 12-18, Charisma 5-18."

"Genius ability: devil skin, flame resistance, alien life."

"Special ability: flame (sacrificial)."

"Data simulation is complete."


With the simulation of the level of the gods, the potential of the reincarnation is also counted.

At the root of the alien life, most of the prayers have a much higher starting point than the mortal, but the growth potential is a bit more than before. If the soul is not pure enough, it is not strong enough. The initial ability of many of the peacemakers is the strongest form in the future. This is the higher the starting point, the better. Therefore, the angel's turning form of the upper plane is very strong.

"The power fluctuates between 15 and 21."

"This should be the strengthening of the devil's blood, far more powerful than the mortal."

"Agile can reach a maximum of 25 points and a minimum of 18 points. Although it can achieve more than 20 points than the angel form, the combat power should not be weak. The angel's reincarnation is too high for the soul."

"Physique is OK."

"Intelligent potential is more general."

"Perception is not bad."

"The charm is a bit lower, but it doesn't matter."

The data simulates the highest and lowest fluctuations, and the attributes are pretty good, but this is the starting point for their natural creature level 7.

In other words, at the moment of completing the reincarnation, they have a natural creature level of 7.

This is the reincarnation that Sauron completed by himself. If you expand it to the Kingdom of God in the future, the natural creature level may be reduced to about 5, and some attribute fluctuations may be reduced by 1-2 points.

"So what you said."

"Afterwards, a large part of God's domestic prayers can get an initial attribute of about 20 points on agile."

There are upper and lower bounds on the attributes of the prayers.

For example, the range of human attributes is the most average of all races. All human initial property range fluctuations are between 3-20.

The lower limit is very low, but the upper limit is also high.

The advantage of the prayers is that the lower limit is very high, there will be no guys who have the power of the hands and the IQ, but the upper limit of some attributes is not more than human.

The highest attribute of the sprite is agility, and the range of fluctuations is 8-25. The highest attribute of the dwarf is the constitution, with a range of 10-25.

The more the volatility of such racial traits, the lower the probability.

A little golden glory emerged.

Under the power of Sauron, the soul began to gradually synchronize with the reincarnation that had just been completed in the same way as the demons transformed in the wilderness. The expression appeared quite awkward, and it seems that the self-consciousness has not fully integrated.

Many souls reincarnate in the bottomless abyss and wander unconsciously for a while.

However, as the life created by Sauron, the reincarnation in front of him recovered a trace of memory in a short time, and squatted down Sauron on one knee: "My Lord!"

He forgot a lot of things.

Even his own name doesn't even remember, but as a believer in Sauron. He still remembers that Sauron is the **** he served.

I still remember some of the hard-fought battle experiences of past lives.

"Get up."

Sauron looks at the reincarnation in front of him. He is a special individual with the characteristics of a prayer, but he has not been assimilated by the kingdom of God, so he will not be trapped in the country as a latecomer and cannot easily leave.

"Let me see your talents." Sauron said slowly.

This reincarnation is used as the blood of the demon avatar. It can be said that it inherits the power of a flaming demon. It is hard to say to what extent.

"Yes. My Lord!"

The reincarnation was absolutely obedient to Sauron's command. He pondered for a moment and seemed to be familiar with his body. Then the demonic tattoo on his body showed a glimmer of fire, and then he was surrounded by a fire.

"The body of the flames?"


"His energy is diminishing! This is not the flame of the flame that can be permanently opened!"

“More like a temporary activation.”

Sauron did not stop him. The reincarnation has been maintaining the flame of burning on his body. This process lasted for about five minutes, and then the fire on the reincarnation disappeared.

His expression was quite tired, as if he had consumed a lot of energy.

"Sure enough, it is the ability to temporarily activate."

"Although it is far less effective than the magical effect. But as an individual is already very powerful!"

The ability to reincarnate is similar to the aura of sacrifice, at the expense of your own mana, forming a wrap around the body. The fire and the evil spirits are permanent passive abilities, and they can always be enveloped in the fire if needed.

“The initial ability looks like this.”

"If you are a reincarnation of other prayers in the future, what ability and talent can be obtained depends on the characteristics of their respective souls."

Soren made only the body template.

The strength of the soul can bring some other abilities. It is also possible to give special expertise, which varies from person to person.

This is true of the souls of the gods, demons and demons who like the strong.

"Which weapon do you want to use?"

Although the process of reincarnation was completed, but the test did not end, Sauron threw out a variety of weapons, and then turned to the immediate reincarnation: "Try which one is better!"

Weapon mastery.

There are two conditions for determining this. One is the weapon that he used to use in his previous life, and the other is the special tendency of the god.

It’s as if the priest of Sauron was born with the [Machete] master.

The current memory of the reincarnation is still relatively blank. He does not understand what Sauron is going to do, but he will faithfully execute the order. He went to the front of these weapons, picked them up and waved them, and finally chose a heavy-duty machete.

"Sure enough!"

"The weapon of the form of the Prayers is influenced by the weapons that the gods love."

The reincarnation is not very flexible with other weapons, but it is very easy to pick up the scimitar. It seems that he feels that a machete is not enough. He also picks up the second one, and the left and right hands can be easily used.


“Do you still have the potential to master a double weapon battle?”

The genie is born with two weapons battles, one is a whip weapon, and the other is a dagger sword weapon. The reincarnation in front seems to inherit the potential of a double weapon battle, which means that he will be easier to master than other people. Fighting] expertise.

"follow me."

"You need an opponent to test your combat ability."

Sauron needed complete detailed data analysis and statistic statistics. He came directly to the outside of the Columba Arena with the reincarnation, and then the demon avatar brought an opponent to the reincarnation.

A creature level 6 tyrant!

The tyrannist who weighed more than 1800 pounds occupied an obvious strength advantage. After receiving the command of the demon avatar, ~www.readwn.com~ immediately rushed toward the reincarnation in front of him.


The ground shook a little, and at the moment of the fight, the reincarnation was somewhat embarrassed to avoid the enemy's attack.

He is still not adapted to the battle.

However, his agility is very high, reaching more than 20 points, which means he is quite flexible.

"carry on!"

Sauron’s expression is cold, and he is not worried about his death. He has enough self-confidence in his life form. If he can’t beat a violent demon, it can only mean that the reincarnation is a failure.



In the face of the madness of the violent attack, the reincarnation began to retreat, but after dozens of fights, he gradually launched a counterattack, and even succeeded in stabbing the neck of the tyrannical.

The fighting instinct of past life is waking up.

Some uncomplicated combat skills, he seems to be born with the same.

The situation gradually reversed.

The reincarnation quickly discovered its advantage and began to use the extraordinary agility to fight with the opponent. The violent injury became more and more serious. When its attack showed a flaw, the reincarnation screamed and smashed the scimitar into the enemy. heart.

The battle is over.

The reincarnation looked very embarrassed, and the body was covered with dirt, but he was not injured at all.

"Looks like success."

"His potential is bigger than I thought. Maybe God's domestic form can use him as a blueprint."

Thinking of this, Sauron could not help but watch the reincarnation in front of him.


This is the core form of God’s domestic army.


(ps: two in one.) (to be continued.)

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