Abyss Domination

Vol 7 Chapter 27: negotiation.

The half-orc is finished.

As early as the attack on the Akihabara Plain, the Orcs paid a lot of casualties, especially in the battle against the deciduous city. Soren was not only incarnate but also summoned the ancient brass dragon with the Dragon Covenant. This time, the half-orc lost more soldiers. The ancient brass dragon used the dragon's interest to plow the ground on the battlefield several times. Only on the spot, there were thousands of people who died, and then went back and forth to count casualties. A beast in the siege of the city lost nearly 6,000 adult soldiers.

Although this casualty is not small, it can still be within the tolerance of a race.

The half-orc population is hundreds of thousands, and the half-elves of the deciduous city are probably between 200,000 and 250,000. The size of the half-orcs is slightly larger, and it is estimated that it can reach 300,000 to {3w. These people deduct the old and weak women and children, the ratio of being able to take up arms and fighting is about 3:1, which means that if the half-orcs are mobilized, they can get enough troops of 100,000.

100,000 people.

It sounds like a lot, but in fact it is already the whole of the half-orc race. The backward productivity of this era, and the civilized form between farming and nomadic, have caused the half-orcs to lose too much if they become adult warriors. There is no way to maintain the most basic production farming. The backward civilization has greatly restricted the expansion of the population. The half-orc attacking the Akihabara Plain itself has the meaning of breaking the boat. A certain percentage of casualties are still within the scope of Eugene.


All this was just the beginning. After the siege, Eugene once again led the army to encounter Sauron.

The casualties paid this time are even more alarming. The strength of the army of Modo City and the half-orc plain field is not much different. However, the fire of the city of Modo is baptized, and the loss of the half-orcs is very amazing.

After the two battles combined, Eugene lost tens of thousands of people in the hands of Sauron, and the original loss has been close to 20,000 or 30,000.

This is equal to about one-twelfth of the total population of the half-orcs!


These are all adult half-orc warriors. If it weren't for these two losses, it would be too big for Eugene to take care of the other side of the Agate River. Give the deciduous city such a long breathing time.

Although these losses have made the half-orcs feel hurt, but they have not hurt the roots.

According to Eugene's original plan, it was planned to occupy this land and develop agriculture. It is impossible to hunt for half-orcs as many as millions of people like humans and elves. Therefore, Eugene is ready to quietly recuperate and use the fertile land of the Akihabara Plain to develop agriculture. As long as there is enough food supply, the race size of the Orcs will multiply. For Eugene, as long as the population of a half-orc is more than ten million, the tribal army will be stronger than any other kingdom.


The Holocaust of the Holy Spirit has arrived.

The devil's attack directly destroyed all of Eugene's hopes, and a fierce battle directly caused the half-orc clan to lose everything.

The adult warrior of the Orc clan has only one third of the past.

Up to five or sixty thousand casualties. It almost means that every family in the entire race has people killed and killed. Only three or four thousand soldiers are left to take down the deciduous city. I am afraid that even the current land cannot be kept. Moreover, the half-orcs themselves are not good at farming in the end, this time the attack is the accumulation of the past two decades, the war has long been a serious consumption of materials. Now Eugene ordered the farmland that was opened in the Akihabara Plain to be almost completely destroyed by the war, which means that they have now been forced into desperation, without the army and without food.

Eugene's face is getting older.

After the return to the clan, the first order it issued was migration. There is no way to hold it here. The first attack of a demon may occur for the second time.

It must preserve the fire of the race. Otherwise the half-orc is really likely to die in this world.

Now the clan can only huddle and linger, and silently lick the wounds to accumulate strength. As long as they can survive this crisis, the half-orcs have the hope of rising.

The winter of the clan has arrived.

Less than three or four thousand adult orcs need to support more than 200,000 people. Although there are many adult female orcs, they can also be hunted and cultivated, but the clan will probably be a huge burden in the future. Their most elite powers have been exhausted, and the half-orcs who have only the old and the weak inside the race can become ogres, gnolls, and lizards at any time. It is even the goal of half-evil revenge.

Now in any war, it is possible to drag the half-orcs into the abyss!

The Orc retreated.

They have taken huge casualties to occupy the land, and now they have left the dead bodies and returned from the agate river to the edge of the autumn leaves.

The Orcs gave up at least two-thirds of the land.

They have migrated to the very edge. But it did not return to the original ridiculous highlands, because Eugene could not give up the fertile farmland that was first developed.

Only these farmlands can guarantee that half-orcs will not be starved to death in the next few years!


The horizon is blood red.

In the days after the end of a war, the distant horizon seems to be blood red. The second wave of the Holocaust is almost over, some cities have been completely destroyed, and some places are still safe. Eugene received news from all parties, and it made him feel very depressed. Because the Orcs built the stockade in the wild, this wave of demons attacked the abyss of the abyss who did not want to attack the city. Most of them attacked the Orcs. And the deciduous city is only attacked by the demons of the small shares.

Nearly ten cities and hundreds of towns have been destroyed. This disaster has been affected not only by humans, but also by other races such as elves, dwarves, orcs, halflings, lizards, and gnolls. influences.

The southern side of the Elven Forest turns into a sea of ​​fire.

The Black Iron Fort was turned into a ruin by a leader of the Baloyan.

The orc's Frostblade clan was almost completely annihilated.

The only thing that lost the entire impact was the halflings, whose main **** fell to the mortal world in advance and repelled the demon army in the form of the Holy One.

Today, the main **** of the halfling should be the first **** to stand in the bright spot.

She has already appeared.

Moreover, the goddess of this powerful power is in Shire.


The glory of the evening is falling.

Eugene walked tiredly between the open fields. After a few days, the clan's pain was healing, no matter what happened. People who are alive always work hard for tomorrow.

Eugene was very tired during this time.

Although most of the clan still supports it, but because of this loss, some half-orcs have begun to oppose it, thinking that it will lead to the clan fall into the present situation.

If you don't attack the half-elves, then this will not happen today.


These people were originally actively advocated to attack the deciduous city in one breath, completely destroying the main war faction that the half-elf occupied the plain, but now they all attributed all responsibility to Eugene.

There is no explanation for Eugene, and it does not require any explanation.

Although it is full of embarrassment to the clan, most of the half-orcs still respect it and regard it as the leader of the half-orc clan.

Everything has happened.

The most important thing for Eugene is how to let the clan survive this time. Rather than trying to shirk responsibility.

Night falls.

The figure of Eugene Cang stood up from the field. He patted the palm of his hand and shook the palm of his hand, and then walked toward his tent. It is hard for outsiders to imagine that a chieftain of a race would actually cultivate in person, but in fact, the development of nomads to farming by the half-orcs in the past few decades is entirely promoted by Eugene alone.


In order to learn the farming skills of human beings, he once personally learned from an experienced old farmer of human beings as a legendary professional.

The farming of the entire clan is taught by hand.

Eugene teaches them how to irrigate, how to arrange ditches, how to sow harvests, how to finely cultivate them, if not for those who see them all. It is absolutely impossible to imagine a peerless powerhouse who can face the ancient dragons in a positive way. It is possible to teach their own people how to cultivate in the field like an old farmer.

Eugene is not the same as all the half-orcs.

It has been very convinced that it has traveled the entire continent, that is, only farming can make the half-orcs get rid of the current predicament, and only farming can make the half-orcs grow like humans.

The attacking half-elves is only for these lands. Choosing half-elves is just because they are the weakest.

The sky is getting darker and darker.

Eugene only sleeps for three hours a day, so there is still plenty of time left for it.

It has to go out and patrol.

However, just as Eugene was just about to step out of the tent, it suddenly seemed to be aware of something. The figure disappeared in the same place in an instant, and the next moment appeared in the hundreds of meters away, and the whole person rose like an eagle. It reached for the spear on the back and approached a distant mountain.

It perceives a familiar atmosphere.

That is the power of the gods!

The other party seems to have no hidden meaning at all, just like trying to bring it out.


The figure of Eugene burly landed, and it was a sly figure in its sight, completely enveloped in the shadows. Although the two sides once handed over the hand near the deciduous city, but until today, Eugene really saw the other side's appearance.

A young, a bit too much half-elves.

In contrast, it is already entering a late years, and even life is about to reach the end.

"What are you coming here for?"

Eugene clenched the spears with caution, and it was full of jealousy about the strength of the people in front of him, and he did not believe that He would have no purpose in coming here.

The gods are not so boring.

In the face of Eugene's alert look, the half-elves in front of me seemed to smile and slowly said: "Cooperation."

Eugene heard a frown.

There is a trace of suspicion on its face, because it feels that it is impossible to cooperate with the people in front of it. The half-orcs and half-elves are already **** and vengeful. The other is the true **** of sheltering half-elves, and Eugene is the pillar of the half-orcs. It is very good that the two sides did not immediately fight, and there is no possibility of cooperation.

"Long story short."

Sauron looked at Eugene, who was full of alertness, and said slowly: "I know your current predicament. The situation of the Orcs is now a dead end."


"Modo City can provide you with a batch of food and materials. You can also slash the deciduous city without attacking you and give you a valuable breathing time."

"This batch of supplies should be enough for you to support for a while! I believe that it is no problem to use your ability to keep the clan safely through this crisis."

"And I need only one thing you need to do!"

"That is to kill me for one."

"Or ~www.readwn.com~ should be said to be a true god."

Eugene was silent, and he only sighed for a long time: "Who!?"

There was a cold smile on the corner of Sauron, and slowly said: "Yin-Shadow---Lord!..."

Eugene heard a sardonic smile on his face.

But before he even opened it, Sauron went on and said: "After the incident, I will be the owner of the [Secret of the Half Elf] and put all the land north of the Agate River into your possession!"

Eugene heard the words moving instantly! ! !


(ps: WeChat pays attention to the public number of Futu, giving more support.) (To be continued.)



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