Abyss Domination

Vol 7 Chapter 28: Untimely!

How strong is Eugene?

This is a very worthwhile question.

First of all, Eugene is a genius who has been rare in the Orcs for hundreds of years. This is beyond doubt. In other words, Eugene is the hero template, and the basic attributes of all aspects are the other half-orcs. It is a rare wise man in the Orcs, and there is no obvious shortcoming between strength and wisdom.

Then, Eugene once traveled the entire continent.

The amount of expertise that this journey has attached to it is not yet calculated, but there is no doubt that this tour makes Eugene more dangerous and powerful than other peers.

Then, Eugene's professional level is around 26-30.

If it is promoted in the battle with the Abyssal Demon, then the average level of the occupation level is 28. According to the leader template challenge level +5 law, Eugene as the chief of the half-orc, the challenge level can be regarded as a legendary creature of nearly 33 levels. In other words, Eugene's challenge level may be a little higher than the ancient red dragon!

The facts also prove this.

Eugene did not have any fear in the face of the ancient brass dragon, and even the ancient brass dragon dared to come down to the ground, Eugene dare to face it just like it!

At last.

It is not the first time that Sauron and Eugene have played against each other.

Although Sauron has always dominated, in fact, Sauron has not been with Eugene's hard steel from beginning to end. All the battles are long-stroke wins by fighting, and occasional positive confrontation is necessary. It is only possible to kill the body. If you don't change the form of the killer, Sauron is afraid that it is very difficult to get a Eugene strike on the front, because Eugene is a war shaman class, the melee ability is even more terrifying than the ordinary legendary fighters, and can also mobilize the half-orcs. The power of the ancestral spirit.

Therefore, Eugene's real strength can be regarded as a war shaman with a professional level of 33 or above. The challenge level is as high as 27 or more. It is more dangerous than most of the demigods, and is similar to the power of many weak gods.

The facts also prove this.

Eugene was not afraid of his face when facing Sauron at this time. Just maintaining a look of alertness, it can make it look like a facial expression, only the second demon lord and the ancient brass dragon that came to the deciduous city.

Sauron is now the true God.

And it is also the true **** of [weak and other **** power], for ordinary legendary professionals. Sauron is completely roller compact.

Eugene stood in front of him without fear, and it was impossible to stand without enough strength.

This is why Soren found it.

- [God to the gods] - Eugene!

The half-orc looking at the old age should be the top indigenous professional in the material plane, and the combat power is probably even more powerful than the orc's big chief (challenge level 24). This guy is relying on his own strength in history. If the whole material plane is inside, there are several legendary pros who have the ability to help Sauron kill the shadow master [medium power]. Then Eugene is no doubt one of them.

And this guy is still the top of the material plane can resist the milk of the meat shield!

If it is not that Eugene's strength is really strong, Sauron is also useful to get it, I am afraid that Sauron will not contact it at this time. After all, the half-elf and the half-orc are now in a relationship of vengeance. The continuous war between the two sides is already a **** sea. Soren is a sheltered **** of the half-elf. At this time, contact with Eugene is definitely not good news for the half-elf believers. As for the service of Eugene or the control of the half-orc tribe, and even the cooperation on the open side, Sauron almost never thought about it. Because if he did, those who had settled in the city of Modo. What do the half-elves believers who have been killed by half-orcs and killed their loved ones?

Do you let go of a happy life of hatred?

That is too naive.

The cooperation with Eugene can only be secretly, and Sauron’s promises and promises can only be secretly traded.

Otherwise, Sauron will hurt the feelings of the half-elf believers.

As a high-spirited god, Sauron sometimes has to stand on the believer's point of view to think about it. It is not long before the war between the half-elves and the half-orcs is just over. The hatred is not likely to fade so quickly. May get along with each other. Even Sauron can only use dark operations to balance all of this, as long as these things don't go to the table without any problems. As for the [Lord of Shadows], at that time, Sauron had taken over the [shadow] and [wanderer] priesthood, and when the [semi-elf] priesthood might be divested from the main priesthood to the secondary priesthood.

Soon's things that need to be taken care of at that time will naturally be much less.

[Half-Elves] The priesthood is impossible to be the main priest of Sauron. In the future, his main priesthood will still focus on [shadow], [killing] and [death].

Only with [Shadow] as the main priest, Sauron can quickly ascend to the level of [Middle Power].


No one knows what Sauron and Eugene talked about next, because at the beginning of the conversation Sauron used the power to block all the space around him.

About two days later.

Eugene suddenly ordered the blockade of a forest near the cottage that the half-orcs were tying, and then many adult orcs were waiting outside. After about half an hour, a weak spell of light appeared on the ground, followed by a temporary opening portal. Then, from the portal, a statue of a stone statue and a clay golem came out. These golems are carrying heavy boxes in their hands, so that hundreds of statues appear alternately, and they are transported for nearly half an hour. A hill-like material has been piled up next to the portal.

Then, the stone magic image continued to return to the portal, and the black lacquered portal was gradually closed.

At this time, Eugene ordered the half-orcs outside to come in.

When I first came to the forest, the half-orcs who were deployed were unable to open their eyes with surprise, because they saw a bag of food in front of them, all of which were high-quality fine grains. This kind of food is very poor in the north. It is difficult to produce, that is, the southern part of the climate soil environment can be produced. These foods are better than the deciduous city because they are from the South Coast region where humans are also very conducive to farming.

In addition, there are many boxes with meat.

All of them are filled with salted fish, and all the fish are marinated. Even if they are stored for a long time, don't worry about it.

For the half-orc clan who is already close to the mountain, the material in front of him is simply a straw for life.

The devil's fire burned the stockade and naturally destroyed many granaries.

Eugene reached out and peeled one of the grain bags. Picking up a full wheat with your fingers and chewing it in the mouth, then nodded like a human old farmer, Shen Sheng said: "Go all back."

"People are careful to guard, these foods don't move first. All are good seeds, and the tribe still uses the former rye as a staple food."

Eugene used to live a hard time, and the first thing he thought of after seeing these foods was actually a seed.

It is ridiculous to say.

As one of the most powerful professionals in the material plane, Eugene did not have a wife or a son in his life, nor did he enjoy the life that emperors and chiefs should have. Its daily consumption and consumption is even better than ordinary businessmen in humans. Most of the time it is no different from ordinary half-orcs.

When it was just taken over as a half-orc chief, the entire half-orc clan was the most difficult period.

There was an ogre as an enemy, and after the frost giants looked at them, the half-orc clan was trapped in the wilderness of the northwest and there was nowhere to go. A white disaster caused the entire clan to graze the cattle and sheep wild boars almost completely. Although Eugene led the half-orc clan to defeat the ogre with amazing combat power, he also singled out the king of the Frost Giant to lift the crisis.

But in the end, the dilemma it faced was still not the slightest turn.

It was Eugene's most painful period, although it was desperately hunting and killing the warriors in the clan, but the half-orc clan still had many people living and starving to death every winter!

It was empty enough to rival the power of the demigod, but there was still no way to save its people.

Eugene is just a war shaman.

If it is strong, there is no way to change the food out of thin air, even if it fights for life for half a month without stopping to hunt and kill. But after all, it is just a person, how many prey can it hunt for the tens of thousands of hungry people in the clan?

In that very cold winter.

The half-orc clan has starved to death for tens of thousands of people, and Eugene has also profoundly realized that half-orcs must gradually transform from nomadic civilization to farming civilization!

Eugene used it for decades to implement it all.

It defeated the ogres of the wilderness of the Northwest, driving the Frost Giants to the coldest northern mountains. It wiped out the threat of the gnolls and forced the lizards back into the swamp. Then Eugene began to look for places to open and cultivate on this barren and ridiculous land, and to transform the half-orcs from nomadic fishing and hunting to a semi-agricultural civilization. In these decades, the Orcs are accumulating power because they are relative to humans, elves, and dwarves. The half-orc is really too weak.

It was not until Eugene felt that the time was ripe, it launched the offensive against the half-elves!

have to say.

From a bystander's point of view, Eugene is truly the undisputed hero of the half-orc race.

Although it is just a wicked executioner for the half-elves!

A butcher.

A murderous madman.

A demon who invaded their homes to provoke war!


The grain was shipped away in a bag.

Eugene also returned to the tribe, and the sudden supplies made the entire half-orc clan a lot more exciting. Eugene opened the box and took out a dried salted fish and threw it into the cauldron for cooking food.

After a while.

Eugene reached for a bowl of soup and took a sip. It gently nodded, and finally a smile appeared on the old face, slowly said: "I will follow this quota to prepare food in the future. Let the tribes dig more wild vegetables and do more prey, and wait until the autumn harvest without worrying about food. It is."

Salted fish from Modo City.

Eugene is very pleased with this, because the food provided by Sauron has a lot of meat, which can provide enough nutrition for the soldiers. And these salted fish are very good marinated, all of which are real sea salt. This means that for a long time in the future, the half-orc clan does not have to use other means to supplement the salt. This is only the first batch of materials provided by Modo City. According to the conditions promised by Sauron, there will be a batch of materials to be sent in the future. Even if it succeeds in killing [the Lord of Shadows], Modo City will supply them with a batch of military workers. Forged sophisticated weapons to deal with future demons.

This is sometimes the case.

Modo City is almost full of warehouses because of a rich catch~www.readwn.com~The salted fish that has no place to put and no one has finished is a rare valuable material for the half-orc clan.

It is also the most powerful professional in the material plane.

Allen Dale's long princess and the Orc clan Eugene are completely two extremes. If Eugene is dependent on the orc clan, he may be able to live a very luxurious life, but Eugene decided to resist the responsibility of the entire race. When I was on, I was already destined to live a very difficult life.

This kind of person is a hero.

Even half of the orcs in all races think so!


(ps: In the eyes of other races, Eugene is an ambitious war madman, and must be carefully guarded against it. Everyone pays attention to the public number of Futu, and the story behind it will be intertwined with the outside. If you don't pay attention, the story will jump a little.) (To be continued.)



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