Abyss Domination

Vol 7 Chapter 36: Awareness!

The words of the fallen witch Corinna apparently made Sauron stunned.

However, he was well concealed, but even if Sauron's performance skills are getting higher and higher, how can he possibly win the legendary witch Gloria?

Gloria was obviously aware of something, and couldn’t help but take a deep look at her mother’s departure.

She picked up her eyebrows slightly.

Nowadays, this matter is not in a hurry. The sorcerer queen is also affected by the ravages of the Holy Holocaust. Soren is not worried about the succubus queen to start the fallen witch. However, if this matter is not completely solved, it will definitely be a trouble in the future. The emblem of the fallen witch is connected to the soul. Soren can only erase the emblem after paying a certain price under the [spirit form]. The move is very likely to anger the Succubus Queen.

Therefore, this matter can only be topped at the moment. To be completely resolved, it is necessary to wait until the end of the Holocaust.

The next thing is naturally a rare leisure time.

Gloria was particularly enthusiastic tonight. Many difficult postures and different biting methods were taken out on their own initiative. It was a reversal of her past habits, which made Soren wonder if she had already noticed something.

When I think of it, he is inexplicably diminished.



In such an era, such an environment, how to deal with the disaster of the Holy Holocaust is the most important thing.

So whether it is Sauron or Gloria or a fallen witch.

For them, these things are just a sideline. The real most important thing is how to continue to improve their strength and ensure that they can survive this turbulent age.

More and more gods have fallen to the mortal world. Nowadays, ordinary people know that the saints have already appeared.

This era is very strong for the inclusiveness of the gods. The spider **** is an example. The **** god or the male **** or the female **** is also an example. Even the mother of the earth has joined the shining Lord to create the goddess of agriculture. Everyone has a strong ability to accept the story of the gods. If these things happen to certain gods, especially the gods of the evil camp, people's acceptance speed is obviously faster.

Gloria is not at all anomalous. It is not necessarily affected by this aspect.

These trivial things were temporarily put down.

the next day.

Sauron summoned the top fighting power of Modo City and prepared to take the Shadow Tower in a shadow.

The combatants are as follows:

Soren [weak and other power], Gloria [legendary witch], Corinna [legendary witch]. High Priest [High-level legendary psychic warlock], Saruman [high-level divine wizard], Shadow Dragon [adult dragon, battle aid], diamond golem [five. cannon fodder】.

The top fighting power of the city of Modo is gathered together.

The giant was also in the combat unit, but it has just reached the legendary field, and there is not much advantage compared with the diamond golem, Sauron still remove it.

Lest the legendary seeds of a Moto City fall here.

Shadow plane.

After Soren’s departure for so long, the change in the shadow plane was also huge.

First of all.

The entire wizard tower was isolated by a layer of magical arrays. The two legendary witches automatically split the space from the shadow plane and turned it into a space that was very close to the half plane. The mystery of the lock has been cracked by them, and now all the labs are locked up.

This way you don't have to worry about the owner of the shadow.

In the event that He discovered this position, Sauron was not worried that He would break the puzzle and affect future plans.

There must be a point here.

The shadow plane is the shadow plane. The shadow **** country is the shadow **** country, the **** country of the shadow is in the shadow plane, and the shadow plane is not the **** country of the shadow.

He is not yet powerful enough to control a plane, and there are other gods in the shadow plane.

The lock has been fixed.

The most striking inside of the entire shadow plane base is a floating flat with a radius of about one kilometer. This is divided from the surface. With the power of the elemental furnace, it is suspended by a floating ring. In the air. According to the requirements of the Floating City, every inch of the foundation must be blessed with the spell of "Pure mud as stone". Now Sauron has not had so many wizards to mobilize, so this is just an ordinary foundation and cannot withstand any attacking ability.

The central is a huge [element furnace].

The Golem factory has been moved to this floating land. At this moment, with the power of the elemental furnace, the clay golem and the stone golem are constantly being produced.

These two types of golems are the least demanding, and Modo City currently has enough soul spar.

The side of the lab is the magic power armor.

The exoskeleton magical combat device of the Taling battle form, the two witches are not completely cracked. It is very difficult to make it work, just seal it nearby.

This should be the top alchemy process of the Wizard Tower!

The diamond golem is ready.

For such a long time, the progress of the two legendary witches is also very fast, and part of the authority of the lock has been obtained by them, which directly opens a passage.


Just then ~www.readwn.com~ suddenly a figure of Miao Man emerged. Then a group of doll girls floating in midair flew over.

"Please let me join in too."

"I won't drag your hind legs! I am also curious about what's inside this wizard tower!"

Legendary aunt girl Alice.

There is a group of exquisite doll girls floating around her, but what is different from the past is that these doll girls are no longer maid costumes, but a battle costume.

I don't think they actually have combat form equipment!

Others heard that they couldn’t help but look at Sauron. Obviously, this matter requires him to come up with ideas.

Sauron pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes."

"But you have to be careful."

"The interior of this wizard tower is very dangerous, and I am not sure what will happen to the upper level!"

The higher the level, the more dangerous it is.

Alice is equal to the legendary caster, the combat power is definitely very good, Sauron has the heart to include her in the system of Modo City, so this time did not choose to refuse.

There are too many tower spirits in this wizard tower!

One more legendary caster will have more protection, and other things will be taken after consideration.


The group is ready to go.

The Diamond Golem is used as a cannon fodder in the forefront of the forefront, while others have begun to bless their spells and are ready to enter the battle.

This battle!

If they can succeed, Modo City may be able to raise a tower!


(PS: WeChat pays attention to [Zhusheng Futu]], some games have been released on the public number, and Fanwai will be updated next month.) (To be continued.)

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