Abyss Domination

Vol 7 Chapter 37: Wizard Tower

"Alarm! Alert!"

"Discover intruders!... discover intruders!..."

Different from the previous one, after the continuous penetration of Gloria and the fallen witch, the power of the lock has been eroded a lot. The magical superconducting pulse gun of the floating tower did not start this time, but it was invaded when everyone entered. The alarm, but there is still no battle golem. On the last exploration, Sauron leveled the hall of the Golem, which contained a large number of demons, but they were destroyed and shipped out by Sauron.

There is no magic factory in the interior of the wizard tower. This group of demons is destroyed. I am afraid that there will be only a part of Taling inside.

The first two layers did not encounter any enemies, but when entering the third floor, Sauron and his entourage encountered a large number of dusty bats. This level of monsters is not a challenge for them, only a few spells. It was completely solved.

Some facilities should be repaired inside the Wizard Tower.

The third layer is connected to the energy transmission pipeline, the fourth layer repairs some of the walls, and the library is simply maintained, but valuable books have long been shipped away by Sauron.


The group reached the place where the last exploration stopped.

- "The same spirit tour! [Nine Rings Spell]"

Here is a powerful energy laser channel, which is almost impossible to pass on the physical level. Even the saint form is hard to resist damage, because this thing is like a small magic energy pulse device. For this reason, Gloria has prepared the Nine-Circle Spell ‘With the Spiritual Circle’, transforming himself and others in the vicinity into a spiritual form, and then passing through the passage safely.

"I am looking for a device to close the channel."

Sauron looked around and began to look for traps. Then he said, "You should pay attention. You may encounter Taling in the next."

The sixth floor of the Wizard Tower is not large.

The smaller the space inside the wizard tower, the larger one is mainly a large alchemy laboratory, and Gloria discovers something similar to the 'energy reaction device'.

It seems that this alchemy lab is very high-end!

"It's the magic power armor!..."

The fallen witch seemed to see something, suddenly dawning, but quickly shook his head in disappointment: "It has not been completely completed. This is just a sample."

Magic Power Armor is used in conjunction with Taling.

The appearance is somewhat similar to the exoskeleton device and requires a large number of arrays to be burned. The number of energy nodes and spell circuits far exceeds that of other alchemy processes, and can basically reach the level of superconductor-intensive circuits.

If this production process is to be achieved, the wizard's brain must be as sophisticated as a supercomputer, with a terrible ability to simultaneously remember and clarify thousands of spell circuits. This is simply something that ordinary people can't imagine. The Arcanists can do this, I am afraid that it is not just a matter of talent. On the one hand, it should be the great role of Taling, and on the other hand, it should be related to their meditation. Because the Arcane master's meditation method seems to improve the computing power and memory of his brain.

Use one of the simplest metaphors.

It is not easy to understand the calculus of calculus, and it is basically impossible to become an arcane master.

This kind of computing power is sometimes amazing!


The Wizard Tower has a nine-story look.

Let Sauron also be a bit surprised. After they entered the seventh floor, they did not find any enemies, and they did not encounter any of the tower spirits. Even some of the traps did not start.

It looks like the enemy is opening the door to welcome them into the same!

"It's a bit strange."

"Everyone is careful! Taling may be waiting for us at the highest level!"

The Taling Guardian Wizard Tower is an innate mission. They are irresistible. The current situation is a bit strange, and Sauron feels a little uneasy.

It’s too calm.

The calmer this time often means greater danger.

Wizard Tower, seventh floor.

This layer seems to be a lounge, but it is not the arcade's lounge, more like the lounge of his servant and favorite.

Because Sauron actually saw a pale golden oak that had already withered.

Tree essence.

And it is still a higher tree.

The oak was transplanted inside the wizard tower and looked like a beautiful courtyard. The front is a pale gold oak, and the back is a beautifully decorated room. The decoration is very luxurious. It uses a delicate pink silk, a white marble carving on the floor, and a small fountain next to it. It is made with magical craftsmanship. of. In the center is a beautifully large aristocratic style bed, surrounded by pink enamel, looks looming and full of temptation, the side is a hall. There are a lot of instruments in it, there are many wardrobes in the back, there are all kinds of beautiful clothes inside, and even some are quite exposed to shame. After the two witches and the sorcerer girl had seen it, they could not be blushed.

These things turned into dust when they touched it.

I don't know how long I have saved it with magic. Now I can only watch it and not touch it.

"The tree has died out."

The high priest glanced at the pale golden oak that had withered away ~www.readwn.com~ Slowly said: "This tree can still be used as a casting material for some legendary ranks."

Even the darling of nature, tree essence has a life limit.

This wizard tower has existed for thousands of years, and almost no living people can be seen, but the room still retains its original appearance. There are a few small rooms outside, which should be the servants or the aides of the Arcanists.

I mentioned a bit earlier.

The tree is a very beautiful and wonderful creature. They are darlings that are comparable to the succubus in some respects, but they don't always want to squeeze the essence of the owner like the succubus.

Therefore, many legendary wizards love tree creatures.

For a long time, the Arcanists liked to take a tree as their favorite. This fate may be like a canary in a cage for a tree, but a powerful arcane master may not be too concerned about the feelings of others. In fact, although the period of the Arcane Empire is very strong, it is also very arrogant. If they are not trying to get into the realm of the gods, it will not lead to the destruction of such a brilliant civilization.

This is similar in history.

The Age of Thorium was destroyed by the mortal attempt to capture the power of the goddess of magic. The Arcane Empire touched the bottom line of the gods for some unknown reason, and eventually it was inexplicably destroyed.

do not know why.

After seeing everything in this room, Gloria and the fallen witch didn't look at Sauron by the reddish face, and then turned away quickly.


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