Abyss invasion? As a demon cultivator, I laughed.

Chapter 187 Four Blood Demon Followers

"It's finally here."

Chu Xiu carefully looked at the bright red creature in front of him. It had a human-shaped body, but was much more slender, like a bloody man whose skin had been stripped off leaving only flesh and blood, with extremely long limbs.

The eight tentacles split from his back and swayed behind him, reminding Chu Xiu of the blood demon servants he had fought against. The two were partly similar in appearance, but the blood demon servants in front of him felt more noble and elegant. More, not like a bloodthirsty beast, but more like an intelligent creature.

He could clearly feel that the rich aura of the abyss was continuously emanating from his body.

"With a physique of four thousand, he is indeed worthy of being a king, and as a dependent, he should have many special skills!"

"My guess is indeed correct. The kings here are all descendants of the Blood Demon trained by the underground disasters with their own strength. They are pure abyss creatures!"

"This is the big head!"

Chu Xiu's eyes flashed with excitement, and the crime-breaking demon knife in his hand let out a cheerful groan.

But before he could take action, a similar figure suddenly appeared, and at the same time, in another direction, there were blood demon followers coming!

Chu Xiu turned around to look, and as expected, another bloody figure appeared behind him, floating quietly in the air.

A total of four kings!

"This is an all-out effort."

However, Chu Xiu was not surprised. If the roles were reversed, he would definitely send out the strongest force to kill the powerful enemy in one go without leaving any behind.

The scene where Calabash Baby rescues Grandpa and sends him off one by one can only appear in comics.

And just as he was sizing up the enemy, the Blood Demon Familiar in front of him suddenly spat out a large ball of dark sludge. The sludge material fell to the ground, and in an instant it grew into a ten-meter-long tentacle, and quickly split in all directions!

The other three Blood Demon Familiar also acted in the same way, but within a few breaths, the densely packed tentacles seemed to form a huge cage, sealing off the entire plantation space!

Chu Xiu had seen this method before. When he rescued Xue Li, Su Jinyu and others, the Corruption Awakener used a similar method to trap them.

It's just that the cage cast by the Blood Demon Familiar looks much tougher and larger.

Moreover, the moment these tentacles completely surrounded the planting fields, they seemed to have formed some kind of special field. A strong [corruption] power emitted from the tentacles, and all the corrupted creatures in contact roared, and their bodies were visible to the naked eye. The speed expanded in a circle, and the data scanned through the Youmo Eyes directly doubled the physical fitness!

Moreover, that strange power also has a special healing effect on corrupted creatures, and even broken limbs can be reattached!

They roared, like wild beasts that had completely lost their senses, and rushed towards Chu Xiu regardless of losses. Even if they were cut into two pieces by the attack of the ghost in the next moment, there were more corrupted creatures rushing behind them regardless of their own safety!

At the same time, more corrupted creatures from the ceiling fell from the sky. The sophistication of these creatures went up to a higher level, with the average reaching the rank of warrior, and there were even vicious ranks among them!

Thousands of warriors were falling like rain every second. Looking at the roaring figures of corrupt creatures, even Chu Xiu couldn't help but feel his scalp numb.

"A very reasonable tactic."

"In order to defeat me, instead of rushing to attack, you first cut off my escape route, and then relied on more elite corrupt creatures to consume me?"

Chu Xiu's black eyes were slightly lowered. Under the continuous impact of the corrupted creatures, his ghost army had begun to suffer losses, and the defense line was retreating steadily.

Although relying on the high-end combat power of two ghost generals and two hundred fierce ghosts, there has not yet been a collapse scene, but the lower-level fierce ghosts and dark ghosts have begun to be torn apart in large numbers!


Chu Xiu snorted coldly, jumped up, stopped watching the battle, and fell straight into the group of corrupted creatures like a meteor!


Several corrupted creatures were directly knocked away by the huge impact, but the surrounding corrupted creatures immediately filled the gap. They pounced on Chu Xiu, biting his body crazily.

More corrupted creatures climbed on the bodies of their companions and squeezed in. Chu Xiu was like fat meat thrown into an ant nest. In the blink of an eye, he was surrounded by countless corrupted creatures layer after layer.

Disgust flashed in Chu Xiu's eyes, and with a flip of his wrist, the Great Sun Guard Shield appeared in his hand, and an incandescent light immediately lit up.

Two seconds later, with a huge roar, starting from Chu Xiu as the center of the circle, like a huge fireball rising into the sky, the terrifying flames swept around like a tsunami, and the shock wave of the explosion directly shattered the corrupted creatures that were close, Immediately, the residual limbs vaporized and disappeared in the high temperature, and the corrupted creatures surrounding Chu Xiu were blown into pieces in an instant and thrown hundreds of meters away!

[Props obtained: Cause and Effect Points*2485]

【Get equipment:】

【Get props:】

With just one blow, Chu Xiu cleared away all the corrupted creatures within a hundred meters, killing at least thousands of them!

When used as a defensive equipment, the legendary equipment of Sun Guard Shield only has 220 points of body defense. Its defense power is slightly weaker than similar equipment, but it comes with a large-scale group attack skill, which can be extended with extra charging time. It has a cooldown time and loses all attribute bonuses during the cooldown. It can burst out energy output comparable to that of a king in a short period of time, which is perfect for dealing with seas of people.

Seeing the stumps wrapped in flames and splashing all over the sky, Chu Xiu felt extremely relieved.

With so many corrupted creatures killed in the central area, the pressure on the ghost army also dropped sharply, leaving room for output again, and Chu Xiu did not stop there. The Judgement Demon kept swinging his sword, and each sword could take away hundreds of lives!

However, looking at Chu Xiu's wanton slaughter, the faces of the four blood demon followers were not distressed at all, but showed a strange smile.

Suddenly, the ceiling that stored a large number of corrupted creatures opened another layer, and hundreds of upside-down machine guns and howitzers were hung down at the same time, aiming at Chu Xiu's ghost army!

The next moment, deafening gunfire sounded!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Grenade after grenade fell into the ghost army, and a huge fire immediately exploded. Tens of thousands of fragments were driven by high explosives and splashed around, forming a huge killing radius!

Because the ghosts and the corrupted creatures were fighting each other, more than half of the power of these grenades was actually borne by the corrupted creatures, and the machine guns simply fired without aiming, forming a dense firepower network of indiscriminate attacks!

The opponent's attitude was very obvious. They didn't care about the life and death of ordinary corrupted creatures at all, and directly attacked the ghosts indiscriminately! Not to mention killing 1,000 enemies and losing 800 of their own, even if they killed 100 enemies and lost 8,000 of their own, as long as they could consume Chu Xiu's strength, they would do it!

"This is really reckless to take me down." Chu Xiu said lightly.

At this moment, one of the blood demon followers suddenly laughed like a human: "Outsider, you shouldn't have thought that I still have a king level?"

"Do you think that after killing my king level, I have no other back-up, and you can eat me?"

"It's a pity that sometimes, the self-righteous hunter is the prey!"

"I said, you will regret it!"

Its voice was full of unconcealed pride.

Obviously, it was the underground disaster who was controlling his subordinates to speak.

This made Chu Xiu speechless for a moment.

What on earth was this guy thinking about?

Chu Xiu ignored him, but raised his hand and swung a blade to kill a large number of corrupted creatures that attacked.

Disaster's laughter continued: "Don't struggle, I have already calculated it."

"I have to admit that your strength is very strong among humans."

"With your strength, if you try to break through at the beginning, then I may not be able to keep you. Even if you force me to stay, I may have to pay the price of one or two of my followers."

"But your mistake is that you are too greedy, and these low-level corrupted creatures have consumed too much power."

"If I'm not mistaken, you should only have half of the energy in your body now? Your summoned legion seems to be starting to lose its strength."

"What do you want to say?" Chu Xiu interrupted him impatiently.

The voice of Disaster choked, and then he snorted coldly: "Are you still holding on? However, when the corruption field was formed, this space was completely blocked, and you have no way to retreat."

"The reason why I said a few more words to you is to give you another chance."

"The previous proposal is still valid. If you hand over the blood demon and other [pollutants] to me, I will give you a lot of benefits and am willing to share this world with you."

Hearing this, Chu Xiu smiled.

He understood the purpose of this Disaster talking to him.

The other party was afraid that he would jump off the wall and kill Rasputin directly, and play jade and stone.

Shaking his head with some amusement, Chu Xiu raised his eyes and looked at the blood demon followers in front of him indifferently.

"You just said that you have completely sealed off this space, and I have no way to escape, right?"

"That's great!"

"Ah?" Disaster was slightly stunned, as if he finally realized something was wrong. Chu Xiu in front of him didn't look like a beast trapped in a trap, but more like a hunter ready to go!

Before he could react, Chu Xiu suddenly waved the Hundred Souls Banner!


In an instant, a deafening roar resounded throughout the space, and tall figures stepped out, one, two, and four ghost generals!

These ghost generals exuded a fierce aura, and behind them, a large number of ghosts rushed out!

This scene made the blood demon's followers in the distance stunned, and their blood-colored pupils were full of unbelievable.

In the last battle, Chu Xiu's ghost generals had left a deep impression on it, but now you tell me that he still has four of these bug-like existences?

Moreover, there are no fewer matching evil ghosts!

And this is not over yet!

Surrounded by demonic energy, Chu Xiu smiled faintly and snapped his fingers gently.

The next moment, all the ghosts were covered with a layer of dark glow, their injuries were healing rapidly, and each ghost became more violent and powerful!

[General Order·Charge]! [General Order·Rest]!

The mana in Chu Xiu's body surged out wildly. With the blessing of the two general orders, all the ghosts were like opening an unparalleled buff and began to slaughter the corrupted creatures around them crazily.

Even though there are still high-level corrupted creatures joining, the increase in the number of corrupted creatures is far less than the speed of the ghosts' killing! The ghosts, who were originally suppressed by the densely packed corrupted creatures and could only shrink in a small circle, quickly advanced the front line like mowing the grass!


The blood demon followers possessed by the disaster widened their eyes. They never expected that the situation would be reversed in an instant!

Its face turned extremely ugly, but it was still not too panicked. Although it didn't know why Chu Xiu's ghost army could expand so much in just three days, it still had enough confidence with these four kings guarding it.

It was just that the loss would be greater than expected.

However, just as it was preparing to launch an attack with a painful look on its face, it suddenly saw a dazzling golden light in Chu Xiu's black pupils in the distance.

Instantly, the disaster felt a chill rising from the soles of its feet to its head. It instinctively felt a great fear. Every cell in its body was screaming wildly, urging it to escape, to escape at all costs!

The next moment, a winged figure appeared in front of Chu Xiu, turned into a stream of light, and approached him at an incredibly fast speed!

Disaster showed a look of horror in his eyes, and dodged to the side without any hesitation, but he was horrified to find that under Chu Xiu's gaze, it seemed to be facing a higher god. Every muscle in his body seemed to be out of control, trembling with fear, making it unable to move at all!


As a bright light flashed, Disaster felt that his perspective began to rotate. Looking down, he found that a giant sword had swept across and cut it in half!

The flying corpse looked down at it indifferently, and the bone sword in his hand was still dripping with blood.

"What a fast speed, you..."

Before he finished speaking, the sword light rose again, and the body of the blood demon's followers was cut into hundreds of different parts in the blink of an eye!

To ​​say that this blood demon's followers is indeed a bit special, after being cut into so many pieces, it is not dead, but the different parts are connected by strange blood threads, and the core of the chest blooms with blood, and it quickly escapes outward.

But the next moment, Disaster met Chu Xiu's cold golden eyes.

Chu Xiu just watched calmly, and fierce flames ignited on its body.

The power of these flames was not very strong, but at this moment its body was chopped into pieces. This flame that ignited without any warning was enough to destroy its recovery ability.

Amid screams, the body of the Blood Demon's follower turned into a burning fireball and fell from a high altitude!


Its body hit the ground heavily and shattered into countless pieces of charcoal. Almost at the same time, another Blood Demon's follower sounded in horror and incredible voice: "What skill is this? How can you, a fierce level, have such a terrifying skill?"

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows: "How do you know I am a fierce level?"

Disaster stopped talking, but his face was as ugly as if he had eaten shit.

It finally realized that it was not Chu Xiu who was ambushed by it, but it fell into the opponent's trap!

And the current situation is so damn familiar!

"You have been hiding your strength!"

Disaster screamed in exasperation, as if recalling some painful memories. Without any hesitation, he manipulated the blood demon followers to turn around and run!

But it was too late. Chu Xiu lowered his eyes, and the dazzling golden light flashed again, instantly suppressing the blood demon followers as if they were forcibly suppressed by a great pressure, and their movements became extremely slow.

At the same time, the soul and flesh storage bag on his waist also gushed out a strong demonic energy!

[Dead Bone Binding Soul Technique]!

Although he did not practice this inheritance and his proficiency was only at the lowest stage, it still had considerable power because its power was linked to the size of the ghost army!

The six ghost generals below roared together, and countless undead spirits soared into the sky and entangled the other two blood demon followers. Although the suppression force was not as great as that locked by the golden pupil, it also slowed down their movements a lot!

The terrible thing is that this place is completely blocked by their corrupt tentacles, and it seems that in order to strengthen the power of the blockade, these tentacles can't even let the blood demon followers pass through!

Taking this opportunity, the two ghosts led their evil ghosts to chase up and entangle the two blood demon followers.

Now, the remaining three blood demon followers are all controlled!

"Then what's next."

"It's time to kill."

The figure of the flying corpse passed a residual image in the air, and the next moment the sharp sword light bloomed in the field.

[Kill the creature]

[Obtain props: cause and effect points * 6756]

[Obtain equipment: high-level blood demon touch (collection)]

[Obtain props: high-level blood demon blood (collection)]

[Obtain props:]

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