Abyss invasion? As a demon cultivator, I laughed.

Chapter 188 The Ten Ghost Generals

"As expected of a king-level abyss creature, any one of them can have six to seven thousand causal points, and it also has a lot of king-level equipment and props."

Looking at the prompts in front of him, Chu Xiu couldn't help but smile from the bottom of his heart.

He did not hesitate, and immediately commanded the ghost army and rushed towards the remaining three blood demon dependents.


The blood demon relatives suppressed by the blood-burning golden eyes roared and barely escaped the attack from the flying corpse. However, the next moment they were hit by a ghost general's life-killing technique condensed with the art of hundreds of ghosts. Their flesh and blood were visible to the naked eye. The speed began to shrink rapidly.

It let out an angry roar, and a large number of high-level corrupted creatures fell from the sky, trying to delay the ghost army and create time for them to escape.

But it's too late.

As the death-symbolizing blade of the Judgment Demon Sword flashed past, the body of the Blood Demon Familiar was split into two, and with a strong sense of unwillingness, they fell into the ghost army, and were torn into pieces by countless swarming ghosts amidst the wailing sounds. .

This is the terrifying power of the Blood-Burning Golden Eyes!

However, Chu Xiu also knew that the reason for such good effects was actually because the level of the Blood Demon Familiar was too low.

Even among creatures of the same level, there are different levels between races. Just like the Goblin leader and the adult dragon, which are both at the same level of evil, it is obvious that the latter's level is much higher.

Although the blood demon dependents are of high enough level, in the final analysis, they are still inferior creatures born from blood, and they are just servants created by the blood demon. Naturally, they are restrained to death by the divine pressure of the blood-burning golden eyes.

"If you fight against a normal king-level creature, such as a vampire prince, a guardian of the sun, etc., the suppressive power of the Blood-Burning Golden Eyes may not be that high. But if you face a god's attendant, an ancient god's young son, etc. For high-level creatures, even if their strength level is only general level, the suppressive power of the Blood-Burning Golden Eyes will become extremely small, and they may even be counterattacked!"

"If I fight against underground disasters in the future, this skill may be much less useful."

Chu Xiu understood that this was a skill with great advantages and disadvantages.

"If I want to be able to suppress normal king-level creatures, such as those underground disasters, I'm afraid I have to wait until I reach the general level, or I can upgrade this skill to another level and practice it to perfection."

"In comparison, [Dead Bone Soul Binding Technique] is much more versatile, and as the size of the ghost army continues to expand, the potential is also great."

Chu Xiu turned around and looked, and saw that the remaining two Blood Demon Familiars were restrained by the [Dead Bone Soul Binding Technique], their speed had been greatly reduced, and they were already entangled by the ghost generals.

But unfortunately, as a large number of high-level corrupt residents rushed in, the power of the ghost army was also dispersed, and the two took the opportunity to gradually break free.

There was no way, after all, [Dead Bone Soul Binding Technique] Chu Xiu could only barely master it. Even if the ghost army was huge, it would be too reluctant to keep two kings at the same time.

When Chu Xiu saw this, he was decisive and concentrated all the undead souls on one of the Blood Demon Familiars. He then flapped his wings of the Vampire Earl and chased the other one.

The space here is not big. With just a flash of the Vampire Earl's wings, Chu Xiu rushed to the vicinity of the Blood Demon Familia. In an instant, a large number of machine guns turned their muzzles and pointed them at him, spitting out fierce tongues of fire!

However, these armor-piercing incendiary bombs, which can penetrate more than ten centimeters thick steel plates, hit Chu Xiu, but they couldn't even break his skin! He waved his hand to cut off the Sin Demon Sword, and immediately hundreds of blade slashes symbolizing death filled the entire sky in front of him. However, with the sound of sharp metal friction, all these modern weapons were chopped into pieces in just a moment!

Chu Xiu, on the other hand, did not stop and continued to chase the escaping Blood Demon Familiar.

Seeing the opponent's figure right in front of him, Chu Xiu did not hesitate and prepared to use the Blood-Burning Golden Eyes again, but at this moment, a stream of light suddenly shot out from the space deep in the passage like lightning!

The speed of the stream of light was incredibly fast. Before Chu Xiu could react, he felt a stinging pain in his chest!

He looked down and was a little shocked to find that there was a small hole in his skin, which was comparable to the frontal armor of a tank and could not even be penetrated by armor-piercing rockets! A silver-white bullet penetrated his skin and was deeply embedded in his body!

Although it was finally blocked by Chu Xiu's muscles, it was less than three centimeters away from his heart! This shocked Chu Xiu and his expression became serious.

Although with Chu Xiu's current strength of life, even if his heart was half blown, it would not be considered a fatal injury, let alone the fact that it had not hit his heart, it still made him feel a hint of danger, and he solemnly shot towards the direction of the bullet. Look.

Nothing could be seen in the pitch-black space. It was obvious that the attacker had deliberately hidden his figure, and the figures of the Blood Demon's followers had long since disappeared.

"I didn't expect that this calamity would have a back-up plan. This is not calamity's method."

That silver-white bullet is more like the attack method of the Awakened!

Chu Xiu thought of what Calamity had said to him before.

If you don't agree, someone will agree, so just wait to be stabbed in the back by your own companions!

"It's interesting."

Chu Xiu snorted softly and exerted his muscles. The deformed and flattened bullet was squeezed out and fell to the ground with a "snap".

Chu Xiu's injuries were completely recovered in less than a breath.

He no longer cared about the escaped Blood Demon Familiar, but turned his attention to the other one.

This one was not so lucky. The Blood Demon Familiar who were restrained by six ghost generals at the same time seemed to be tied by countless iron chains, but countless undead were seen clinging to it, densely overlapping each other. , as if there were thousands of illusory shadows entangled together, the Blood Demon Familia's whole body burst into dazzling blood light, and rushed towards the ceiling with all its strength.

But just before it could reach the ceiling, before it could escape, a sharp blade suddenly plunged into its thigh, and a ghost general arrived first and chased after it.

In the angry roar, the two fought together and fell back into the planting field. Countless corrupt residents and ghosts were fighting each other around them. The planting area covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters had completely transformed into two kinds of creatures. The grinding ground of fighting.

Chu Xiu waved his hand, and the Eight Wilderness Fire Formations were deployed all around, and began to harvest the remaining corrupted residents.

Five minutes later, the battle was over.

At this time, the huge planting field was already covered with the corpses of corrupted creatures. These corpses overlapped each other and were spread out to a height of two meters. There were many vicious ones among them!

In order to hinder Chu Xiu's pursuit, Calamity later sent a large number of corrupted creatures. Even though the explosion rate of the corrupted creatures was much lower than that of ordinary creatures, it still brought Chu Xiu more than 40,000 causality points and a large amount of equipment!

The three Blood Demon Familiars provided nearly 20,000 causal points, and five King-level [Treasures]!

Although one of them escaped, Chu Xiu was extremely satisfied with this result.

"The Blood Demon Familiars are king-level creatures after all. Being able to kill three of them so easily is an unexpected surprise."

If the proficiency of [Death Bone Soul Binding Technique] is raised by two more levels, or the ghost army is doubled in size, they may be able to keep them all.

In addition, another very important reason is that although the Blood-Burning Golden Eyes are so powerful that they can suppress even king-level creatures, they also consume a lot of energy!

In just a few seconds, nearly half of his golden embryo essence was consumed. This caused Chu Xiu to not condense the real magic sword in order to prevent all the golden embryo essence from being exhausted during the final pursuit.

Otherwise, even if the mysterious awakened one blocks his way, he is at least 70% sure to keep the Blood Demon Familiar together.

"It seems that we need to upgrade as soon as possible. There are still many restrictions on cross-level challenges."

Chu Xiu sighed in his heart.

Without thinking any more, he waved his hand, and countless dead souls in the field were immediately swept into the Hundred Soul Banner.

At the same time, the Eight Wilderness Fire Formation also ignited green flames and began to refine the flesh and blood of the creatures in the field.

A look of anticipation flashed in Chu Xiu's eyes.

Although the explosion rate of corrupted creatures is not high, their flesh, flesh and souls are good nourishment for demonic cultivation!

In this wave, he killed at least 200,000 corrupted creatures!

Although the quantity is a little less than what was previously in the defensive stronghold, the quality is much higher! They are all the elites of corrupt creatures!

Chu Xiu couldn't wait to know how much benefit this could bring him!

[Perfectly Refined] Activate!

Under Chu Xiu's expectant gaze, a large number of souls were quickly refined. It didn't take long for the ghost army's losses in the previous battle to be completely replenished.

At this time, the living soul has only been refined for less than one-third!


Suddenly, a roar that resounded throughout the space exploded in Chu Xiu's ears. A joyful look flashed across his face. He followed the sound and saw a five-meter-tall figure holding a large shield emerging from the corpse!

The seventh ghost general!

And this is far from over. With the nourishment of a large number of high-level souls, fierce ghosts evolved one by one. They spontaneously gathered together, pooled their power, and headed towards a higher level of life!

The eighth ghost general, the ninth ghost general, the tenth ghost general!

When two-fifths of the living soul has been refined, three new ghosts will be born! This brings the total number of Chu Xiu's ghost generals to an astonishing ten!

This made his face look even more happy. Sure enough, the effect of high-level souls was much better than that of low-level souls!

"But it has reached its upper limit."

Although there are still many living souls left, no more ghost generals are born, and they can only be used to improve the level of ghost generals.

Chu Xiu looked down and saw that the Hundred Soul Flag in his hand had become as flawless and round as lamb jade, and at the core of the rod, there was a touch of strange blood that was constantly spitting out.

"After the ten ghost generals, the space in the Hundred Soul Banner has been completely occupied. If you want to continue to improve, you must upgrade to the Thousand Soul Banner!"

"And Qianhun Banner's requirement is that in addition to ten ghost generals, a high-level ghost general must be born!"

Chu Xiu continued to refine while thinking in his heart.

After a few more minutes, all the remaining souls were refined.

Although no new ghost generals were born, the overall eliteness of the ten ghost generals and their fierce ghosts has risen to a higher level!

Even the newly born ghost generals have been promoted to general level 2. The Warhammer ghost general who followed Chu Xiu at the beginning has even reached general level 8! Only one step away from consummation!

However, after Chu Xiu carefully inspected it, he still shook his head with some regret.

This war hammer ghost general was refined from the soul of the baron, and he was only a low-level general.

Although he has the potential to evolve into a high-level ghost general, the resources needed to advance him to the king level are probably higher than the resources Chu Xiu spent refining ten ghost generals combined!

"You still have to cultivate a living soul with great initial potential."

Thinking of this, Chu Xiu looked at the four newly born ghost generals.

Three of these four ghost generals were born from the souls of the blood demon followers.

As king-level creatures, their soul potential is much higher than that of barons, but as servants, their rank is too low, and their soul strength does not reach the average of the king-level, which makes Chu Xiu unsatisfied.

"But as their master, the soul of the disaster hidden underground should have enough potential, right?"

Thinking of this, Chu Xiu looked in the direction where the blood demon follower who escaped before left.

Although he severely damaged the power of the disaster in this wave, his own loss was also not small. At this time, the origin of the golden embryo is less than half.

For the sake of safety, it is reasonable to restore the state to the best before challenging. After all, this is an ancient disaster, and the energy level he controls can even reach the level of [Heroic Spirit]!


"Take advantage of his illness to kill him."

Chu Xiu made a decision quickly.

This is not reckless, but a bold conclusion drawn after rational analysis.

Compared with Chu Xiu's loss, the disaster will only be greater!

The four newly reinforced generals and the overall improvement of the level of the ghost army also gave Chu Xiu confidence.

"Just like that, we killed the body of the disaster in one breath! It prevents him from continuing to refine [pollutants] to restore his strength and avoid being picked by other kings."

"This guy promised me 300,000 karma points and three [legendary] equipment before. I want to see if there are really so many good things!"

With his mind set, Chu Xiu waved the Hundred Souls Banner, and ten ghost generals appeared in front of him. Together with his ghosts, they were like ten armies ready to go!

The next moment, all these powerful ghosts rushed out and began to search for the traces of the disaster.

Chu Xiu himself put the flesh and blood that had been concentrated by the Eight Desolate Nether Fire Formation into the soul and flesh storage bag and began to continue the next step of refining.

Although the soul quality of the blood demon followers is not high, the body has a physique of 4,000 points, and there are many magical talents and characteristics, which are perfect as materials for refining corpses.

It's just that the refining of corpses is a little more complicated and takes longer.

Looking at the three bodies of the blood demon's followers in the soul and flesh storage bag, Chu Xiu thought secretly:

"Although these three bodies are king-level, they are corpses after all, and their potential is far less than when they were alive. If you want to refine a king-level corpse, the consumption is too great! Even if all the flesh and blood here are consumed, it may not be possible to refine it!"

Generally speaking, if you want to refine a king-level corpse, you must at least use a high-level king-level corpse, and you must invest a lot of resources, otherwise the corpse refining skills will be too buggy.

And energy will be lost. Using low-level flesh and blood to refine high-level corpses will have a very low utilization rate! Maybe one hundred parts of energy can be used after refining!

"And even if it is refined, the combat power may not be satisfactory!"

"Take a step back and refine a level 9 corpse. The rest of the flesh and blood will be given priority to the colonel!"

Chu Xiu made a decision quickly.

With the blessing of [Perfect Refining], it takes much less time to refine a 9th-level corpse, which is enough to strengthen his combat power as soon as possible.

Chu Xiu must increase his combat power to the limit before facing the disaster!

As for the causal points, he saved them for the time being. At present, his total causal points are close to 70,000, which is not enough to upgrade [Burning Blood Golden Eyes]. The disaster cannot move, and the energy level is very high. It is not meaningful to continue to upgrade [Dead Bone Binding Technique].

Chu Xiu is ready to save them well and cultivate the Golden Muscle and Dark Bone to the sixth level. At present, only this inheritance can make his strength substantially improved.

At this time, the ghost army also found the entrance to the next level.

Without thinking any more, Chu Xiu sat on the back of the armored corpse, refining a new corpse while walking towards the entrance below.

Note: Some book friends may have some misunderstandings. Let me explain here that the protagonist's refining is so fast because of [Perfect Refining]. And it is not just the refining of corpses and ghosts. The cultivation of one's own body is still included in the concept of [Perfect Refining]. There are many inherited cultivations that are so fast because of this SSS-level talent. Even if other awakeners have the magic cultivation profession, it will be much more troublesome to cultivate, unlike the protagonist who can just add points mindlessly.

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