Level 9 Elite!

Chu Xiu looked at the panel with a serious expression.

It is indeed an elite monster. Compared with the ordinary 008-type ghoul, not only is its physique greatly improved, but it also has additional skills, traits and talents!

The newly added skills and traits are question marks. Chu Xiu cannot determine what they are, but he can be sure that they must be advanced skills.

And the newly added talents are abnormal, directly adding 35.0 energy levels! You can also use these energy levels to recover blood!

Chu Xiu guessed that the huge cyst on the back of the creature is the embodiment of this talent.

This makes the 008-type ghoul, which originally has strong defense and vitality, have a higher survivability!

Not to mention, with the blessing of the blood moon, it also has a physique of up to 36.6!

"What a terrifying creature." Chu Xiu was secretly shocked.

He now has two strategies, one is to wait for these ghouls to fight to the point of both sides being injured, and then appear to pick peaches, the other is to join the battle immediately.

The former is naturally safer, but it can only harvest the experience and loot of one monster.

And the bad thing is that if the elite ghoul loses, he will lose a lot, which is equivalent to letting a level 9 elite monster slip away from his hands in vain.

But joining the battle immediately may make the four ghouls who were originally fighting share the same hatred and attack Chu Xiu together!

"Three level 8 ghouls, plus a level 9 elite!"

Even though all three are injured now, it is still very dangerous for Chu Xiu!

Don't look at how he was so comfortable when fighting a 008-type ghoul before, but he just relied on his excellent speed to prevent the opponent from hitting him. In fact, he is far behind in terms of strength.

And as long as there is one more, Chu Xiu's agility advantage will disappear, so even if he is promoted to another level, he may not be able to deal with these three ghouls without injury.

Not to mention, there is also a level 9 elite!

With a physical strength of 36.6, the ghosts under Chu Xiu would probably die if they were hit! Even if he had a +7 energy-absorbing heavy armor to protect his body, it would not be pleasant to be hit!

"So which one should I choose?"

Just as Chu Xiu was struggling, the elite monster in the field suddenly let out a sharp roar and suddenly raised his right hand like a pendulum. Under Chu Xiu's shocked eyes, the exoskeleton insect armor on the huge pendulum suddenly broke apart like petals, and at the same time a sharp bone spur shot out at a very fast speed!

This bone spur flashed with a sharp metallic luster, and the tail was connected to a retractable bone structure, which was somewhat similar to Chu Xiu's retractable tail spur equipment, but the tip was thicker and sharper, and the exoskeleton responsible for the retraction was also harder!

When the first heavy-armored corpse ghost was caught off guard, it was directly pierced through the head by the bone spur. The elite corpse ghost swung his right arm, and the retractable bone spur was pulled out like a whip, and then hit the second heavy-armored corpse ghost!


The huge force knocked him off balance, and at the same time, the elite corpse ghost opened its bloody mouth and bit his neck!

Under its terrifying bite force, the larynx was broken in an instant, blood splattered, and the corpse ghost's head was pulled off directly!

The third corpse ghost also could not escape the bad luck. After it was the only one left, it was slaughtered without any ability to fight back!

But in the blink of an eye, three level 8 corpse ghosts were killed instantly!

"It seems that I don't have to worry about making any choices."

Chu Xiu chuckled, but just when he was about to step forward to be the fisherman who benefited, something unexpected happened again!

The elite corpse ghost looked at Chu Xiu, and a look of disdain flashed in his eyes, as if he didn't take him seriously at all. Then he roared wildly, and a large number of blood-red lines appeared on the bodies of several heavily-armored corpse ghosts around him, and poured into his body!

Under the nourishment of the red line, the cells of the elite corpse ghost began to divide rapidly, and the flesh under the skin expanded rapidly, just like a snake shedding its skin, with layers of skin falling off its body to adapt to the rapidly growing muscles!

Every time it sheds its skin, the corpse ghost's body becomes bigger!

At the same time, in Chu Xiu's blood moon sensing, it can be clearly sensed that the breath of this corpse ghost is rapidly increasing! ! !

Chu Xiu widened his eyes in shock: "Could this be... This monster is going to upgrade?!"

The blood moon ritual has a very special rule, that is, these abyss creatures can also gain experience and upgrade by killing each other during the ritual, just like these awakened people!

And this elite corpse ghost was already at the 9th level of the ordinary class before, and if it is upgraded to the next level, it will be the soldier class!

Chu Xiu only felt a heat surging in his body, he could feel the adrenaline in his body being secreted rapidly, and every cell in his body became excited.

Elite of the soldier class!

To be more precise, it is a soldier-level elite who is injured, not in the best condition, has just advanced and is not familiar with the new power, and has double experience bonus!

The safest strategy at present is naturally to directly attack and kill this monster during its advancement!

But Chu Xiu saw another possibility.

That is to wait until this monster is fully advanced before killing it!

This is a soldier-level elite!

The experience provided is probably comparable to that of hundreds of ordinary corpse ghosts! With the high explosion rate of the awakening trial, there is a high probability of high-level items!

Moreover, Chu Xiu can also use this to complete the second challenge task and further improve the total score of the awakening trial!

Overall, the benefits of the latter will be several times more than the former!

Of course, the risks are also huge!

So, should we choose stability or adventure?

Chu Xiu realized that he would face an extremely important choice again.

"Being overly cautious is cowardly, and taking a one-sided risk is reckless! What I need to do is to calculate! To assess the risks and benefits!"

Chu Xiu licked his dry lips, his brain working rapidly. In a few tenths of a second, countless information emerged and combined in his mind!

"Someone shared data online. The physique of a level 9 warrior (C) is 18.1, and after breaking through to the soldier level, it increased to 25.7!"

"Add the class bonus, new skills, and traits! The overall strength fluctuation should be two to three times!"

"I have five similar data for reference, and the bonus range is similar! Calculating the mortality rate and difficulty evaluation of the ordinary and soldier level copies, it can be roughly known that the improvement of the monster advancement will not deviate too far!"

"At the same time, the wound will be healed during the advancement process, but this is only a side effect of the life level improvement, and it has no healing effect in essence! Even considering the special nature of the Blood Moon Ritual, this value will not be too large!"

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes. Under the effect of the Phantom Demon Eye, every change on the elite corpse dog was accurately recorded in his eyes. With the transformation layer by layer, the scratches on the skin have disappeared, but the scars that penetrate into the flesh and blood are still there! Although many are covered by new muscles, the wounds have not disappeared!

Not to mention the injuries to the bones, and although the cysts storing energy on its back have expanded, they are still shriveled and have no tendency to replenish.

All these observations can show that the consumption of this elite corpse ghost is still very large!

In this case

Chu Xiu quickly counted all his means, and a look of violence and excitement flashed in his eyes.

"I can kill!"

The moment he made up his mind, Chu Xiu no longer hesitated, waved the white bone banner in his hand, and five ghosts rushed out and occupied the five corners of the basement. At the same time, the white bone blood-sucking formation was laid under his feet!

Then, he took out the poison he had obtained when he killed Li Shan before, and applied it to the bone spear and the retractable tail thorn.

This is not over yet!

"Cause and effect points, add some mysterious steps!"

In an instant, the more than 800 cause and effect points that Chu Xiu had worked hard to accumulate during this period began to be consumed at an extremely fast speed!

At the same time, countless experiences, insights, and experiences poured into his mind, and countless muscle memories were born out of thin air, just like Chu Xiu had practiced this secret technique thousands of times in another time and space!

[Consume 714 causal points, and the proficiency of the Phantom Step is raised to the highest level! ]

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