
As the causal points were consumed, Chu Xiu opened his eyes, and his figure disappeared in a flash!

Without any hindrance, he perfectly adapted to the perfected Phantom Step. This is the power of causal points!

The panel appeared in front of him.

[Phantom Step]

[Proficiency: Perfection (1/200)]

[Release consumption: 0.15-2.25 (increases with charging time)]

[Charging time: 0.15s-0.65s]

[Power: 1150J-17250J]

[Duration: 0.15-0.8s]

[Cooling time: 0.15s]

After the perfected Phantom Step, while the consumption is reduced, the effect is enhanced again!

When the maximum power is fully charged, it can even release 17250J of energy in 0.8s!

What concept?

Now, after a series of upgrades, Chu Xiu's appearance has not changed much, but his weight has increased a lot, reaching 120kg, plus 50kg of heavy armor, a total of 170kg, which is already a super fat man's weight.

And the perfected Phantom Step can directly send this fat man to a height of ten meters!

And if you use the minimum energy to move, the instantaneous speed is only 0.15s!

This makes Chu Xiu's body flexibility soar again!

And almost at the moment of adding points, the elite corpse ghost on the opposite side also completed all the transformations. With a roar that resounded throughout the parking lot, a brand new creature was born out of its shell!

At this time, the elite corpse ghost has undergone a complete transformation, and its body has grown again, nearly five meters! The layers of bone shell on its body have become thicker, like a giant wrapped in heavy bone armor. The pendulum on its right arm shattered and turned into a retractable chain hammer, and the sharp claws on its left arm were also connected to the bone chain, turning into hooks that can be shot!

This is a monster that has maxed out both attack and defense!

[008-type corpse ghost mutation (elite)]

[Level] Level 1 soldier

[Attributes] Constitution 57.9, spirit? , energy level?

[Skills]? ? ? ,? ? ? ,? ? ?

[Traits]? ? ? ,? ? ? ,? ? ?

[Talents] Tough skin (skin protection +9.5, heat insulation performance, acid corrosion resistance and impact absorption are greatly enhanced), reserve energy (energy level +55.0, can consume energy to quickly heal injuries and restore physical strength.),? ? ?

A constitution of up to 57.9, and a large number of unknown skills, traits and talents!

In addition, the original talent has also been upgraded! Now the skin defense alone has a bonus of +9.5! Counting the original attributes, it is estimated that it can be comparable to Chu Xiu's heavy bone armor defense!

However, this level of power evolution is still within Chu Xiu's calculation range!

Almost at the moment when this monster completed the advancement, the five ghosts ambushed around screamed at the same time, and Chu Xiu himself pointed forward. The next moment, six huge gray wind blades slashed heavily on this large corpse ghost!

Chu Xiu had already estimated the time, so these six Yin wind blades were all the strongest blows with full energy!

Moreover, since this elite corpse ghost could not move at the moment of evolution, these six Yin wind blades with a power of up to 9.0 small success level all hit the weakest defense area!

In an instant, the high-speed rotating wind blade tore open the skin of the elite corpse ghost, and a large amount of sticky blood like ink overflowed, leaving six wounds of thirty to forty centimeters long on the corpse ghost!

However, although these six injuries looked terrible, they were only skin injuries and did not hurt the root at all!


The evolved heavy-armored corpse ghost roared, turned around and pounced on the attacking ghost, and at the same time, both hands threw out hooks and chain hammers!

With its super high physique, this large corpse ghost has agility that is completely inconsistent with its size, and the ghosts targeted by it have no time to dodge!

At the critical moment, Chu Xiu waved the soul flag, and the bodies of the five ghosts became transparent at a very fast speed.

Trait [Soul Body]!


The chain hammer passed through the transparent body of the ghost and hit the concrete wall behind it, smashing a big hole!

Although it entered the soul body state, Chu Xiu could feel that the ghost that was hit was suddenly much weaker!

But this was also within his expectations. Even the ghost that was swaying in front of him was a bait he prepared in advance!

At the moment when the large corpse ghost aimed at the ghost and swung the chain hammer, Chu Xiu, who had already accumulated strength and hid behind a load-bearing column, kicked his right leg back violently! The maximum power of the Great Success Mystery Step suddenly burst out, and the whole person shot out like an arrow from a bow!

The huge energy of 17250J was fully converted into kinetic energy in just 0.8s. Coupled with Chu Xiu's own muscle strength, his speed was increased to an extremely high value in a very short time!

He jumped over a distance of more than 20 meters, and with the help of the kinetic energy of the sprint, he turned his waist and hips, and the power was transmitted from the thigh to the arm, gathering the strength of the whole body and stabbing hard!

While the elite corpse ghost was still aiming at the Yin ghost as bait, Chu Xiu's bone spear had already pierced its lower back!

Trait [Armor Piercing]!


With a muffled sound, under the huge impact force, the skin comparable to steel could not stop it, and most of the bone spear was immersed in the corpse ghost's body!


The ghoul once again let out a deafening roar, but compared to the anger before, this time the roar was obviously filled with pain!

Trait [Soul Piercing]!

The strongest effect of the +10 Perfection Bone Spear directly dealt a heavy blow to this giant beast at the soul level!

This is what gave Chu Xiu the courage to challenge this monster!

The ear-piercing howl of the wind rang in his ears, but the monster was so angry that he turned around and called Chu Xiu! He dwarfed, pulled out the bone spear and retreated at the same time, launched the Lost Step again, and nimbly dodged sideways, dodging the attack like a ghost.

The wound caused by the bone spear was still flowing with blood, and a strange blue-black color was spreading along the wound.

Trait [Bleeding]! Prop [Type 005 Ghoul Venom]!

Of course, compared to the huge body of the warrior ghoul, this amount of blood loss and poison are not worth mentioning, but at this time, this monster is obviously exhausted from the long battle. Any attack will have It might be the last straw!

Chu Xiu knew what he was doing, so he used his wandering steps to quickly move around the warrior ghouls, and he used the bone spear in his hand and the retractable tail spur on his back to launch attacks!

Under the continuous attacks of the two, the elite ghoul soon had several wounds on its body, and toxins began to accumulate in its body!

At the same time, the five Yin ghosts also activated the [Life Absorption] skill in their soul state, continuously absorbing the vitality of the warrior-level corpses!

Chu Xiu could feel that under his multiple methods, although the corpse ghost could not be seen from the outside, in fact, both its movement speed and strength were greatly affected!

Now his actual physical fitness is far from 57.9, but only in the early 40s!

At this level, Chu Xiu’s Dacheng Muzongbu was enough to barely cope with it!

He is like a calm and experienced hunter, constantly adjusting his position. Every attack is instantaneous. He never takes risks and takes credit. He just accumulates a negligible advantage in each attack and waits for time to take away his strength. enemy.

However, just when Chu Xiu felt that this monster was about to die, suddenly, a strange red light flashed in its eyes!

The next moment, the cyst behind it that was used to store energy suddenly began to shrink violently! It seems like the last bit of energy is being suppressed!

Through the wrinkled surface, you can vaguely see the swollen blood vessels underneath, injecting some kind of green liquid into the body of the warrior ghoul!

As the green liquid was injected, its muscles began to expand visibly to the naked eye, and the exoskeleton beetles on the body even began to collapse because they could not wrap up the continuously growing muscles!

A message flashed before Chu Xiu's eyes.

[Skill: Super Hormone (an advanced skill of power burst, which can greatly increase strength, reaction speed, life recovery ability, reduce pain perception, and lasts longer, but will fall into a weak state after the effect ends)]

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