According to the editor, this book will be available at 12 noon tomorrow.

I would like to thank all the readers for their support. Although the performance of this book is not particularly good, it is very satisfying to Xiaopujie and even exceeds expectations!

I won’t sell it if it’s miserable. The author is like most ordinary people. He can’t make money, but he won’t starve to death. It’s actually a very happy thing to be able to stay at home and rely on writing books to make a living.

Let’s talk about the rules for adding more updates!

This copy will be updated directly on the day of the release, and then one update will be added for every 100 orders. It will be completed within one month. If I can reach 2,000 orders, I will uninstall all the games directly, turn into a ruthless coding machine, and challenge 10,000 a day for a month!

Don’t underestimate 10,000 a day. The book that can get the badge of 10,000 a day for a month is only a little more than 10,000 orders, which is much more difficult than the boutique.

Finally, I beg for the first order!


The following are some of the author’s thoughts about this book.

Since the beginning of this book, it has received a lot of bad reviews, saying that I am selling dog meat in sheep's clothing, and that I am not writing about demon cultivation, complaining that the protagonist is not quick to kill, and that the demon nature is not strong enough, etc.

I accept all these comments, and I can also understand that everyone clicks in when they see the demon cultivation, hoping to see a thrilling battle and killing, but is disappointed to find that the protagonist is so slow.

But I still want to explain that everyone has a different definition of demon cultivation. Some people think that demons should do whatever they want and indulge in sensual pleasures, while others think that demons are inhumane.

In my understanding, the behavior of demon cultivation will change with the change of environment.

It is not necessary to kill people and rob treasures to be a demon cultivator. Understanding the rules, integrating into the rules, using the rules, and breaking the rules when necessary are also what I think of as a demon cultivator.

If you can cling to the order established by the right way and continue to absorb the benefits brought by the order, why should you take the initiative to destroy the order?

I say this not to debate with you.

I post this single chapter just to tell you what I think in my heart.

It would be best if everyone agrees with it. If not, why not try to follow it again? Maybe it will get better later? ╰(*°▽°*)╯


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