At the moment when the ceremony was full, the remaining two statues burst into intense light at the same time, and a huge, majestic, and destructive aura descended on the square!

Everyone stood there with pale faces, feeling only a fear coming from the depths of their souls, as if they were facing a creature from a higher evolutionary level!

"Get away!"

Chu Xiu gave a sharp shout and raised the Yinfeng flag in his hand. The powerful Yinfeng blade shot out towards the figure who suddenly appeared. However, the man only stretched out a palm. The next moment, it was like there was an invisible wall. Formed in front of him, the Yin Wind Blade instantly disintegrated into pure energy after impact!

This made Chu Xiu's expression extremely ugly.

At this time, the figure had risen into the sky and flew over the statue in the center of the square, greedily absorbing the painful energy stored in the statue for a long time!

With the absorption of energy, his body grew rapidly, and the aura on his body also increased at an alarming rate!

In just one breath, he had grown to a height of five meters. A demonic body covered with simple patterns appeared. The muscles on his body were like pieces of dark granite. A dozen sharp limbs like spider legs emerged from the ground. A black back grows.

After all the pain energy was absorbed, a King of Pain arrived that made all the testers tremble.

[Pain Incarnate (Boss)]

【Level】Senior level 1

[Attributes] Physique 56.6, Spirit 20.8, Energy Level 124.68

【Skill】? ? ? ,? ? ? ,? ? ? , Curse of Pain (all pain sensations of the creature being pointed at will be amplified)

【Trait】? ? ? ,? ? ? ,? ? ?

【talent】? ? ? , pain distortion (any stimulation of pain in its field can cause distortion, the lower the spirit, the stronger the distortion), pain master (all pain in its field can be transformed into its vitality, and act on its own distortion Must be forward distortion)

The Youmo pupils flickered, and the scanned panel made Chu Xiu feel numb all over.

The leader of the ranks! ! !

This was the first time he saw a leader-level creature. Chu Xiu didn't know how strong the leader was. The only thing that was certain was that the leader's strength was definitely far superior to that of the elites! Each one requires a large number of awakened people to surround and kill them. Basically, no awakened person can single-handedly defeat the leader of the same level!

Not to mention, this leader has surpassed Chu Xiu by a huge level!

And the incarnation of pain in front of him, just because of its terrifying three-dimensional attributes, is undoubtedly the strongest enemy Chu Xiu has encountered so far!

And the talents and skills he revealed are even more disappointing!

The pain distortion means that Chu Xiu will die as long as he is hit! On the contrary, the damage he caused to the incarnation of pain would produce positive distortion! Continuously add buffs to it!

As for the Curse of Pain, it is most likely the Great Elder's skill to point someone to death.

In fact, there is a lot of pain in the human body all the time, such as joint friction, cell inflammation, etc.

However, the human body secretes endorphins that have analgesic effects, which prevents us from feeling it.

This is why drug addicts will have extremely painful withdrawal reactions without drugs. This is because the normal endorphin secretion function in their bodies has been destroyed, and pain will appear all over the body without drugs.

The curse of pain can amplify the body's pain sensation, which makes endorphins unable to suppress it, and then causes distortion!

“There are also tons of hidden traits and talents.”

"Is this the strength of a leader?"

Looking at the huge demon creature in front of him, Chu Xiu looked extremely solemn.

At this time, Jiang Xue and others on the other side were completely desperate.

From being sure of victory to reversing the situation in an instant, this huge contrast directly broke their will. Even if a few people did not have Youmo Eyes, they could still feel the pain incarnate in them. The crushing level was so strong that they could not rise to the level at all. Arouse the breath of rebellious mind!

Chu Xiu moved to the vicinity of Jiang Xue calmly.

"I'll hold him back later, and you can use the escape tool. This is your only chance to survive." Chu Xiu whispered.

Jiang Xue: "."

She looked at Chu Xiu with a blank expression. Even though she didn't say a word, Chu Xiu understood what she meant.

You just saw that the trial was about to fail, so you wanted to steal my escape props!

Thinking of this, Jiang Xue became even more desperate.

There was still a chance to escape, but with the bandit Chu Xiu here, he couldn't escape.

"I promised Sister You, and I'm still thinking about the reward she mentioned." Chu Xiu advised.

"Besides, this is your only chance. Without me to help you hold it off, you would never have the chance to activate the escape tool."

"Don't worry about me. Although this monster is strong, I still have a chance to escape for three hours until the trial is over."

Jiang Xue was silent, then raised her head for a while, looking at Chu Xiu with her big eyes under her black-rimmed glasses.

"I'm not as smart as my sister, but I'm not stupid either."

Chu Xiu curled his lips: "It's up to you, but you have to make a decision as soon as possible. When I can't hold that guy back anymore, it will be too late."

With that said, Chu Xiu said no more and turned his gaze to the incarnation of pain opposite him who had completely consumed the pain energy.

At this time, his face had completely transformed into the look of the painful man in the stone statue, and a pair of dark green pupils stared at Chu Xiu with a playful expression.

"Why didn't you attack me while I was absorbing energy?" He said in a joking tone.

"Because it's useless." Chu Xiu raised his eyes lightly, "right, Wu Xiujie?"

"Oh?" A look of surprise appeared on the face of the incarnation of pain, "How did you know?"

His tone was neither urgent nor slow, and he had obviously noticed that Chu Xiu was stalling for time, but he didn't care.

This is the confidence brought by absolute strength.

"It's very simple." Chu Xiu began to analyze.

"From the perspective of hindsight, the best strategy for us trialists to pass the level is to slowly collect information among the villagers and find those villagers who still retain some emotions and have not been completely brainwashed by you without causing alarm. Get information."

"As long as you master the key clue that [Destroy the Stone Statue] can destroy the ritual, you can easily pass the trial. Although the three elders are strong, if they spread their strength, they will only be defeated one by one. Even if they guard one place together, they will still have to face and fell into an extremely passive situation against attacks from all sides.”

"Even if you fail in the end, you can return safely after the time limit is reached."

"The second is the method we chose. We directly targeted the elites in the village and concentrated our efforts on a surprise attack. With sixteen trialists fighting against the three elders, the odds of winning are not low!"

Chu Xiu can deal with one by himself, Jiang Xue can deal with another by transforming, and the other fourteen people are enough to easily surround and kill the remaining elders. Even including the guards, the trialists still have a great chance.

"But you've ruined both methods!"

The mole's existence was extremely low, so Chu Xiu never discovered it, but looking back now, he actually played an extremely crucial role.

"When our investigation reached an impasse, you directly kidnapped the villagers to ignite the conflict, and led us to the altar. This quickly attracted the attention of the village's defense forces, making it impossible for us to investigate secretly, and forcing us to take desperate measures. "

"And when you were facing off against the elders, you used 'self-destruction' to completely destroy everyone's will to fight. You made us trialists turn into birds and beasts and flee in all directions, so that we would be easily hunted down by you one by one. !”

It has to be said that Wu Xiujie's performance was very successful. The effect of the body exploding was so shocking that even Chu Xiu was so frightened that he lost his fighting spirit. You can't blame him for this. He exploded and died when he was pointed at. Faced with such terrifying abilities, who would dare to fight head-on?

Many times, the outcome of a battle does not entirely depend on strength. The information gap in intelligence is also extremely important. A little concealed information may make a huge difference in the outcome of the battle.

If it hadn't been for Wu Xiujie, those three elders might have been killed in a direct wave in the prison at that time, because judging from the actual killings later, the defense power of the three elders was not very good.

Chu Xiu gradually figured this out and made various plans before he had the confidence to challenge the great elder. In fact, even if the ghost did not block the great elder, he still had a backup plan, but he didn't use it. Just successfully killed the great elder.

Now that he knew the specific effect of the skill, Chu Xiu knew better. The reason why Chai San was completely unable to resist was because his fingers were injured, and because he was a physical melee professional and his mental attributes were not high.

If it were Chu Xiu, the effect of the distortion would probably be greatly weakened.

The actual strength of this knight-level elite was far from as high as he initially imagined. The real strength comparison between the two showed that Chu Xiu was stronger, and much stronger, which was why he was able to kill so smoothly.

"Of course, this is also your flaw. When Chai San was hit, the distortion started from the injured finger, and there was no obvious distortion in other places. He was injured, but he still persisted for a long time, and even cut himself off Survive with the palm of your hand, but as an awakened person without any injuries, you were killed in an instant. Although the effect is extremely shocking, if you think about it carefully, you will find that it is not reasonable. "

Chu Xiu's words made the "Wu Xiujie" opposite him show an expression of appreciation.

"I see, human, I have to admit that you are a little clever."

"But that's all. In the face of real wisdom, it's still far from enough."

"But I appreciate your potential."

The incarnation of pain stepped out slowly, and countless painful souls surrounded him. The sharp limbs behind him kept rubbing, making harsh sounds.

"I can give you an opportunity, an opportunity to become my disciple."

"As long as you agree, I can send you away peacefully, and you will be my guide in the world."

"Human, tell me your answer."

Chu Xiu was silent. He did not reply immediately. Instead, he glanced at Jiang Xue behind him and whispered, "You haven't thought about it yet, okay?"

"I, I" Jiang Xue was almost crying. She didn't know what to do or whether she should believe Chu Xiu.

No, to be precise, she was convinced that Chu Xiu should not be trusted, but she had no other choice now.

"It would be great if my sister could come out." Jiang Xue thought evasively.

But she also knew that Jiang Yu had exhausted all the energy in her body and fell into a deep sleep.

After struggling for a long time, Jiang Xue raised her eyes and looked at Chu Xiu with a pair of tear-filled almond eyes, as if she wanted to seek some comfort from him.

"Can you promise? Promise that you won't steal my props?" she said tremblingly.

"I promise." Chu Xiu nodded solemnly.

"Okay! I believe you!"

She didn't know whether she was speaking to Chu Xiu or herself. After speaking, Jiang Xue gritted her teeth and moved her wrist, and a strange black twenty-sided crystal appeared in her palm.

A faint spiritual light rose from the crystal and enveloped Jiang Xue, and her body gradually became illusory.

Then Chu Xiu quickly reached out and snatched the crystal from Jiang Xue's hand.

"You!!! I knew it!!!" Jiang Xue stamped her feet anxiously.

The incarnation of pain on the opposite side clapped his hands and laughed. He had noticed Chu Xiu's little action a long time ago, but did not stop it, just to watch this good show.

However, at this time, Chu Xiu smiled calmly at Jiang Xue, who was about to cry anxiously: "Don't worry, I won't take your things for nothing."

After a quick glance and memorizing the properties of the props in his mind, he turned his palm to put it away, and replaced it with a sharp bone spear!

Chu Xiu's black eyes stared at the incarnation of pain in the distance, and said word by word:

"In return, I will take you through the trial!"

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