“You’re still lying to me after all this time!!!”

Jiang Xue was anxious and angry, but more importantly, she was desperate and fearful, because she knew that her only hope of survival had been taken away.

But at this time, Chu Xiu’s unhurried voice sounded:

"I did not lie to you."

"Didn't you notice that the mission has not failed yet?"

Jiang Xue was slightly taken aback by these words.

She called up the panel and looked at it, and found that there was really no failure, and the strangest thing was that the progress of the ceremony had reached 103% at this time!

What's happening here?

"Because I destroyed a stone statue before, which broke the connection between the stone statues."

"This also means that the incarnation of pain in front of you has only absorbed the power of the stone statue in the square. It has not completely arrived, and the mission has not completely failed." Chu Xiu said calmly.

His words made Jiang Xue calm down a little.

"Am I right?" Chu Xiu looked at the incarnation of pain opposite.

"So what?" The incarnation of pain crossed his chest with his hands, and his eyes were still full of condescending disdain. "Although the energy of the stone statues in the square is only 70% of the total, with my current strength, I can't crush them to death or crush ants to death." any difference."

"Really?" Chu Xiu smiled lightly, "How will you know if you don't try?"

There was a hint of displeasure on the painful face: "Mortal, it seems you don't realize the terrifying power of gods."

Even if it is the incarnation of pain in an incomplete body, its strength is definitely not comparable to that of the elders who are directly fighting against it. Chu Xiu, who has the ghost demon eyes, naturally knows this.


"As long as you adopt a reasonable fighting method, there is still a chance of winning!"

Just now when he was talking to the incarnation of pain, his brain was running rapidly, calculating and thinking about all possible battle strategies.

The final conclusion is that the probability of winning is very small, but it is by no means impossible!

The incarnation of pain in front of him is not yet complete. Although his talents and skills are outrageous to the point of abnormality, his basic attributes have not reached a desperate level, at least they should be below the average of a warrior-level leader.

With a physique of 56.6, he can't stop the hands of the crazy demon with 80 strength!

Of course, the premise is to be able to hit.

It was difficult, but Chu Xiu did not give up on passing the level. Although the trial in front of him was extremely difficult, at least he had an idea. He didn't know what strange situations he would encounter in the next trial.

But he certainly didn't have the character to not prepare a way out for himself, so he deceived Jiang Xue's escape props in advance.

Chu Xiu just took a look and found that it only takes three seconds from activating the item to completely escaping. At worst, he could order the elite Yingui to self-destruct and he could always survive these three seconds.

With backup, Chu Xiu had nothing to worry about.

Come on then, let’s have a good fight with all our strength!

He is also looking forward to how strong he can be when he uses all his cards!

He lifted up his black robe, and the ferocious heavy white bone armor was revealed. The sharp bone spurs shone with a terrifying cold light. The retractable tail spurs were also equipped behind Chu Xiu in time, like a poisonous snake that chooses people to bite.

"You should run away in the opposite direction of our battle now, but don't go too far. We will need you later." Chu Xiu said to the few awakened people who were still alive behind him.

The combat power of these guys can no longer provide any help in the face of a battle of this level. Instead, they will become food for the opponent to replenish energy.

If all the remaining six trialists are eaten, the incarnation of pain will be able to descend completely without having to absorb the stone statues in the castle.

At the same time, he also whispered a few words to a few people, and gave Jiang Xue one more thing.

Chu Xiu's words made everyone look surprised.

"If you don't want to die, just do as I say. The fragments of this world are so big. You can't escape now." Chu Xiu warned.

Jiang Xue looked uncertain, but finally decided to believe Chu Xiu, turned around and ran towards the church, while the others fled in all directions.

On the spot, only Chu Xiu and the Incarnation of Pain were left.

"Do you want you to hold me back, and then let them destroy other stone statues?" Pain turned into dark green eyes and stared at Chu Xiu, with a look of disdain on his lips. "You are so arrogant that you can hold me back."

"Not to mention, as long as the progress of the ritual exceeds 100%, I can come. After I come, I will no longer rely on the stone statue."

"Even if you destroy all the stone statues, I can slowly torture you and turn all your pain into my food."

"Haha, I'm really looking forward to your expressions at that time. You will realize that death is not the end for you but a relief."

"You talk a lot," Chu Xiu slowly rubbed the bone spear in his hand, "And you guessed wrong. I only had one plan from beginning to end."

"That's right here, I'll beat you until you can't even say a word!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Xiu rushed out. At the same time, all the remaining ghosts spread out behind him, following closely behind him!

"call out!"

The +10 bone spear in Chu Xiu's hand seemed to turn into a silvery lightning, stabbing towards the incarnation of pain at an extremely fast speed!

However, in the face of this sharp blow, the opponent only stretched out one of his limbs from behind to easily deflect it, and at the same time punched it casually, almost as if playing!

But even this light punch was so fast that it exceeded any creature Chu Xiu had seen so far! He was horrified, and he quickly moved sideways, jumped over, and then quickly retreated!

But pain incarnates even faster! As soon as Chu Xiu used his front legs to retreat, he was already chasing after him and appeared behind Chu Xiu!

The face of the twisted man was even more playful, and he punched Chu Xiu's head almost playfully!


At the critical moment, a ghost that had been following Chu Xiu materialized towards him and exploded in an instant. The huge impact blocked the incarnation of pain for a moment. Taking advantage of this gap, Chu Xiu's wandering steps were reversed. cd, once again helped him distance himself.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and a huge body of pain appeared in Chu Xiu's sight. His body was almost intact. Only his fists very close to the center of the explosion were dripping with blood. However, these injuries not only did not make him angry, but made him angry. He showed an expression of enjoyment.

Soon, those wounds were covered with layers of hard shells, and the repaired fists seemed to be harder than before!

This is the characteristic of the master of pain. The distortion caused by pain must be a positive distortion!

Seeing this, Chu Xiu's expression became more solemn than ever before.

The incarnation of the evil god in front of me is too fast! Far from the defective creature that Chu Xiu encountered in the basement that was super powerful but not agile under the blessing of the blood moon, it was a genuine creature with a physique of 56.6!

This terrifying physique is more than twice that of Chu Xiu. Even with the bonuses of Dacheng Muzongbu and Youmo Tong, he can't keep up with the opponent's speed at all! What's worse is that Chu Xiu simply doesn't dare to rely on the high defense of the bone armor to fight with him at close range, because once he is injured, he will be directly deformed!

But this desperate situation made Chu Xiu excited. His brain was running at an unprecedented speed. The pressure of a strong man caused all the hormones in his body to secrete crazily. It was as if there was an electric current flowing through his body, and the pain was transformed into Every move was clearly reflected in Chu Xiu’s mind!

He licked the corners of his mouth excitedly, and the poison props were once again added to the bone spear and tail spine!

At the same time, [Monk Rasputin’s Tongue] is equipped!

The moment he equipped this item, Chu Xiu felt that his tongue was covered with something sticky, and he was nourished by a force both physically and mentally.

[All attributes +3! 】

The increase in physical fitness and energy is not much. The key lies in the enhancement of spirit, which is directly increased by a quarter. This makes his reaction speed faster, his body coordination is stronger, and his response to pain and distortion is greatly improved. The ability to resist!

Now some minor pain should not affect him, which makes him feel much more comfortable.

At least when fighting the Incarnation of Pain in close combat, you don't have to worry about being hit by the aftermath waves or splashing pebbles that will cause distortion.

"Ulala - fresh flesh and blood! Living! I'm alive!"

Chu Xiu's tongue moved on its own, and he spoke strange nonsense uncontrollably, but he didn't pay attention at all, he just stared at the incarnation of pain opposite him!

The person on the other side was also looking at him. Suddenly, this powerful demon moved again. With a kick of his thick legs, he immediately burst out with power that surpassed Dacheng Mizongbu! The body weighing several tons rushed towards Chu Xiu like a rampaging truck!

Under this powerful force, even if he didn't use any skills, just a collision would be enough to seriously injure Chu Xiu!

However, Chu Xiu did not choose to retreat this time. Instead of retreating, he advanced and charged straight forward!

At the moment when the two were about to collide, a big hand suddenly appeared behind Chu Xiu, clenching his five fingers into a fist, and the lava surging in his veins was like a power furnace turned to maximum power. Under the shocked gaze of the incarnation of pain, it blasted out violently. !

[Devil's Hand·Go crazy! 】


There was a loud bang in the air, like explosives being detonated. Following the huge shock wave, the pain incarnation flew out upside down and hit the ground heavily!

But Chu Xiu didn't look happy at all, he just narrowed his eyes and stared at his figure calmly.

In the smoke and dust, the incarnation of pain slowly stood up. At this time, the limbs and feet behind him were broken as if they had been run over by a hydraulic machine! The arms used to block were bloody and bloody, and the entire chin was crooked, making the already gloomy face even more eye-catching.


But as a creepy sound sounded, His crooked jaw was pushed back to health by some invisible force. At the same time, strips of flesh and blood like tree roots were fixed on the surface like safety bolts, further improving the wound. With the reinforcement, the broken limbs and feet behind him were also connected with new flesh and blood, becoming thicker and longer!

His dark green pupils showed a solemn expression for the first time.

"This is the power of gods and demons. Which alien demon are you a descendant of?"

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