President Trump called the leader of another country

"Shancun, you know there is nothing wrong with following me. Now Xia Guo has lost a lot of money"


"You have to know that I am doing all this for your own good. The Xia Kingdom is always practicing demonstrations. Without me, you will be eaten by them."

"Of course, I will save you. Then the military expenses of our army stationed on your island this time….."

After hanging up the phone, Te'alang called the Prime Minister of China.

"You woman, why are you not smart at all? Now I give you one last chance to join me!"


"Why do not you speak! I tell you, follow me and you will make the country great again!"


The Prime Minister of Technetium Country obviously didn't listen, and Te'alang angrily called the Prime Minister of Maple Leaf Country.

"Very good, you did a good job this time, follow me and you will have meat to eat! By the way, I heard that an executive of a company in Xia State is in your territory. Detain her"


"Believe me, this will let Xia Guo know what power is! Believe me, I will make you make Maple Leaf Country great again!"

"Did you ever think that they would use nuclear weapons?"

"nuclear weapon? Impossible, how could Xia Guoguo be so bold? Besides, even if they dare, we still have nuclear weapons! Hehe, we won’t lose anyway!"

During the conversation, suddenly, there was a click.

The office door was opened, and someone rushed in from the door in a panic.

"Mr President!"

"Whoever let you in, I will remove you!"Tep said angrily,"I'm on the phone!"

"Mr. President, it's an emergency!

Te'alang hung up the phone and said coldly,"Say it!" If you can't tell me, I will throw you out!"

"Mr. President, the virus was solved by Xia Guoguo. Now the hacker has lost contact too!"

"impossible! What the hell are you talking about! Te'alang looked unconvinced,"It's impossible for the people in my organization to fail.""

"Mr. President, it's true!"The man said and took out his mobile phone directly,"Look at the report!"

Te'alang's face suddenly changed when he saw it,"Impossible, impossible, impossible! Is there a traitor among them?! It must be from Yingguo!"

The election is coming soon, and his term is about to expire.

Without this achievement, his failure rate for re-election will be greatly increased.

He has united several countries and found many top hackers. Obviously It was impossible to fail, but now that the facts were in front of him, he couldn't bear to believe it.

Te'alang sat down on the chair, his face full of despair.

He had to see if there was any way to improve his support. Rate?

Hehe, what if there is a virus in Xia State and Xia State dominates the world?

In short, as long as it is related to Xia State, the support rate will not be low. But in fact, this is the end.

It's just the beginning, it's far from the end! Since the Mei Kingdom has done such a thing, it must bear the consequences.

Of course, the other participating countries must also know that those who openly offend the Xia Kingdom will be punished. This is not an empty talk!

Te'alang was about to go home and take a nap. At this moment, the computer that was originally turned off suddenly turned on automatically!

The screen of his mobile phone also turned on inexplicably!

"what's the situation?"

Te'alang was a little confused, looking at the big words that suddenly came out of the computer.

Although he didn't know what they were, it was obvious that they were Xia Guo's words!

How could Xia Guo's words appear on his computer and mobile phone?!

He is the president of Mei!

After Te'alang realized it,

Xia Guoguo's revenge was coming!

"Come on, come on!"Te'alang panicked!

At the same time, the top leaders of Maple Leaf Country, Han Country, and Ying Country also received the news!

Their countries were also attacked by cyberattacks from unknown paths!

In just one hour, all the networks were paralyzed!

The power disappeared!

The webpage failed to open, the drone crashed, and the computer hard drive was damaged.

Five hours later, a news shocked the world!

The country officially issued an emergency notice!

The island country issued an emergency warning!

The cyber security centers of Technetium, Ice and Snow Country, Asan Country, and Pakistan issued a joint announcement on a new type of mobile phone and computer virus!

When it occurs, garbage data is written to the hard disk in units of 5634 sectors, starting from the main boot sector, until the hard disk data is completely destroyed, and can damage most of the BIOS information on the motherboard, causing irreversible and permanent damage.

Sexual damage.

This virus is highly transmissible, but it is controlled by a certain instruction from the creator and only spreads to specific target groups.

The specific transmission rules are unknown.

This is the most vicious virus discovered in the world so far, and it is also the most vicious virus in the world so far.

The only virus discovered in the world that can destroy hardware!

The virus has been raging in Ying Country, Mei Country, Maple Leaf Country and Island Country.

The network of the four countries is completely paralyzed, just like Xia Country a few days ago , it is going down every second.

Drop the money!

The superiors are busy thinking of ways to deal with it.

They stand together to threaten Xia Guo, because it says that those who commit crimes against Xia Guo will be punished quickly , even if they are far away!

And he will hand over the person who created the virus unconditionally and pay ten times the compensation for their losses.

Xia Guofang said he didn't know who did it.

Maybe it was one of your own people who falsely accused us, Xia Guofang.

After all, people from the Xia Kingdom were not the only ones who knew the Chinese characters.

The joint warning also made the Xia Kingdom react by issuing warning messages at the same time.

Of course, other countries were also frightened into a cold sweat.

, are also rushing to issue the highest level of virus warning.

Once this virus spreads, it will be a terrible disaster for countries that rely on the Internet.

Experts from various countries, hackers and computer practitioners from various countries are now.

There was a look of panic and confusion.

Computer viruses have been around for a long time, but there has never been a system that could damage the hardware.

They were panicked, and they looked stunned!

"my Lord!"

"How could a virus that damages hardware appear?"

"How can this be!"

"Totally can't believe it!"

"Who has so much energy! Was it really done by Xia people?!"

"It must have been done by someone from the Xia Kingdom, but who was it?! If you find him, you must kill him!"

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