The virus is raging and the world is panicking! People are panicking!

All countries were shrouded in the shadow of the virus. Then, led by the United States, Maple Leaf Country, Island Country, Ying Country and other countries sent professionals to urgently set up a virus research team to conduct research on this virus.

But I don’t know why, but there is no progress at all. There are many breakthroughs, but each breakthrough is useless.

They fell into a headless state

"How's it going, Nick?"

"Can not be done!"

"God, who designed this virus?"

"Oh my God! Mine is dyed! Another one was scrapped!"

"damn it!"

"This producer is truly a lunatic!"

"I'm at a loss what to do!"

"Oh my God, God, it's over! Scrapped again"

"In addition to Mei Country, Ying Country, Maple Leaf Country and Island Country, are there any other countries affected by the disaster?"

"No, it’s because of the rules set by the producers and it hasn’t spread widely."

"It’s over. This must be designed by China. As far as I know, this cyber attack against China was caused by these four countries."

"Really, all stupid pigs. Such a person exploded"

"Who is this producer? He is a bastard!"


Plum country.

The people are also collapsing, there are marches everywhere, demonstrations everywhere

"Give me back the internet!"

"I want Internet freedom!"

"Te'alang, come off the stage, I want to watch the Internet, I want to buy something"

"My computers are all dead, my mobile phones are all dead, and they are all poisoned, and there is not a single one left."

"damn it! Why bother with China!"

"Apologize! Apologize to China!"

"We want to work, we want to work."

Island country

"What should we do now? There's no way it's going to work properly!"

"Was it made by Chinese people?"

"Definitely, look at it now, China is not infected by this virus"

"What does that have to do with our island country?"

"It is said that some of us also participated"

"Oh my God, there are such dangerous hackers in China."

"I just want to get online. Now the network is completely down. I don’t know when it will be fixed."

Maple Leaf Country

"What to do now, they are all poisoned"

"Is there not one left?"


"It's over, now it's China's turn to laugh at us"

"Crazy, isn’t peace bad? Now it's up to us, the people, to bear it."


"How terrible!"

"There is no way to access the Internet at all. It feels like returning to primitive society!"

"When will the government solve this problem? Can you hurry up!"

"This damn Chinese is so angry!"

"My drone is now unplayable!"

"Self-driving cars are also scrapped, and everything that relies on the Internet is completely paralyzed!"



The people were in jubilation. After being attacked by the Internet before, Huaxia was suffocating from top to bottom!

I wish I could take a knife to the battlefield one by one and stab these hackers to death.

Now when we see other countries being attacked by hackers, they are said to be the ones who attacked them.

Instantly, I laughed out loud

"Holy shit! Holy shit! This tone finally works out!"

"This is so handsome! My China is mighty!"

"I don’t know who created this virus. It’s so cool. Anyone who openly offends China will be punished no matter how far away they are. Damn! It's so deep in my heart"

"Paralysis makes my blood boil!"

"That's how it should be, beat them so hard that they won't dare to stretch out their claws again!"

"Haha, great job, I hate it when I think about not being able to access the Internet!"

"It is said that this virus is so powerful that it can destroy computers and mobile phones without even reacting in person!"

"That’s right, my friend in the United States said this, the computer can automatically turn on. Unless there is a power outage"

"Go ahead, you’re so awesome!"

"Ahaha, I really didn’t expect our country to be so awesome in the Internet field."

"Please, we already have 5G, okay? We also have holograms, it’s just a virus, a gadget. Hahaha"


National Information Security Department, Directorate General

**Network security experts gathered together, and even if they were not present, network security directors from all over the country were in holographic contact.

"I go! That’s awesome, isn’t it you, Lao Li?"

"It’s not me. I don’t have that kind of technology. If I did, I would have been killed by them long ago."

"If it’s not you, then who is it? Is it your grandson?"

"not me! I was also confused, I didn’t even know which master it was!"

"That’s strange. Could it be that he’s not from the circle?"


"If he is the rights holder, how could he not have any news?"

"Lao Zhao, are you from your side?"

Shangjing City.

National Information Security Branch.

Old Zhao is the director who led Chen Fan to his position.

Director Zhao frowned,"No, I haven't received any news. This kind of programming technology, this This style has never appeared before"

"If you ask me, only one person can do this kind of formal style and this kind of foundation."


"Liu Yuan!"

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