150 – Battle of the Jungfrau Plain (7)

“You damn bandits from Switzerland, die! Die! “Die!”

“You bastards who are worse than dogs! “Your destiny is to die here!”

“I will kill every single one of you!”

The soldiers of the Reich Empire repeatedly raised their spears and stabbed the enemy, shouting in loud voices with blood vessels erected around their necks.

While the soldiers of both armies were fighting and killing each other using spear poles, Swiss skilled mercenaries were carefully crawling under the poles that were moving wildly above their heads.

With such a chaotic battle already taking place, I don’t think there’s any risk of being caught.

If the soldiers of the Reich Empire realized that they were skilled soldiers crawling on the ground and approaching, they would be as good as dead as they were holding only daggers.

He was slowly approaching the place where the imperial soldiers were, like a turtle crawling, even trying to keep his breath as quiet as possible.

You only have to crawl a short distance of about 6 meters, but it is a dangerous situation where the moment you are caught, it is no different from death.

To the experienced soldiers, it felt as if each minute seemed like an hour, but as they kept going, they eventually succeeded in arriving at the feet of the Reich Empire soldiers without being detected.

So now is the moment to cut off the feet or ankles of the imperial army idiots with the dagger in your hand.

“Just as Director Jaeger predicted, the bandits crawled under the spearmen!”

“Make it into minced meat! “Kill them all!”

“Let’s chop it very finely!”

In preparation for such a situation, the Reich Imperial Army had placed soldiers carrying pins next to the spearmen under Major General Jaeger’s orders.

Hymnolitis They get sick just like when they harvest wheat and barley in the fall.

It is as if someone is holding a flail and striking it to remove the grains of wheat and barley attached to the stalks.

He raised his handgun to hit the heads of the soldiers who risked their lives by crawling under the bars.

“Help me, you f*cking bastards!”

“No, f*ck. “How did you know we were coming?”

“I can’t die alone! “f*cking Reich soldiers, you bastards!”

The soldiers belonging to Switzerland are divided into those who beg for their lives, those who ask questions even at this moment to know the reason why they died and those who want to die with them by stamping on the feet of the imperial soldiers because they feel it is unfair to die alone. It was.

In the end, everyone died equally with their heads broken.

As dozens to 100 skilled soldiers died in an instant, the soldiers of the Reich Empire shouted loudly for national independence.

“Long live Director Jaeger! Long live the Reich Empire! Long live the great Deus!”

“The heads of the evil and cowardly mountain thieves are broken to death! “We are winning!”

“Let’s push a little harder! “We win!”

This cheer greatly boosted the morale of the Reich Empire’s infantry, which until just now had been pushed back due to lack of combat experience.

Swiss soldiers were in great despair as their tactics, which had always been effective, failed miserably right before their eyes.

When Director Yeager heard about this whole situation, he clenched his right fist and raised it upward.

“Good! It is now. Tell the infantry to push more aggressively! “The Swiss soldiers may be the strongest on the European continent, but when their morale is low, they are nothing more than a ragtag bunch!”

The order was immediately conveyed to all infantry of the Reich Empire, and the imperial army gradually increased the speed of its advance and pushed forward.

Switzerland’s soldiers were quite shocked by the failure of the operation, and although their individual skills were capable of being called the strongest in Europa, they began to fall noticeably behind.

At that moment, Captain Philip, in charge of Headquarters Company, approached Major General Yeager and reported.

“As instructed by the director, we scattered the leaves soaked in oil near the entrance to the forest near us. And we did not encounter any Swiss ambush troops during the operation.”

“I understand. Then, the company you command will now order the wizard troops to prepare to fire fireballs toward the forest on the right when I give the signal.”

“Yes, I understand.”

As the tide of the war turned, the 7th Division led by Major General Jaeger gradually began to gain the upper hand, and Count Ticino suppressed his surging anger and began to think about how to turn the war around again.

1 Minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes. As time passed, the only thing that became clear in his mind was that they needed a definite act of God to turn this entire situation around.

“You look like the damn Jaeger director! Watching a 27-year-old kid running around so cowardly on the battlefield makes me feel crazy! Brave warriors of Switzerland, kill the evil Peter Jaeger who is burning your homeland! Charge!”

It was not easy to come up with a divine move, so I gave the order to push harder to restore the morale of the infantry.

Not long after that, Count Ticino looked as if he had achieved enlightenment.

‘We had already surprised the Reich Imperial Army and that surprise had completely failed. So they won’t think we’ll use the same strategy again.’

“The messenger immediately orders Baron Ragno to lead 1,000 infantrymen to bypass the forest on the left and attack the flanks of the Reich infantry! The victory or defeat of the battle depends on this surprise attack.”

If we succeed in attacking the right wing of the Reich Imperial Army by bypassing the forest as Count Ticino said.

No matter how much of an army commanded by Major General Jaeger, there would be a momentary tremor, and if halberds and Doppelsöldners were deployed for that moment, the war could quickly turn around.

However, no matter how quickly Baron Ragno moved, he would have to endure the current battle for at least an hour in order to take a detour and attack the enemy’s flank without being detected by Major Jaeger.

“We are losing in the battle of power at the front. So, send in a reserve unit to assist, and put the Doppelsöldner at the forefront. “No one will dare defeat the great Swiss two-handed sword-wielding warrior!”

It may sound like an arrogant statement, but the Doppelsöldners in Switzerland are elites who are paid at least twice as much as regular mercenaries.

From noble mtl dot com

In fact, it was common for one of them to defeat 2-3 new recruits by himself. Doppelsöldner was an ideal soldier who was strong and never gave up under any circumstances.

Legendary mercenaries that any employer who has hired them even once will admit to have combat power three to four times more than the money they received.

So, a group of capable people who were hired as mercenaries in places such as the Peronian City Confederation, the Reich Empire, or the Francois Republic, and then received the rank of officer or knight.

In addition, since he was holding a two-handed sword that was most compatible with spearmen, Count Ticino could be confident that he would definitely win this time.

When Count Ticino made his secret move to turn the game around, the Swiss infantrymen were still unable to overcome the shock of being attacked by a surprise attack team.

“f*ck, the raid team that crawled under the pikemen also failed. Are we okay like this?”

“Shut up, Max. Count Ticino isn’t a fool like you, he probably has his own thoughts. “This is why I can’t fight with new recruit Naburang.”

“Reserve units will be deployed soon. No, if the Doppelsöldners behind there pick up their knives and start chopping, we will win 100%.”

Soon after, an order was given to the Doppelsöldners to advance, and the infantrymen who heard the sound cheered.

The warriors holding two-handed swords moved forward, smiling at the fact that their chance to take action had finally come as they watched the young soldiers opening a path for them to exit.

Of course, along the way, soldiers of the Reich Empire quickly stabbed them with long spears, aiming for vital points such as their necks.

“Where are these little babies who haven’t even been weaned from their mother’s milk! Be impertinent!!”

While shouting like that, he struck forward the spears of the Reich Empire soldiers with both his swords and cut off the spear poles.

The imperial soldiers were taken aback by the power of the Doppelsöldner, which penetrated in an instant, and almost cracked the battle line for a moment.

The Pyeongon soldiers protected the spear soldiers who were in danger of death to some extent, preventing the formation from collapsing and avoiding serious injuries.

However, a series of processes restored the morale of the Swiss infantry, which had been pushed back just now, and support from the reserve forces arrived in time.

“How dare you Reich brats fight against each other head-on! To beat our older brothers!”

“I’ll sew up that insolent mouth!”

“There is only a cruel death for you invaders!”

The Reich Imperial Army slowly began to be pushed back.

Peter Yeager, who was watching this situation, felt troubled, but did not reveal it to his subordinates through his facial expression management.

No, in fact, I was secretly hoping that the enemy was preoccupied with infantry warfare.

At this time, Lieutenant Colonel Werner and Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia observed the situation from a distance from the battlefield and sensed that now was the time for them to take action and ordered their units.

“Let’s kill those children who use long-range weapons in Switzerland first!”

“After seeing the archer cavalry rushing in, follow my instructions and charge in!”

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