151 – Battle of the Jungfrau Plain (8)

Anastasia Kergit has lived her entire life as a warrior of the White Wolf tribe, so she has her own wild senses and thoughts that are different from those of the imperial officers. There is a way.

So, unlike other imperial commanders, she was able to freely use tactics like driving and hunting animals in her actual battles.

She used that advantage and was able to win in Hattin Forest by driving her opponent’s knights at will, which far outnumbered her warriors.

She was now, as always, shouting and thinking of the best way to hunt down enemy crossbowmen and wizards.

“An opportunity has come to work for the Reich Empire and the Emperor, who saved our tribe from being trampled upon by Ludvik and provided a foundation for our tribe to live with pride! But I don’t think there’s anyone here who wants to run away because he’s scared of death!”

The archers laughed as if their mouths would hurt if they said it twice, and looked at Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia with a determined expression.

“Moreover, the one who commands us in this battle did his best to give us a place to live. This is Chief Jaeger, who defeated the tribe’s enemies with his own sword. Therefore, even if I were to die here, I would have no time left. What about you?”

At those words, the archers raised their bows upward to show that they agreed, and Anastasia strengthened her resolve to help the warden this time by completing her duties at any cost.

“From now on, our archer cavalry will hunt the Swiss wizards and crossbowmen like they would a bear. So follow my instructions and move like a sword! “Everyone let’s go!”

With that said, she became a nobleman and officer of the empire, but in her hunts, she ran in front of her to uphold the tradition that the tribal chief should take the lead.

The rest of the archers rode quickly along Anastasia’s back.

After riding like that for about 3 minutes, the archers led by Anastasia caught the eyes of the Swiss crossbowmen and wizards.

The crossbowmen and wizards at the rear of the Swiss army were surprised to see the archers suddenly appearing and tried to change their formation as quickly as possible to respond.

“Prepare to fire a salvo! After shooting, exit to the left with all your might and fire one more shot!”

It was faster for the archers to fire a rain of arrows at them than for them to change their formation and point their crossbows and staffs at Colonel Anastasia.

The Swiss long-distance unit, suddenly hit by an arrow, completely missed the right moment to attack, and taking advantage of the opportunity, the archers led by Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia quickly fled the scene, fired one more shot, and disappeared like the wind.

In that way, the arrows and magic only hit the place where the archers passed by and did not cause any significant damage.

The Swiss soldiers, who were completely attacked by the archers who suddenly appeared, poured out curses about this ridiculous situation.

“Have the Reich pigs now joined hands with the barbarians, who are no better than dogs or dwarfs?”

“Looking at you like that, have you sold your soul to the devil?”

“I don’t know who the bastard in command is, but he must be a bastard without a mother or father. “You bastard who is behind your parents!”

Anastasia could have been angry at those words, but she had heard from Major General Jaeger that swearing by the enemy was a tool to prove that one was good at fighting.

I was satisfied that everything was going well and looked around again.

Switzerland’s crossbowmen and wizards suffered great damage from a blow to the back of the head from mounted archers that no one could have expected.

Nevertheless, they were in a dilemma as to whether they should focus on supporting the Swiss infantry as ordered by Count Ticino, or whether they should deal with the horse archers who were targeting their backs since they were also under attack.

“Company Commander Nari, if this continues, all of our crossbowmen will die. “If this continues, we will all die.”

“I know that, but the order given to us is to support the front from the rear.”

“If we collapse, we won’t be able to provide forward support anyway.”

Because the situation was so chaotic, Anastasia even considered taking this opportunity to dig in with her sword.

“If we were to follow our original method, we would have to circle around here and shoot arrows, but what we are dealing with are wizards and crossbowmen. So, rather than spinning around in a fixed spot, I will use a strategy of adjusting my speed and wandering around them. Everyone! Load arrows and charge!”

The role given to the archers in the operation was to completely distract the Swiss long-range attackers who were providing support fire from the rear.

We decided that moving irregularly and targeting their backs would be the most effective way to harass the Swiss soldiers.

She made that judgment when the Swiss soldiers came to their senses and gave up supporting her infantry, focusing on long-distance attacks on only about 400 archers.

“Send a signal to Lieutenant Colonel Werner! “The only way to win is to have the knights attack when all the attention is on us!”

She gave her command and once again fired arrows at the crossbowmen and wizards of Switzerland.

Meanwhile, Lieutenant Colonel Werner was currently leading the 400 knights under his command with the title of senior battalion commander, but he was a man with an ambition to kill his colonel as quickly as possible.

Therefore, he was thirsty for a clearly noticeable achievement.

An opportunity that he could not miss had come to him.

“For the great Empire and for Director Jaeger, who will become its youngest ever Marshal! Are you ready to risk your life for our honor and wealth?”

At those words, the knights raised their voices with sincerity.

From noble mtl dot com

This is because among the drivers here, when they were injured and were in trouble due to medical expenses or other circumstances, Peter Yeager, who was on suspension at the time, came to their house and helped them.

The knights of the 7th Division, who heard such stories directly from their colleagues, were prepared to jump into the fire for their commander, whom they respected.

“Good. Then everyone, grab your lance and follow me! As always, it is the senior commander’s privilege to lead the charge! “If it’s unfair, you too can get promoted!”

It was a playful remark that was slightly out of place for a senior commander of the knights, but being at the forefront of the knights’ assault was a very difficult and dangerous position with the highest chance of death.

Among officers who became nobles, it was a position that everyone was reluctant to take unless they had a very strong desire to succeed.

However, the fact that Werner, the highest-ranking knight among the knights, always took the lead always kept the morale of the knights of the 7th Division at the highest level.

This time too, everyone slowly approached the location of the Swiss long-range troops, determined to absolutely crush Switzerland.

When the knights of the Reich Empire got close to the Swiss infantry, about 300 meters away, the archers fired their last arrows and then moved away.

Switzerland’s wizards and archers only then learned that the knights of the Reich Empire were coming toward them.

“We need to call the reserves, form a square, block them, and get support!”

“You idiot, I’m going to attack you in less than 2-3 minutes, so what kind of support are you giving me? “I’m in a situation where I just have to keep shooting magic to catch my ankle!”

“Shoot all the arrows you have! Then, pull out a knife or whatever and hold on!”

As Switzerland has many experienced soldiers and officers, even in this situation, they showed a movement to find the best course of action and try to resist in any way possible.

Soldiers who have neither the ability nor the equipment to engage in close combat cannot withstand the attack of horses and knights weighing 0.5 Tons.

So, upon seeing this, Lieutenant Colonel Werner decided that the crossbowmen and wizards of Switzerland were over.

“We need to hit them in a straight formation, not in a wedge formation, to cause as much damage as possible!”

An order was given to spread the formation wide and pierce through the soldiers who were unable to resist with the weight of the horses and the lances of the knights.

Now, the Knights of the Reich Empire approached these people who were unable to resist in any way and were left with the only fate of being trampled by horses’ hooves, being pierced by spears, or being blown away by horses and dying somewhere.

“Everyone, prepare for impact!”

With those words, the imperial knights tightened their thighs, brought their bodies as close to their horses as possible, and advanced, using the weight of their lances and horses to crush the Swiss soldiers.

These people have become minced meat. People who were skewered by being pierced two or three times with spears called lances. He gets hit by a horse and experiences flight for the first time in his life.

A scene that could be said to be the worst hell ever seen in the human world spread out across a wide expanse, and of course these screams reached the Swiss infantry.

In particular, Count Ticino, who was trying to win the infantry battle by deploying reserves, looked devastated.

But I didn’t give up.

Because he still had a thousand ambushers left.

Although we lost soldiers capable of long-distance attacks.

“Anyway, 90% of battles take place in infantry warfare. So we still have a chance. Can win. “Take out the soldiers of the 1st Regiment and have them defend the rear.”

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