152 – Battle of the Jungfrau Plain (9)

Switzerland’s Doppelsöldners continued their active attack against the Reich Empire’s long spear soldiers who were in a close formation.

The imperial soldiers were somehow able to hold on with a combination of lances and long spears, but they were holding on to the battle so precariously that if you look at them from a distance, you could feel that they might collapse at any moment.

“You imperial idiots! “Didn’t your parents or old idiot soldiers teach you that long spears don’t stab like that?!”

“You should aim for the vital spot with the spear, are you hitting the breastplate somewhere?”

“I don’t think you, who invaded without any justification, would dare to think that you could win against our Doppelsöldner, who came back alive from dozens of battles!”

Saying this, the Swiss infantrymen, especially the two-handed swordsmen at the forefront, slowly dug in, using their swords to deflect or cut off the spear poles of the imperial troops.

At each time, the pikemen who assisted the pikemen came out and kept the Swiss infantry in check, and the imperial soldiers, who could not fight because their spears were cut, were fighting by switching positions with the soldiers in the second or third row.

The imperial army’s rectangular square has 8 soldiers per vertical line and 6 pikemen who can take turns, so there is still a long time left until the formation is broken.

From the perspective of Major General Yeager, who commands the 7th Division, he cannot definitively say, ‘The current situation is not very good.’

‘The victory or defeat of a battle is ultimately determined in infantry battles, which make up the majority of the army. However, if the situation of being pushed back continues here. The damage to our allies increases.’

However, in Major General Jaeger’s mind, the possibility of defeat had already been erased, because there had not yet been reports from Anastasia or Werner that the cavalry attack was successful.

Given that the momentum of magic or arrow attacks provided from a distance has decreased sharply, this means that the cavalry attack was successful. Therefore, as long as the infantry holds out, the Reich Imperial Army, which can continue to receive long-distance support, will gradually become more advantageous. Because it is.

In such a situation, Director Jaeger thought about how to overcome this crisis and was soon able to find an appropriate solution.

He immediately called a staff member nearby and gave an urgent order.

“It looks like the Swiss army will push us in and win at any moment, but the reality is completely different. “They have lost all long-distance support, and as they know, they are in a last-ditch situation.”

“Yes, Director.”

“Send flags and signals to Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia and Lieutenant Colonel Werner to order them to retreat and regroup. Also, send a messenger right now and convey what I said. In order to make sure that all the Swiss soldiers know that their rear has been captured, the knights and archers must pass by the left and right sides of their camp and shout this message.”

The staff who received the order immediately conveyed Major General Jaeger’s instructions to the messengers, writing down the necessary information on paper to ensure reliable delivery.

At this time, Baron Ragno, who was commanded by Count Ticino and commanded 1,000 ambushers, was marching very carefully through the forest.

He was moving forward, observing his feet very carefully in case an accident such as falling or being stabbed by a tree branch occurred and caused noise.

As if that wasn’t enough, the soldiers and nobles were keeping a close watch on their surroundings, stuffing pieces of cloth in their mouths.

Thanks to this, Baron Rhino was able to safely reach the area near the Reich Imperial Army without being caught in an ambush. Now that he has arrived, he is timing a surprise attack…

“f*ck, why aren’t arrows and magic support coming from our side! “If we pour in just a little more, we can kill all the Reich Empire bastards.”

“Look at these bastards who shoot arrows or magic from afar, unlike the real men like us who fight to the death in front of us. “The only thing that bothers me is…”

“Okay, just come under me. “I will grind your shin bones until they break!”

Switzerland’s Doppelsöldner and pikemen, risking their lives at the forefront, are so busy fighting with the soldiers of the empire that they have no time to complain.

Just behind him, the Baron also began to feel sick as he saw the sudden decrease in long-distance support.

‘If we send a signal right before the surprise attack and fire a volley of fire from a distance at the same time as the surprise attack, we can greatly affect the impact of the surprise attack on them. ‘What on earth is the Count doing?’

However, in a situation where there was an ambush for a surprise attack, it was impossible to leisurely send a messenger and receive an explanation of the situation.

With a wave of his hand, he gathered several officers and scouts of company commander rank or higher nearby and asked them in a low voice.

“Scout, I won’t blame you, so please answer me straight. “Do you think our 1,000-man commando unit has been detected by the enemy?”

Senior scout leader Halt thought for a moment and then shook his head and answered.

“We searched the forest, but other than our Swiss army, there was no sign of anyone else. So, I think we can at least assume that there is no chance of their scouts being in this forest.”

“Then what about the possibility that they noticed the ambush or set a trap?”

“The forest next to the Jungfrau Plain where we ambushed is very dense with trees and grass. Therefore, because the field of view is narrow, if discovered, each other would have noticed at that time. So, the fact that we couldn’t find the enemy means that the Reich Empire couldn’t find us either.”

The Baron and other commanders thought that this operation had a high probability of success based on the scout leader’s report, so they wanted to shout “Hurray.”

If I make a loud noise in the forest, the enemy’s secret ambush will be discovered, so I suppressed the instinct to scream by pinching my forearm.

“Good. Then we will attack from the side just when those Reich pigs have completely pushed our Swiss infantry back. “You understand without me telling you why, right?”

From noble mtl dot com

There is a common sense and maxim that any soldier who has ever worked as a mercenary in a Swiss mercenary group knows.

Wild beasts such as dogs, wolves, wild cats, and bears are alert to their surroundings while driving down their prey, checking all kinds of variables and being careful.

When carnivores completely corner their prey and end its life by biting the back of its neck, they feel a sense of relief and accomplishment at having succeeded in catching their prey.

They are at ease without being wary of their surroundings, so if you attack at that time, you can very easily catch a carnivore.

In the same way, when conducting a surprise attack, the effect can be maximized by attacking at a moment when the enemy might mistakenly believe that they have won.

This is what the Swiss soldiers thought about the most in order to escape the many predicaments they had been in while working as mercenaries.

This is what allowed us to survive all the variables that arise in situations where victory seems certain.

So, the commanders, who naturally understood the meaning of these words, nodded, returned to their respective positions, and ordered the soldiers to wait for a while.

When I waited like that for 1 minute, 2 minutes, no, 20 minutes.

“The Swiss idiots’ heads are completely broken! “Charge with all forces!”

“The company commander promised a discharge and a reward if I picked five of these guys! “If he goes to war anyway, shouldn’t he go home as a hero?”

“Deus has blessed the empire! Long live Deus! Long live the Reich Empire! Long live your Majesty the Emperor!”

The Swiss soldiers slowly but quickly began to collapse as if the ground was collapsing in an instant.

Even mercenaries who have fought dozens of battles, some close to hundreds of times, can treat the heroes who have fought quite a few battles as if they were children.

“Retreat! We must retreat! “We must reorganize our battle lines and continue the battle!”

“It’s time to take one step back to take two steps forward!”

“f*ck, step, save me! Ouch! “f*ck!”

I truly thought that the Baron would have the best opportunity when he decided that it would be difficult to hold on any longer.

Based on the wild senses and experiences gained from numerous wars, other commanders also believed that now was the time to sink their fangs into the neck of Peter Jaeger, who was called the greatest general of the Reich Empire.

‘We will capture and kill Major General Peter Jaeger, one of the leaders of the evil imperial army that invaded Switzerland, here today. In this way, we must avenge the soldiers who died trying to protect our hometown.’

From the barons above to the lowest soldiers below, they made this oath in their hearts and gritted their teeth to strengthen their resolve.

The Baron now commanded an ambush force of 1,000 men and slowly and cautiously targeted the flanks of the Imperial forces commanded by Peter Yeager.

As the distance between them and the Reich pigs gradually narrowed, the Swiss soldiers felt joy and anticipation.

Because soon I will be able to avenge my comrades.

And the order was given to release all their desires and anger.

“Slaughter the imperial army! Slaughter! Dominate the battlefield!”

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