Chapter 74 The Devil (3)

The tension inside the room reached its peak.

Zodiacs trying to stop Frontier.

Frontier, who is at risk of his life for the three zodiac, does not make a single concession.

‘What is this guy?’

Daisy was stunned by the sight of Frontier in front of her.

Even she, who is actually a zodiac, would be very nervous if she was surrounded by three other zodiacs. It may be due to the lack of skill, but the stronger the original, the less gaps there will be.

However, there was no such tension in Frontier’s expression. No, it was a face that was difficult to read emotions in the first place. If you go out for a walk without thinking about it, would it look like this?

“No matter what you say, the decision is set. You must be here.”

“Frondie, we don’t want to fight you. You have an important role to protect your Majesty. You know better than anyone.”

From the Zodiac’s point of view, there’s nothing good about being hostile to Frontier. Only Frontier can find the monster. They are now under a siege that is close to a threat, but it is difficult to do any real harm.

‘Frondie must know that. But even then, how can you be so carefree?’

There are many ways to keep your feet tied up, even if they don’t harm you. At the zodiac level, normal people can be immobilized without a single wound. One or so Constell students are like ordinary people to them.

however. Rather, because it is the zodiac, which is a skill that is equal to that.

I can’t help but be wary of the bizarre presence I feel from Frontier.

‘At first, I thought he was a good guy with weak energy, but since they’re confronting each other so close, I get it. He’s completely hiding his mana.’

A method of hiding it to the extent that it is not felt by others beyond the level of ordinary capture. It is a way to make them mistaken for a ‘comfortable opponent’.

‘You have a natural talent for hiding, or you have met and trained a good teacher.’

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Normal students would not do this. Moreover, if you are a Constell student.

Those who aim to become professionals after graduation need to let the public know how strong they are.

In order to avoid personal conflicts, it is inevitable to learn to capture mana to a certain extent, but trying to hide it thoroughly to this extent has other intentions.

‘You mean doing that in front of us.’

Monty looked at Frontier with a hardened face, but inside, he was a little in admiration.

Even if it was said that a mediocre kid could show his power, the Zodiac wouldn’t be very impressed. From what I’ve observed before, the Frontier is a guy with a good head. Of course you know that

Even though he knew that, he was thoroughly hiding his power even in this situation.

The reason is obvious. I fear that I may feel that my power is a ‘threat’.

‘I want to see you one day.’

Right now, they are fighting for the sake of redemption, but Monty’s will to fight was boiling.


Then, a voice that seemed to cut their tension was heard.

Emperor Bartello. He suddenly lifted his upper body from the bed.

He looked at Frontier and lowered his voice.


“Lung, Your Majesty!”

“It was unpleasant to be protected by an undeveloped nosebleed, not knowing when the enemy would come.”

Bartello made eye contact with Frontier.

After a long time, Barthello’s strong and clear eyes were revived.

“Go and kill the sack and come back.”

Words that were so harsh that it was hard to believe that they came from the Emperor. But after hearing those words, Ludovic felt a nostalgic feeling of exaltation.

Ludovic is the most loyal to the emperor among the Zodiac. That is why Ludovic remembers the days when Bartello was full of energy.

It felt like the memories of that time came back for a moment.

“All right.”

Frontier said, of course, that he would.

It is the emperor’s order. Monty and Daisy were forced to break the siege of Frontier.

Frontier walked towards the door after a light bow.

“… … for a moment.”

Ludovic, who looked at the back, opened his mouth.

“Now that monster is the one after observing the battle of Atjie. No matter how difficult it was to absorb, the fragment would have been stolen. It’s a monster that’s stronger than when you subdue it.”

“You are right.”

“Besides, if the battle with you is long, I will steal your skills. Then your chances of winning are even slimmer.”

“That’s right.”

Frontier didn’t object at all. It wasn’t wrong in the first place.

And Frontier knew that Ludovic didn’t want to catch Frontier.

“So, prove yourself here.”

“… … What do you mean by proof?”

“Show me that you can put an end to that monster in one shot, and that you have the power.”

“Then would you like to send it?”

Ludovic nodded.

“I just hope that a child like you doesn’t die.”

Frontier now goes to deal with the invisible monster.

The only thing that can be found is the Frontier, the only thing that can be opposed is the Frontier. Besides, the zodiac can’t move arbitrarily because there’s not a single monster in the enemy.

The frontier heading for the single. Can he really subdue the konjac monster?

“… … All right.”

Frontier closed his eyes for a moment.

Yeah, at some point, I can’t just hide it anyway.

Frontier was feeling some kind of foreboding in this battle.

It is a not particularly pleasant feeling that he might have to pull out all the weapons he has.

So one of them.

I go ahead and do the best thing to prove my strength.


* * *

The monster just walked aimlessly down the corridors of the imperial palace.

Completely concealed, he was able to move around without being noticed by anyone.

But after a while he realized that it meant nothing.

‘… … You can’t test that skill while hiding.’

The monster’s cloak is unlocked by using mana aura. This is even more so for advanced techniques such as ‘fallout’.

If you try to test someone blindly, you will be caught and chased again.

‘You have to change it. figure. as human.’

The monster entered the empty room and unlocked its cover.

what kind of look would you like There was no need to think long.

“… … great.”

The monster turned into Atji, and nodded while speaking in Atji’s own voice.

Of course, the best body to test the nakjang is Atjie. And from what I’ve seen, Atjie seems to be on this side, so it will be enough to deceive the opponent who doesn’t know the situation.

In the present monster, the intention to kill the emperor and the sense of survival to live have also faded.

I was able to imitate anything, and I followed and learned anything indiscriminately.

Then, for the first time, he chose what he was going to imitate. In the end, the result would be nothing more than an imitation of something, but the choice itself was his will.

He wanted it intensely and clinged to it.

“Atzier, Atzier de Roach.”

He remembered Atzier revealing his name against the demon Mizonas.

This is my name, the monster repeated the word several times.

This repetition is not meant to say your name. He is not yet able to smooth human speech. When you talk, you get caught quickly.

So, at least when someone calls this name, you should react as naturally as possible. Avoid opening your mouth as much as possible.

‘… … I hope this Atji doesn’t talk much.’

The monster itself didn’t know.

He was transforming into a person well suited to the wind.

“Aji, how are you?”

“Is your brother okay?”

Whenever someone found him, who had transformed into Atzier, he greeted him lightly. Most of them were knights on patrol. Each time the monster nodded or gave a short answer such as ‘yes’. That was enough. No one wondered and went my own way.

‘That’s enough.’

The monster pulled out a sword. Of course, unless it was a dangerous situation, taking out a weapon was obviously out, but the monster did not yet have such common sense.

And surprisingly, no one pointed out as he pulled out his sword and walked away. There were people who didn’t even realize that he had pulled out the sword at all, and most of them passed by saying, ‘There must be a reason because it’s Atji.’

“Oh my gosh, Atji.”

But there was someone who stopped the walking monster for a while.

The monster lowered his gaze slightly. He was taller than the humans he had ever seen. White hair and red eyes.

Philly Terst looked at him and waved his hand. Of course, the Imperial Palace Knights were guarding the side.

“… … Yes.”

For once, the monster responded as it had done so far. So far this has gone well.

“You’re having a hard time patrolling. I’m doing a little different research right now. But it is surprisingly not easy to find.”

Philly sighed in exhaustion.

While others investigated what was behind the sudden appearance of the monster, Philly continued what she was supposed to do.

That is, it was to investigate the dark part.

‘I don’t think this monster’s attack and the dark part have anything to do with it.’

Philly did not return to the hall at the time and was with Aten, so the monster that attacked has only been reported, but has little knowledge of what it actually looks like or how it moves.

“I want to meet my brother, but I don’t think I want to be separated from my husband at all.”

Philly was forced to put off meeting with Frontier at the earnest request of his servants.

However, the progress of the investigation did not progress only after that, so he was proceeding with the investigation alone with the knights.

“… … Yes.”

“You are more reticent today, Mr. Atji. Even with the weapon out.”

Philly tilted her head.

Philly was originally quick-witted and smart, but the monster in front of him was Atjie from Philly’s point of view.

In the case of Philly, the first thing that people suspect when they put on a disguise is the ‘mask’, so he developed an eye that distinguishes the ‘mask’ from the face of an ordinary person.

However, now that the monster has completely transformed into Atzier, it is not a ‘mask’. That fact made the boundaries rather blurry.


At that moment, the monster took out his sword and lifted it slightly. In terms of height, it would be about his knee.

“… … weapon.”


“Weapons. for awhile.”

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Now the monster has no intention of killing. All that remains is a childish desire to test the skills he had just learned. What would happen after that test was already out of interest.

So, I want to tell the Imperial Palace knights in front of me to ‘take out the weapon’, but I don’t know how natural it will be in human words.

So, the words are shortened and, of course, the meaning is not conveyed even if it is not noticed.

“… … .”

However, Philly noticed Atjie’s strange state at that moment, although it was a little late.

Smell and sight were fully aware of atjie, so it could only be called intuition.

The movement of the eyes, the context of words that are cut off no matter how reticent it is.

I thought it was because I was hesitating what to say, but no.

For Atjie, ‘hesitating’ was something that happened once a year or not.


Philly brought her left hand back and gave the knights a simple signal. The knights who confirmed the signal raised their alert to Atjie in front of them.

And among the knights, the man who was closest to Atjie was, of course, the most nervous among them.

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Naturally, he placed his hand on the handle of his sword.



The monster’s idea was simple.

Even if the sword was still in the scabbard, he held the sword in his hand.

If so—


The monster held its sword against the knight’s scabbard like a child approaching a toy.

‘The thing I saw before like this-‘


The knight was surprised by the sudden sense of incongruity in his scabbard. I felt the sword trying to escape my hand. Naturally, strength entered the hand holding the sword handle,


At that moment, the monster’s arm was strangely twisted.


The monster screamed in sudden agony. It was the same voice as when he was first attacked by Frontier. It was a completely different voice from Atji.

“Everyone, prepare for battle.”

After seeing this, Philly immediately gave an order and stepped back.

“Ugh… … !”

One of the knights, the one who had suffered an unfinished fall from the monster a while ago, grabbed his wrist.

Like the original Nakjang, he did not lose his weapon, but there was some damage to his wrist.

“it’s okay?”

“Yeah, it’s nothing.”

The knight said so and took out his sword. Maybe it wasn’t bluff, his wrist was fine with no major injuries.

“Kick, tick, shut up… … .”

The monster looked at its broken right arm.

What. Obviously I followed exactly what I saw, but why is my arm broken? And to such an unbelievable level.

‘But with some success!’

The monster saw the man who tried the technique grabbed his wrist. It certainly worked. I’m not sure, but that’s the only way I can trust the monster.

‘One more time, just one more time!’

“It’s impossible to do that for the rest of your life.”

A drowsy voice interrupted the thoughts of the monster.

Footsteps slowly walking from behind him. Philly tilted her head and saw the man approaching with her torso tilted to the side because that wasn’t enough. His eyes seemed to say, ‘Why are you here?’

“Right. Without a sense of survival, there is no brake on his body to break down. Have you not learned the concept of avoiding pain ‘in advance’ while feeling pain?”

The man was a frontier. He walked slowly and made a sword out of black cloth.

It was a single sword that was exactly the same as the sword that the monster that became Atjie was holding.

“Your Majesty is telling you to strike and kill.”

Rather than live, Frontier looked at the monster with curious eyes.

“I am very interested in you.”

Frontier had the feeling that the monster’s mastermind was trying to tie him to the Emperor.

If the two premises that only Frontier can confirm the hiding of the monster and that the monster is targeting the emperor are combined, of course, Frontier must be bound by the emperor.

At first, I thought it might be because I wanted to limit the radius of Frontier’s action.

After receiving Gregory’s report and observing the situation so far, the sudden appearance of that monster feels like an ‘unexpected accident’ not only here but also from the enemy’s point of view.


“Somehow, it seems that he didn’t want to see you and me.”

“… … you, who?”

The monster frowned.

He was very concerned about the sword that Frontier had just crafted.

It was as if he was seeing the exact same thing in front of his eyes.

Moreover, unlike himself,

“I am a frontier.”

Frontier has a name.

“Frondier de Roach.”

Unlike monsters who don’t even know what they are because they imitate everything.

Frontier has a clear ‘self’.

“I am your teacher.”

“… … Teacher?”

Frontier held out his sword. It was similar to what the monster was doing a while ago.

“I will teach you how to fly.”

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