Chapter 74 The Devil (4)

After Frontier left the room.

“Did you see them all?”

Lily said, looking around with her sparkling eyes.

“I liked it from the first time I saw it, but now I am convinced.”

Lili said so and declared.

“It’s mine!”

“Lily. As I said before, that man is Ampere’s son.”

The man who advised Lili was Medart de Thebene, the oldest of the current Zodiac. Medart is about the same age as Heldre, who is now dead.

“That doesn’t matter anymore. I’ll have it. Don’t stop anyone!”

Lily seemed determined. The surrounding zodiac sighed and shook their heads.

But in the meantime, only one.

“No, no.”

Monty stepped forward and told Lily.

“I will raise him.”


“He’s a good guy. He’s in front of us and he’s not scared at all, he’s smart.”

“You are funny! What do you grow? Am I taking you?”

“Did you say you’re in second year now? As soon as you graduate… … . No. It’s a waste of time. Working under me will be more helpful in the future than any educational institution like that. I have to move on right away.”

“hey! Are you listening!”

I wasn’t listening.

Monty was already thinking about how to grow Frontier regardless of Lili’s declaration.

Of course, it was a decision that neither side considered at all considering Frontier’s opinion.

“… … It was a great skill.”


Daisy and Ludovic, who were watching their fight, said.

“If my eyes aren’t wrong, what Frontier has manifested is definitely the ‘Magic Circle’.”

“Frondier was here as soon as the incident happened. Because I had to protect the emperor. So there was no time to draw a magic circle. It doesn’t make any sense to draw it ahead of time knowing it’s going to happen.”

“In other words, the magic circle was manifested without ‘drawing’ it.”

Ludovic sighed at Daisy’s cleanup.

“He’s an odd guy.”

“Besides, after the magic circle is manifested, isn’t it possible to create pencils and papers in the air? Wouldn’t it be nice to show you writing your name on a piece of paper floating around without lifting a finger?”

“It was kind of a warning. A warning like that, if I want to, I can build a weapon behind my back and stab me at any time.”

“Ahaha. That sounds like a bit of an overstatement. It’s not impossible, though.”

Daisy smiled first and Ludovic followed suit, but their tension still didn’t get better.

The reason was clear.

“It’s not the only thing that’s surprising.”

Medart, who had given Lili advice, said.

“Look at this.”

The point where Medart pointed with his finger.

It was invisible there, but a cylinder of mana stretched vertically from the floor to the ceiling. It is large enough to fit one person comfortably.

The identity was obvious.

“I ‘reduced’ the magic circle I created and left.”

“… … You don’t have to draw it, so you can resize it after making it. It’s an absurd idea.”

“Look at the sign and arrangement, it’s so full that I don’t even know what it is. Humans cannot draw such fine and thin lines. This is a line of pure mana.”

The Zodiac observed the magic circle of ‘Menosorpo’ that Frontier had left behind. It was a symbol that could be recognized by people who were very sensitive to mana, but it was not a problem for the zodiac.

“The fact that I made this small and left it here.”

“I plan to use it later. If you make it bigger, the enemy will find out that you’ve created a magic circle, so we’ve locked it in this size.”

“In other words, because of Ludovic.”


Ludovic salivated at Daisy’s painful words.

Clearly, if Ludovic hadn’t said ‘Prove it’, there would have been no need for Frontier to unfold this magic circle in advance.

“… … Or maybe this also makes sense.”

Lily muttered.

“If you said you were going to prove your power, there must have been many other means. He’s such a smart kid, so maybe there’s a reason he chose this way!”

“… … It’s a bit of a biased analysis, but I don’t think it’s possible.”

Monty shook his head as he looked at Lili, who seemed to have already become an ally of Frontier.

“Well, from my point of view, it didn’t take long for this magic circle to manifest. If you don’t want the enemy to find out anyway, you can use it later. Do I really need to make it smaller and then expand it?”

“I was muttering something earlier, but what about porn… … . Maybe you need a starter word?”

“Even if that were the case, I don’t think the enemy would be able to stop Frontier’s mouth first unless he knew this information.”

Hmm, everyone was in thought.

All of a sudden, the Zodiac shook their heads as if this magic circle left behind by Frontier was a ‘mystery’.

Unknowingly, I was chasing the direction the footsteps of that ferocious little boy were heading in.

* * *

“Are you going to teach me?”

“Yeah, you want to imitate that technique, right? By the way, call it ‘Nakjang’.”

A monster that looks suspiciously at Frontier’s answer.

Sure enough, the monster had some kind of certainty. Atjie’s ‘Nakjang’ is something that no one can imitate. Even he, who could be fully cloned, had his right arm broken.

But is there a second way to use that skill?

“Come on, try it on me.”

Saying that, Frontier held out his sword. I put the blade in a very good position for the monster to spread its fallout.

“… … .”

The monster was dubious, but at any rate, secretly held out its blade. In any case, the desire to acquire a nakjang was the monster’s only desire.

“… … Frontier.”

Philly called the Frontier. There was a light warning tone.

Judging from the situation, that monster was the one who tried to kill Barthello. If Frontier is playing an interest-based prank on such a monster, it is a problem that cannot be overlooked.

Frontier looked at Philly for a moment.

And reading the meaning in those eyes, Philly loosened her stern expression.

Frontier does not act meaningless. Philly already knew that. I just wanted to know if that mindset still lasted, and I knew enough with the eyes I just showed.


Meanwhile, the monster’s blade and the frontier’s blade touched each other. It was a bit odd to see the exact same weapons crossed. Besides, in appearance, they were older brothers and sisters.

“Come on, do it.”

“… … !”

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Needless to say, the monster jumped right in.


Ride on!!

Each other’s blades roared loudly. The movement, which was close to vibration, was clearly different from that of Nakjang.

Even if they lacked a little skill, there was a clear difference from the existing nakjang, which only made a little sound of dry firewood at best.

More than anything.


Even after making such a loud noise, Frontier still held his sword. Of course, so were the monsters.

“The arm is still fine. Did you ‘learn’ that too?”

“… … Whoa!”

When the gag monster tried to fall again, Frontier was faster this time.


This time there was no sound. But the monster’s sword flew through the air, and Frontier still held it.

“What do you think?”

“… … !”

The monster stared blankly at his empty hand, and when he heard a metallic sound on the floor, he turned his gaze to the location where the sword fell. His gaze moved back and forth between the sword and the frontier, and he was at a loss for what to do.

“You can pick it up. I won’t do anything.”

“… … .”

“And don’t put that embarrassment on my brother’s face. Because it doesn’t suit you.”

The monster hurriedly walked over and picked up the sword, noticing how much he understood the words. There was a sigh of Frontier who mumbled, ‘Don’t do that.’

“Do you understand?”

“… … .”

The monster didn’t answer and pointed the blade again.

The fast learning has obviously absorbed Frontier’s just movement. And here are some of the scenes I’ve seen so far. If you put them together, you will definitely get the right movement—

“Wait, before I try again.”

“… … ?”

But before that, Frontier pulled the sword back.

The curious monster’s gaze turned to Frontier.

“Do you know what a name means?”

“… … ?”

“name. What we do when we introduce ourselves to each other. Have you ever heard of it?”

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Name, name. Yes.

The thing that the two in front of you gave to each other when they were fighting.

“… … Atzier de Roach.”

“It’s my brother’s name. Anything else?”

“… … Missonas?”

The monster just repeated the name it had heard back to Frontier.

With that alone, Frontier’s smile widened as if she had heard the answer she was looking for.

“… … Huh, that’s right.”

Frontier held out his sword again.

“Come on, one more time.”

“… … .”

The ranch tried again from the monster.

and fail.

Also, Frontier pulls his sword back.

“Okay, next question.”


“What that ‘Mizonas’ guy said, whatever you remember.”

“… … Heir of Wrath?”

“I have a good memory.”

And the blade that comes out again.

After that, it was a repeat.

After failing over and over again, Frontier asks a question. In response, Frontier raises his sword again.

It’s like training a dog.

By then, of course, Philly and the Imperial Knights knew what the Frontier was doing.

‘… … They’re stealing information.’


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No matter what kind of battle Frontier was fighting, whatever situation it was in.

The first principle that he values most, that gets him out of the crisis and makes it usable again.

‘But so far, it’s not yet important information.’

Of course, information such as Mizonas’ name or that he is under the demon ‘Satan’ is meaningful, but Atzier has already heard it from Mizonas. According to Mizonas himself.

More importantly, Frontier already knows this information from Gregory’s report.

So, the important thing is, from now on.

“Then tell me.”

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Now the monster didn’t even wonder that Frontier pulled his sword back. Of course, I was wondering what else to ask.

“Do you want to kill someone?”

“… … .”

The monster rolled his eyes at that question. It was an expressionless expression that I couldn’t tell whether it was negative or positive. It’s not that I didn’t understand the question. I am not trying to read that intention.

The monster was asking himself at this moment. Just to answer Frontier’s question, by simple logic.

“… … ?”

As a result, the monster tilted its head. is it? as if to say

Frontier smiled brightly at the sight and bowed his head for a moment.

“… … Yeah, that’s right. You have something that is not your will.”

“… … .”

“great. I think I’ve learned quite a bit of nakjang now. I’ll figure it out the next time I try.”

Frontier spoke and held out his sword.

… … can you learn it? Haven’t you got it at all yet?

The monster was full of doubts, but he held out his sword again anyway. Data is accumulating. That will definitely lead to consequences. If it’s his ‘fast learning’.

And when the monster held the sword.


swords clashed

“… … ?!”

The monster was bewildered by an unfamiliar sensation he had never felt before. He only had the consciousness to pull the sword out of his hand, but he did not understand the principle of this force as if the two swords were pulled together.

Of course, this is a fallout from Frontier. However, he is taking a drop, but only omits the result of pulling out the sword.

“Focus! I’m giving you a lot of hints!”

“… … !”

At the cry of Frontier, the monster clenched its teeth. All the concentration was directed towards the swords that were attached to each other.

know instinctively. What Frontier is doing now is the most helpful instruction to the monster. So the monster immersed in it as if it were falling into it.

“Okay, next question!”


“What were you doing before you came here!”

“… … ?”

I don’t remember that. He was already in the Imperial Palace when he woke up, full of will to kill someone called the ‘Emperor’. Now that will has faded and disappeared.

“You have been fast-learning since you came here! It’s your innate ability that has been functioning ever since! I can’t remember!”

“… … !”

“Say it! What were you before you came here? How did you get your claws and invisibility? Learning means remembering! You are not human! All those memories will be in you!”

A monster that can be anything, get anything, and learn anything.

If so, all the data it has absorbed will remain in it. You can’t use technology while ‘forgetting’.

“Ugh, uh, uh… … !”

The monster’s expression frowned. When I tried to touch the repressed memories, my head started to hurt.

Is it because his head hurts because he has a human body, or does he have a ‘head’ somewhere in his body?

But one thing is certain.

This headache is not unfamiliar.

“Say it! Who sent you here?”

“Ouch, uh… … !”

“Who are you? Remembering other people’s names, don’t you know yours?”

“name… … !”

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Name. I already knew what it meant before I came here.

So, I remembered Atzier’s name, and after transforming into Atjie, I reacted to that name.

Because I knew it was a ‘name’.

[From now on, your name will be-]

A voice I can’t remember, but a familiar voice confuses my head.

“I… … ! I!!”


Two swords flew through the air. Frontier’s monster’s sword soared and flew into the air. One was nailed to the wall and one fell to the floor.

Meanwhile, Frontier’s straight eyes saw the monster.

“… … I am a disaster.”

The monster opened its mouth.

“I am a created test subject. It is a metamorph disaster.”

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