Ace Manager of the Green Field

Six hundred and forty-six something happened!

After the release of Situ Yunbing's "Spark Project", it caused an earthquake-level effect in Chinese football!

From sports official media to civilian ball critics, they all support Situ Yunbing's plan!

Some people even claim that this will open a new chapter in Chinese football!

The wide spread of the news by the major media has also made football-loving children across the country, even those who are undergoing football training, actively sign up for the trial selection.

This of course will offend the interests of the young echelons of major football schools, training bases and professional clubs in China.

When some people in the football circle began to question Situ Yunbing's incompatibility, he was surprisingly refuted by official media!

The reason is simple!

You have been engaged in "professional football" for so many years, what did you do in the end?

The Chinese national team has refreshed the worst ranking in FIFA history, everyone in Chinese football is responsible, including these professional clubs!

The storm of anti-gambling and anti-gambling in football has just ended. At this time, the official media came out to support Situ Yunbing, and also made the outside world aware of the status of Situ Yunbing as a "special instructor"!

It seems that there is no power, but there is an official force behind it!

Looking around the world, organizations such as football associations are actually private organizations. Generally, such organizations will isolate external forces. This is why football is the most staunch organization in the world and distinguished from political positions because it is only different from political ones. If it is opened, it will not give people the right to be attacked by external forces, so that they can continue to enjoy the gray benefits that the three-regardless zone can bring.

But in China, no civil society organization dares to openly resist the intervention of high-level will!

Even the will to descend from above, everyone will better obey!

At the end of June, it was discovered that the Chinese Football Association announced personnel change measures. Except for the position of national team coach Pei Lan, there was no change in the position of all other national team echelons. All foreign coaches were replaced by foreign coaches!

Some of these foreign coaches are from the Netherlands, some from France, some from Germany, and some from England.

The former coach has become an assistant coach!

All the people in the circle suddenly realized that it seems that Situ Yunbing, the "special instructor", has no specific power, but in fact he has the highest power!

If it were not for him to coach Liverpool, then he would definitely replace Perrin!

Some players of the Chinese team openly support Situ Yunbing, even suggesting that Situ Yunbing will coach the national team!

Situ Yunbing never responded, he was busy attending the opening ceremony of the completion of the football school everywhere.

Chinese football has paid more attention to Situ Yunbing's movements than ever before.

At the opening ceremony of Hubei's football school military industry, the team behind Situ Yunbing shocked the Chinese football media.

Li Weifeng, Sun Jihai, Wei Xin, Li Ting, Zhang Enhua, Xie Hui.

The six former internationals gathered together and appeared to give Situ Yunbing a platform.

But Situ Yunbing's speech at the opening ceremony dropped a bombshell!

These six people will follow Stuart Yunbing to Liverpool to join Stuart Yunbing's coaching team!

In this way, the outside world will understand that Situ Yunbing is not only catching youth training, but also training "Taiwan handsome talents"!

He not only has to train players, but also train coaches!

Football schools in 23 provinces in China are not built in first-tier cities or densely populated second-tier cities.

His schools are set up in suburbs with good environment in second-tier or quasi-second-tier cities.

It is convenient to get land, buy the finished product directly, and then re-plan the surroundings. Second, this is the practice of Situ Yunbing with reference to mainstream European and American schools set up in secluded villages, so that the trained children can stay away from the hustle and bustle of the world.

This year is just the beginning, and the gradual expansion and more humanized construction will be carried out at the same time.

The average cost of building football schools in 23 provinces is around RMB 20 million.

At the same time in Europe, he asked Werner to help contact UEFA Secretary General Infantino to help him complete the second phase of this Spark plan, which is to send players to six European countries for further study.

Infantino naturally expects to expand the influence of European football in the Asian market, plus this is a project led by Situ Yunbing, he expressed his full support.

The companies established by Sigrid in Europe and Asia only took a month to see its prototype. The design and development of product projects will be launched in September. The first is short video applications and webcast platforms, which will also A certain bundling with Situ Yunbing's Spark plan will allow fans all over the country to track the actual living conditions and training of players who go abroad for further training, and even the performance of the game.

Situ Yunbing will run two cities almost every day, and the opening of football schools in 23 provinces will take almost two weeks.

Sometimes the rest is spent on the plane even at night.

He was exhausted!

But he never stopped for a moment.

Because he can't delay Liverpool's pre-season training because of China's affairs.

He is robbing time and racing against time.

When he and his team just held the opening ceremony of the football school in Inner Mongolia, Li Fei quickly walked to his side and whispered: "Something went wrong."

Situ Yunbing asked only after getting in the car: "What's the matter?"

They came out in a bus, Xie Hui gave a tablet computer to Situ Yunbing, let him watch the news.

Situ Yunbing looked down at the news seriously.

In addition to the national team of China, almost every other echelon of the subordinate echelons has three or four people stand up and resist the foreign handsome!

Their reason is very simple. Yangshuai does not understand China's national conditions, does not understand the living habits of Chinese children, there are problems with communication, work efficiency is extremely low, and Yangshuai's requirements are also very demanding. Make things difficult!

Their collective voice is clearly organized and purposeful!

It is to get rid of Situ Yunbing's coach who has just been evaluated by his coaching team from abroad.

Situ Yunbing put down the tablet and asked everyone: "It will not be so simple. If it is said by one or two people, it is a matter of course, but the collective voice is the same for each echelon. That is ulterior motives.

You all know something, say it."

Sun Jihai shot directly: "What else can there be? It just touched their cake!"

Zhang Enhua nodded and said: "Yes, it is difficult for outsiders in the gray area of ​​the national team to know, but every training session is an opportunity for them to get gold."

Li Weifeng was not surprised, saying: "This situation is not only in the national team, but also in the 20,000 schools around the country that have football."

Situ Yunbing frowned: "Specifically!"

Li Fei said to him: "Because of the summer truce of the Chinese Super League and other leagues, the national team conducts a training after you take office, excluding the national team, but the echelons of other subordinates at all levels need to recruit about 30-40 people. An investigation.

Since the day when the call-up list appeared, the Football Association has received complaints from parents of young players. The reasons for the complaints are ridiculous, alleging that the coaches in the echelon are not doing anything with the money!"

Situ Yunbing asked back: "What do you mean?"

"It was that they spent money to buy training places, but their children were not recruited because the list of training this time was made by a new foreign coach, which broke the unspoken rules of the past."

Stuart Yunbing really did not understand these, so he asked: "What unspoken rules?"

Sun Jihai said with sneer: "This kind of unspoken rule first appeared in the national team. Whether it is Zhu Guanghu or later coaches, the Chinese team does not need to train every time. The quotas are reserved for the leader's fourth brother, as well as the leaders of the Football Association, or related households. Basically, these quotas have been sold. This was revealed in the 2012 big trial and it is no longer a secret.

I don’t know how the national team is being rectified, but such unspoken rules are still retained in other echelons because the outside world does not pay much attention to echelons outside the national team.

Generally speaking, as long as they are related to the national football team, each echelon can reserve some places, and these places can be sold to parents who want to send their children to the national team echelon, let the children gold or earn some fame.

It is more common in football schools across the country.

Every year when the team wants to send away the players, in order to keep the player's chance of staying in the club, gifts, money, and even going to the coach to sleep with them all happen from time to time. This is the unspoken rule.

People always accuse that China’s 1.3 billion people can’t make 11 good games, but in fact no matter how many children are playing in China and love football, the path of promotion is actually very narrow!

Many conditions have been added to the selection of materials, the first is money, and the second is more money.

Like Wu Lei, who was in a bad family but could enter the national team, it is indeed his talent and willingness to work hard.

However, compared with those too many players from South America who were born in bitter cold, wouldn't anyone be curious, why does China's famous star seem to have few bad conditions?

If the conditions are not good, if it is not talented, he will not become a star at all. He may get a chance at the age of 16, but he was robbed of the opportunity by children of the same age with 30,000 and 50,000 yuan. Children who have made money are not necessarily capable."

Situ Yunbing's lips twitched slightly, and a fury rushed towards the Sky Spirit Cover!

He gritted his words: "So the football youth training in our country is how to fool the children's dreams, exploit the children's families, and cheat the fans who support football across the country?"

All the people present were silent.


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