People inside and outside the Chinese football circle regard the boycott of foreign coaches by more than 20 coaches as a challenge to Situ Yunbing's beginning to control the internal affairs of Chinese football!

However, Situ Yunbing showed an understatement. When he finally attended the opening ceremony of the football school in Yunnan, the Chinese football reporters present were very concerned about this issue.

Situ Yunbing said quietly to them: "I think the fastest tomorrow, the latest the day after tomorrow, you will know the result. What I can tell you is that I don't care what these Chinese coaches said.

I heard winds that some people are preaching that I don’t respect Chinese football. Some people say that although I am Chinese, I have never contributed in Chinese football for many years and I don’t know anything about it. I would like to say that some of them are saying Really, I did not understand before, at least I didn't understand it in depth, so now I am trying to understand and find the real reason for the weakness of Chinese football.

Recently, part of my job is to handle many complaints received from the families of players under the age of 20, contact the General Administration of Sports to set up a special investigation team again, and contact public security and legal experts.

Because of the large number of complaints we received, many were able to produce evidence to show that they were asked to pay bribes, and the accused were also named.

I don't care what kind of positions these accused people currently hold within the Chinese Football Association and what role they play in the team.

Anyone who violates the rules and regulations in the industry will be expelled and never permanently involved in the Chinese football industry.

Anyone who is suspected of committing an illegal or criminal offense shall be transferred to the public security organ for investigation!

The problem with Chinese football is not whether foreign coaches understand Chinese football. The root cause is that many of our previous policies have been wrong. The root cause is that we have been indifferent to this industry for too long. There are many black sheep who are insulting, so they can only Use what I think is the most normal way to clean up these tumors!

So I hope that no one will come and tell me what Chinese football used to be, what the rules are, and how to do things!

If the previous method proved successful, I don’t think I will be here!

It is precisely because we have failed in the past for so long that now we have to reform.

The first step is to clean up the environment!

I hope to give a fair and just competitive environment to children who love football in China. The core of competitive sports is competitiveness. The more intense the competition, the stronger the whole will be!

And any factors other than the strength of the players themselves should not interfere with the competitive environment and affect the final result!

Up to the national team, down to the echelons of the lower age group, as well as those local clubs, football schools, the same is true, I can responsibly all those who are squeezing the family of players in the name of rejuvenating the Chinese football but profiting from profits, or You are concealed enough to never see the light, otherwise I will not appease anyone, because appeasement will only bring up rape!"

The reporters present were shocked!

I thought it was just a protest from some coaches, boycotted, and wanted to seize power from foreign handsome!

Unexpectedly, a civil war turned into another storm!

Situ Yunbing really has a thunderous momentum!

Next, Situ Yunbing replied to reporters about sending children for training abroad, including the future of these children.

For example, if some children go abroad for two years and are eliminated, what should they do?

Does it matter if you send it back to China?

Situ Yunbing gave a detailed and patient answer to this.

"I hope that while focusing on youth training, China should also focus on the establishment of the entire football industry system!

For example, I will set up a brokerage company in the future. We need professional scouts, and at the same time we will also train professional football coaches and even sports science medical professionals.

We will provide children with more choices of direction. If they are still willing to stay in this industry, it is impossible for us to send every child to the professional arena, but some people can become part of the professional club, because the club is not Coaches, players,

When we see the strong national teams in Europe, the club has a luxurious lineup, and the strength is strong, we will always only pay attention to how many stars they have. In fact, the stars are only fruits, and if you cultivate good fruits, it depends on the foundation and Irrigation, sunshine and other factors.

I expect everyone to be patient, this is not a project of quick success!"

It wasn't until this moment that the outside world really understood Situ Yunbing's ambition!

Only after Sigrid's company's products can be put into operation, the bundled cooperation between Situ Yunbing and her company will show results. At that time, the webcast platform will quickly show the results of everything he has done!

What Situ Yunbing said today was once again supported by the official media, and even appeared on CCTV News!

Chinese football players V also applauded on social media, waiting to see Situ Yunbing's work.

The enthusiasm of football in the country has risen instantaneously. With the East Wind of the World Cup, Situ Yunbing's trial and selection activities in football schools in 23 provinces of the country have been unprecedentedly hot!

Previously, professional echelons made regulations internally: if any players go to other schools for training, they will be expelled immediately!

However, this rule was immediately warned by the Chinese Football Association after the announcement, clearly indicating that regardless of whether the players go to other football schools for training, the original club shall not expel the players, otherwise a fine of 10 million yuan!

All the work carried out by Situ Yunbing has received the first cooperation of the Chinese Football Association!

In almost every province, there are tens of thousands of children of different ages to go for training.

As a result, no one is sure what the future of the football school will be like, but it will make the hotel service industry around the school very popular.

Situ Yunbing will send no less than 6,000 children to Europe by September, with an average of 260 places in 23 provinces.

However, because there will be obvious differences in the level of unevenness between regions, there are only 200 places in each school, and there are also 200 back-up recommended places.

In other words, each province is considered to be the strongest 200 people directly admitted.

Then make up 200 people, there will be 4,600 people in the whole country, and then select from these 4,600 people, select the final 1400 people, of course, the quota is not fixed, if there are really more people who think that there are promising children, the total There is no problem with more than 6,000 people.

Situ Yunbing is leaving China to go back to Liverpool's pre-season preparations.

From the time he airborne to the Chinese Football Association, to the day he left, every day I received invitations from all kinds of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods, hoping to be able to have a private meal with him. Here, the most people who use the most relationships are naturally the Super League. The owner of the team.

They expect to learn from Situ Yunbing some of his future trends, but also because Situ Yunbing violated their interests to a certain extent.

Who least wants Situ Yunbing’s successful reform in Chinese football?

These are the bosses of the Super League!

Because once Situ Yunbing's spark plan has achieved little success, domestic football is even more unsightly!

In addition, Situ Yunbing himself admits that he wants to set up a brokerage company. It is not necessary to guess that the talents from his football school will eventually be players of the Situ Yunbing company, so he wants to fight these overseas players. It will not be easy to "seduce" back to China.

It may take less than a few years, and there will not be many professional players playing in the Chinese national team in the Chinese national team, which is also a certain damage to the interests of the club.

But Situ Yunbing did not accept any private invitations from beginning to end.

The ways are different, and there is no collusion.

The words are not speculative.

Why waste your time in vain?

This time returning to Liverpool, he asked the people on Liverpool to help him rent a few apartments near Anfield to Xie Hui, Zhang Enhua, Li Weifeng, Sun Jihai, Li Ting, Wei Xin.

They arrived in Liverpool and put their luggage, and then Situ Yunbing invited them to eat at the best local restaurant.

At the dinner table, Situ Yunbing opened the door and said to the six people: "Tomorrow you have a day off, you can just turn around and call me if you need help.

When I go to the club to start work officially the day after tomorrow, I will make it clear first. At the club, I want to make sure that you are treated equally. You have no privileges. I expect you all to maintain a humble attitude to study. Yes, your purpose is to learn, not in I can really do some business here. If there is any wrongdoing, I will take you to show your position, otherwise there will be dissatisfaction with me within the club, which is the unstable factor.

In addition, let me talk about the arrangement. The six of you break up. The first team can't accommodate so many of you. A group of two, a group to the youth team, a group to the reserve team, and a group to the first team, every three months Change again, that is to say a complete season, you will have three months in the youth team, three months in the reserve team, and three months in the first team.

any questions?"

The six people smiled and shook their heads.

Xie Hui couldn't help but ask, "Situ pointed out, will you coach the national team in the future?"

The other five people also looked at Situ Yunbing together, obviously very concerned.

Since Situ Yunbing was a "special instructor" in the Chinese Football Association, those who were older than Situ Yunbing would call him "Situ Finger".

Situ Yunbing nodded and said, "I will! But not now, not for at least three years!"

Sun Jihai asked seriously: "But I'm not optimistic about Perrin, if he was shouted out of class soon?"

Situ Yunbing said with a smile: "Then change it to someone else. Anyway, this is nothing new. Is it difficult for the Chinese national team to change coaches?"

Wei Xin said: "We all thought you were just waiting for Perrin to finish the get out of class, and then went to coach the national team."

Situ Yunbing shook his head and said: "To be honest, the current national team is not to my liking.

This time I replaced all the echelons under the national team with European coaches. The outsiders only thought that I was introducing advanced Western football concepts.

This is just a one-sided idea, but I am unifying!

Football tactics, unity of style!

There will be no huge deviations in the training and training of young players who have entered the national name from the age of 14 and 16 on the road of continuous growth.

Looking at the European powers, even if there is no top talent, the performance is not too bad, because their style is unified, the top and bottom are very tacit, no matter the club or the national team, players will not have a strong sense of difference, this is the same succession!

But Chinese football did not exist in the past, it must be now!"

Li Weifeng couldn't help but ask: "So what style are we?"

Situ Yunbing said with a smile: "Apart from defensive counterattack, can we have a second way to go?"

The crowd looked at each other in silence for a moment, and finally nodded helplessly.

Situ Yunbing said a big truth.

In the past ten years, Chinese football has to learn Brazil and Spain, which is simply hilarious.

The second-tier European countries, which are much stronger than China, have not seen anyone want to study Brazil and Spain. Why?

People have self-knowledge.

We don't have that diamond, why do we have to take this porcelain job?

The coach can't teach, and the players can't learn at all!

Why bother yourself!

It's like a player who hasn't mastered dribbling football must go to learn. It's estimated that even shaking the air is hard. It's strange that you don't throw a big head!

There is only one way for Chinese football to counterattack. There is absolutely no second.


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