Ace Of Terrans

Chapter 366 Dominance.

While the test was still going on, someone passed by the observation area and noticed the abnormality of the situation. Then it did not take long before the word spread a lot more people began to gather in the observation area. The people were all the teams of the strike force and they even informed their leaders.

The intensity of the whole incident increased when even after fifty minutes the entire Ace Division was fighting. Everyone except Shi Lang was gravely wounded and was hanging by threads but their eyes were clear and they were still attacking fearlessly. On the other hand, Shi Lang was going nuts, his clones had merged back with him and now he was killing at least ten enemies with one blow.

His speed was so fast that the people had trouble keeping up with even his simulation. The computers were starting to lag when he was fighting with full ferocity. Among the top ten teams, those who ranked third, seventh and ninth were still in the building and not on a mission so they came.

When Stix arrived he was surprised, he did not expect the observation room to be bustling with activity. He turned to look at the projection and found Shi Lang facing the enemy alone and he was covered in blood. Yet, he did not show any signs of fatigue and kept on charging. Almost everyone was watching him and was shocked.

Shan said, "Commander, time up, Applicant Shi Lang managed to survive for seven days inside the simulation realm."

Harley woke up and asked, "Results."

The entire observation room was silent at this moment. Shan nodded and quickly accessed the computer and when the data was displayed on the holo-comp he was shocked. He read it out loud, "Candidate Jill killed nine hundred seventy enemies a day on average. Candidate Sonic killed..."

He began to read the data, and the more he read the more he was shocked. It was not only him, but even the spectators stood in disbelief. The Ace division was too efficient in killing people. Shan said, "In the first few minutes, they had difficulty but the quick adaptation allowed them to turn the tables, even the heavy artillery units were taken down before they could reach them. The system grades them S rank."

The people gasped, this rank was in the leagues of the top tank teams. Harley asked, "What is the data about Shi Lang?"

Shan gulped, "Candidate Shi Lang killed, a total of sixteen thousand seven hundred ninety-nine enemies in seven days. His combat ability is ranked SSS by the system, while his speed and other aspects are also ranked SSS. He took down seventy artillery units on his own."

Harley gasped and so did the rest of the people. At this moment the door of the simulation pod chamber opened with a swoosh. Jill led the entire team out but Harley noticed that Shi Lang was absent. The Ace division also noticed the crowd, but they did not react much.

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They were still in a state of indifference. Jill cast a gaze at Shan, who instantly replied, "My name is lieutenant Shan, I am a member of the Strike Force, and this is our Commander, Harley Xers. Beside her is the Deputy Commander and the Adjutant to Commander, Shina Doya."

Jill nodded and replied, "Forgive me for any transgression, we are not familiar with the ways and methods of your Strike Force so we do not know how to show respect. Please accept the Terran Salute as our apology and respect."

​ Although she said this, her state was still calm and indifferent. Following that the entire division saluted Harley.

The commander nodded and asked, "May I ask, where is your leader?"

Jill responded, "He is adjusting his state of mind, it will take some time."

Harley nodded and wanted to say something when a discordant voice sounded in the observation room, "Humph, so he knows how to throw his name around, and that too right after he survived the impossible scenario? Some big shot he is."

Everyone looked at the source of the sound and found it to be Stix. The man was smiling like always and walked forward as the crowd parted and this guy appeared in front of Jill. He checked her out from head to toe and Sonic shook his head.

Stix ignored everyone and said, "You seem pretty strong, why not apply to join my team? My team ranks nine in the top ten. You can bring a few of your friends over, what do you think? I will take care of you."

As he said this, his hand was already holding Jill's hand and before the lady could say anything, Stix said, "I will handle your leader, what say?"

Suddenly a calm voice sounded, "How will you handle me?"

Ace Division parted their ways and the Young General walked out of the simulation realm. His hair was still emitting a dim crimson glow. The ace division bowed their heads as if they were submitting to their king. Even the strike force people were shocked at the pressure that Shi Lang brought along with him.

The two top ten team leaders exchanged glances and they seemed to have decided that this person was not to be offended. At this moment, they all heard a voice in their minds, "No matter what happens, do not reveal any killing intent, or your life may not be guaranteed. Our leader is still calming down. We seek your understanding."

The people all here were warriors and they have been through the thick of it so they knew what was happening to Shi Lang and they nodded in silence.

However, someone was eager to seek death. Stix said, "How to handle you? Simple, I will give you a member from my team, and we will swap. That is how it works in the force."

Shi Lang looked at him with his cold crimson eyes and Harley said, "Stix, you are currently suspended from the force, so you better fuck off from here."

Who knew that Stix would turn around and say, "He is not yet a member of the force so I have the complete right to talk to him."

Harley was shocked at this response, Stix turned around and asked, "What do you think my man?"

He was still holding Jill's hand regardless of the indifferent gaze she had. Shi Lang said, "Jill, what is your response."

Jill took back her hand by force and asked, "Galactic Council has a code of law on this planet, right?"

The people subconsciously nodded, and a loud smack sounded in the observation room. Jill slapped Stix so hard that the lanky man was forced to take several steps back and he was looking at Jill in disbelief, as the lady said, "I do not wish to have to do anything with a cockface like you. Next time you touch me, I will be cutting off your balls and shoving them down your throat."

Her words were lingering with the intent to kill. The crowd was in a daze, unable to process what happened here, and Stix was in utter shock. However, he woke up and laughed as he said, "Very well, do you know who I am? I am a member of one of the big fives. How dare you slap me, do you wish to go to war with my family? It will not take us much of an effort to erase your whole civilization off the face of this galaxy."

Shi Lang sighed and said, "Another thrown-aside piece of garbage thinks that he is the center of the galaxy and his family will be happy to sacrifice resources, both lives, and money, to avenge a slap. How cliche and lowly even by the standards of a cockface."

Stix heard this remark and froze, while the rest of the people raised a thumb for Shi Lang in their hearts. Stix was enraged and his eyes brimmed with killing intent as he said, "You fucking loser, I will have your family serve me like slaves and your women as a breeding vessel to my dog."

His words dropped and in a blink, Shi Lang held him by his throat. It did not take long for the Terran to dislocate all the limbs of this guy in case he tried to put up a desperate struggle. Shi Lang looked Stix in the eyes, and under the shocked expression of everyone, he said, "I will let you experience despair."

The next moment, a glint flashed through his eyes, and Stix was taken inside the illusion of the wrathful battlefield. However, Shi Lang used Stix's memories and pitted him against the members of his own family. From young to old, none was spared.

Then Shi Lang flung this guy away as if a piece of trash and he looked at Harley as he said, "You need to tame the creatures you own, otherwise they harm your own image."

His stance was completely dominating and Stix had become just a means to assert dominance. Harley sighed, "Fine.."

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