Ace Of Terrans

Chapter 367 Mission.

Shi Lang stood in front of Harley with a straight face, and the entire observation room was shrouded in silence, they did not know what to say or what to think of the scene they had just witnessed.

All the people in the room heard when Shi Lang told the Commander to tame the people so that her image was not tainted. Although they were a little angry, Stix had put on a shameful display and the image of the entire strike force had been tainted. They cast a disgusting gaze at the person squirming on the floor like a worm.

Harley asked, "What have you done to him?"

She did not have any sympathy for Stix, she only asked because this guy was her subordinate. Shi Lang replied, "He wanted to destroy my family, I had him watch the destruction of the same."

The people were shocked, and Shan asked, "Are you not worried about this person's background?"

Shi Lang shook his head and said, "We all are striving to get stronger, if you can live with your pride and values trampled under the feet of this sort of a person then you all might as well go home and put a knife through your heads."

The people all bowed their heads slightly when they heard this. Harley sighed and said, "What he did was out of line, and I assure you that my office will deal with this situation appropriately and give you an explanation. Please release him from your binds."

Shi Lang cast her a glance and Harley, despite being the strongest of the force had the urge to take a step back. She held her ground but something about Shi Lang scared her. It scared her so much that her back was covered with cold sweat instantly.

The young general took his gaze back and snapped his fingers. Stix let out a loud hysterical scream as begged for help. The people could not understand the intensity of what Stix had been through. His entire family which had thousands of members was murdered by his own hands, how could his mind stay normal and stable?

A person from his unit rushed forward and helped him calm down. It took him a few minutes, but as an elite of the galaxy, Stix understood that the scenes from just now were only an illusion and he rushed to grab Shi Lang's collar and roared, "You dare to play tricks with me, you bastard. I will kill you right here."

Harley wanted to step forward but Jill raised her hand to make her stop in her tracks. Shi Lang replied, "Do you think that you can do anything to me? I will tell you now, that I do not care if you are a member of the big five or the head of the big five. I do not cause trouble, but I am not afraid of it.

T̺͆h̺͆i̺͆s̺͆ c̺͆h̺͆a̺͆p̺͆t̺͆e̺͆r̺͆ u̺͆p̺͆l̺͆o̺͆a̺͆d̺͆ f̺͆i̺͆r̺͆s̺͆t̺͆ a̺͆t̺͆ n̺͆o̺͆v̺͆e̺͆l̺͆-̺͆b̺͆i̺͆n̺͆.̺͆c̺͆o̺͆m̺͆

I do not care if you have fucked the queen of the heavens before this, but if you tried to be disrespectful to the members of my team, you will die and if your family came to find trouble with me, then they will die as well. Now, do you want to let go of my collar, or shall I give you another look at what happens when I am pissed?"

Stix had been immobilized by his gaze but his brain was working fine. Shi Lang has left a deep scar on his mind and Stix subconsciously wanted to stay away from this guy. His hand let go of the collar and he took a few steps back as if in a daze. Shi Lang had exceeded in the way of the spirit and he could control the actions of a person to some extent.
Harley said, "Shina take Captain Stix into custody and put him in solitary confinement. Also, organize an internal investigative committee for this guy."

Shina acted quickly and he took Stix into custody. Shan escorted her to the confinement cell, while Harley said, "Please follow me to my cabin I have a few things to talk to you before you can officially join the Strike Force."

Shi Lang nodded and silently followed her to her cabin. On the way, the team took notice of all the details they possibly could for of the place. These guys also calmed down as they walked forward. Shi Lang was also taking deep breaths and regulated his breathing to calm down. His state of mind was so volatile at this moment that he almost killed Stix when the man babbled about his family.

Jill asked telepathically, "Boss, are you feeling any better?"

Shi Lang nodded and replied, "Getting there."

Harley soon led the people to her cabin, she asked the rest of the team to wait outside and a staff member was told to attend to them while Shi Lang was asked to go inside. The young general had calmed his mind a lot and was looking better.

Harley said, "Have a seat."

Shi Lang replied, "Thank you."

The layout of the office was too simple. Just a table and a set of chairs, the wall behind Harley was replaced by french windows. Shi Lang said, "This place is very low-key."

Harley smiled at him faintly and said, "Yeah, I do not like to stand out much."

Shi Lang nodded and asked, "What can I do for you?"

The commander put on her game face and asked, "Do you think that your actions outside were very brave? You just spat in the face of the Strike force, do you believe me that if you are not allowed to join the force now, they will go on a rampage and try to take you down?"

She wanted to intimidate Shi Lang, after all, this guy dared to tell her to tame the people around her. Who did he think she was? This was the time she got back at him.

Shi Lang replied, "The actions that you are criticizing here are not something I committed by choice, if you try to recall, I was pushed to act, or do you expect me to take his threats lying down?"

Harley sensed that her forehead will start twitching sooner. She said, "Fine, I will let you stay on top of this matter, but what will you do if the family of that officer approached you?"

Shi Lang thought and asked, "If they approach an on-duty officer with ill intentions, in what capacity can I take action?"

Harley was confused but then she answered, "If they try to harm you then you are entitled to respond in kind, however, the condition is that you are attacked first and you have proof of that."

Shi Lang nodded and asked, "Anything else?"

Harley nodded, "Well, I hate to be a spoil sport but your integration party will have to wait. I have an urgent mission on my table and this needs to be dealt with as soon as possible because this concerns the lives of millions of people."

Shi Lang raised his brows and asked, "What is it?"

The lady replied, "There is a group of terrorists, located in the Sigma sector of the galaxy, they blame the ruling government for the sufferings of their race, we have tried to initiate peace talks but none of the sides are ready to budge. The enmity they share is around Seven thousand general years. This much time has passed and they cannot even track things back to when they happened, but are still adamant.

If possible, solve this peacefully, if not, take down the terror group. They have access to a mass destructive weapon. This weapon works on a chemical base, it will push the planet into a situation where it will turn desolate, without any life for the upcoming thousand general years."

Shi Lang was surprised, but then he nodded and said, "Well, fine. I will take this mission. Please send me all the details regarding this mission, at least everything that you have."

Harley nodded and said, "Anything else?"

Shi Lang thought about it and said, "Give me a ship that can travel fast in the standards of your work, I do not want to turn into a skeleton by the time I get there."

Harley smiled and said, "Every task force team is entitled to a ship. Do not worry, as for the ranking system, you will get to know about it on the ship. I have posted one of my trusted officers to guide you."

Shi Lang nodded and said, "As long as my work is not obstructed, I will go along with it."

Harley nodded, "You can leave now, the uniforms and credentials have been uploaded to our database."

Shi Lang nodded and walked to the door. He did not expect this trip will come so soon, but suddenly he recalled something and turned around, "Can I depart after a few hours?"

Harley was surprised and thought that he needed rest and nodded. Shi Lang nodded and left the place to inform his team that they are on for a mission. There was something else he wanted to do. Contact the heavenly fox, and also shopping for somethings to be sent back to Shi Tao.

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