When Sussan urged him, Nameless could not decide if telling them about his powers is good or not?

Robert has always told him to hide from anyone as it may create issues regarding his identity.

Seeing even after so many pushes Nameless would not open his mouth to say anything, Sussan decided to let him be for the time being.

"Let's try to find the exit from this place. It gives me creeps" Brenda pulled Nameless and started moving towards a mirror.

David pulled Nameless another hand which made Brenda fall behind.

"That's a mirror where you are headed. We need to go in the opposite direction" David explained his action to make sure Brenda is not upset for the way he pulled Nameless hand.

Brenda nodded her head to show her understanding and asked Sussan, "will Robert be ok? I am worried. I don't know why but I have this feeling like something heavy is placed on my heart and it is making me difficult to breathe."

Sussan hugged Brenda and patted her back. Then she opened a bottle of calming potion and made her drink a drop.

Even though it made her breathe a little easier, still her eyes teared.

While holding her hands Sussan said, "It is better to make Nameless communicate with Robert and see what happened on the other side. But now we need to be strong and try to move out of this place. I feel that the mirrors are moving in towards us"

"You are right. Space has cramped from the time we entered. I think we need to hurry" David said while thinking of a way to move everyone to safety.

In the meantime, they failed to notice Nameless eyes had changed color and turned mustard green color.

He realized his second attack is about to happen anytime now. And he tried to hide the fact from everyone.

When they made a turn, they noticed that lava was flowing from one end and the way they entered closed behind them.

The heat waves surrounded them and made them difficult to open their eyes.

Sussan broke one of the golden color petals and sprinkled Asher's dust on it and let it float to the other end. It made the lava harden and created a solid bridge.

"Let us hurry, it won't stay like this for long. We need to be faster." Sussan pulled David and ran on the bridge.

When they were about to reach the other end, she noticed that Nameless did not cross the bridge and sniffed the Asher's dust on the ground.

"Nameless!" Shouted Sussan.

Like he woke up from a dream, Nameless face wore a blank expression.

"Do not waste any more time, the bridge will collapse any minute. Make haste" ordered Brenda.

Still Nameless stood without any reaction, so David rushed towards him and pulled him to the other side.

By the time they reached, Nameless fainted and his whole body had turned into ash color.

Sussan asked David to carry him out of the cave. When they reached outside they noticed that they entered 'Secare' forest.

Sussan stopped everyone and made David put Nameless on the ground.

She told Brenda and David to hold Nameless hands and legs and she covered his eyes with a yellow cloth.

She started saying magical words and took a little bit of Asher's dust and put it near his nose. Nameless shivered and started shaking his body.

Then she took a pouch and put a little bit of Asher's dust, Renlow powder and half of the remaining golden petal.

She turned towards Brenda and asked her if she had anything related to Robert with her handy.

Brenda started digging her bag and found a locket that belonged to Robert.

She held it tightly and did not know when Robert put his locket into her bag.

Sussan took the locket and put it into the pouch and closed it saying magical words.

Once done, the sparks ignited from the pouch made them close their eyes. She then held Nameless head and said a few words.

Sussan then turned to Brenda and said, "I cannot explain fully now but I need you to open a portal for Nameless to travel. He does not have much time. If we leave him as it is he may become a Zombie in his third or fourth attack. We may never be able to bring him back"

Brenda could not take what she heard and shook her head.

"We do not have an option now. I know you learned how to open the portal but never once told anyone and I know you are hesitating because of your husband but listen to me, Peter is there with Robert and he won't let anyone harm his friends. Please trust me this is the best option now as I cannot allow Nameless to suffer for our fault." Sussan tried to convince Brenda who still remained silent.

"Brenda, please we don't have much time left. We need to send Nameless, so please ask yourself, are you going to let the kids suffer for the elders' mistake?" Sussan shook Brenda's arm.

Brenda stood up and started rotating her hands in the air.

With the force of the air and light combined with her inner strength, she opened new portal thinking of Robert.

"I cannot hold the portal open for a long time. You might need to hurry." Brenda almost lost half of her strength while trying to hold the portal from closing.

Sussan whispered a few words into Nameless ears and put the yellow cloth with magical power into Nameless pocket, "Do not open the yellow cloth till you meet Robert. This will take you directly to him and I have made sure to hide your presence to anyone else other than Robert. Do not let your inner demon to wake up before you both merge"

David lifted Nameless and threw him into the portal.

Brenda fell down while coughing blood.

Sussan held her and fed her two drops of strengthening potion.

Brenda sat down and hugged her own legs and started crying. Sussan patted her back and left her alone for some time.

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