Nameless traveled through the portal and fell on Robert's head. Both of them crashed down and Robert tried to push Nameless down but Nameless held on to this hand.

Everyone looked at Robert strangely as he was struggling to get up from where he fell. All of them could see was Robert making weird actions in the air.

Elly noticed the half-visible pouch and tried to pull it but Nameless grasped her hand. Elly got frightened and jumped away. Seeing that Peter came to Robert and helped him up.

Granny Rose asked everyone to rest and they will discuss the remaining matters tomorrow.

Once everyone left, Granny rose turned towards Peter and said, "It's time to help your new friend. Let's go to the underground."

"Granny, you have an underground here?" Peter asked in awe.

"There are so many things which you don't know about. You will get to know one by one slowly" Granny said with a smile.

In a hushed voice, Robert asked Peter, "How did Nameless reach here? And why didn't anyone ask us anything about him?"

"Where? What are you talking about? How can Nameless be here? Stop daydreaming" said Peter.

"You can not see this huge person walking beside me like he is glued to me?" Robert asked with confusion clearly on his face.

"Not only Peter, nobody can see him unless you are a fully grown wizard. Even Elly could only see his pouch because it belonged to her mother closely. My daughter has done a good job concealing him well" Granny Rose praised her daughter and felt so proud.

"So Nameless is seriously here!" Peter tried to sway his hands in the air and Nameless instantly avoided his contact.

As Peter couldn't touch Nameless, he pouted his mouth and walked down the stairs while holding a torch-lit with magical flames.

They all walked for more than ten minutes before they reached the door to the magical sector.

Granny Rose lifted her hands high above and chanted a few magical words which created an orange flame on her palm. She then took some 'Spilden' powder which is made from the bones of the 'Bovimaliason' and threw it on the flame which turned the flame to blue.

She knocked on the door in a rhythmic way which in turn let out a bluish-green metal hand. Granny Rose put the flames on the hand which later turned red and the door opened.

The interior of the sector looked dark and the torch which Peter carried went off. It frightened the kids and they held onto each other.

It took some time to adjust their eyes to the darkness but once they did, all they saw was a laboratory with many instruments.

The animals were kept in cages of all sizes and even a pair of Feliocian birds were kept in a cage which was very much smaller for their sizes.

The Hygelnewl plant shivered in fear and looked at all the things around it with fear. Peter and Robert after seeing all these, understood that something is quite not right.

"Granny, I do not like this place. Let us go upstairs", Elly said in a frightened tone.

"Ha Haha! On the first day when I caught you, I wanted to throw you into the cage. But I wanted to see if your loving mother will come to your rescue? If so, I would have caught the greatest witch ever. But now it is not too bad, I have caught both her children along with a creature who is yet to be seen" Granny Rose took off her mask and came out an ugly person with limbs crawling around.

"You! You are The Unknown! Why are you doing this?", Peter shouted and took the nearby chair and tossed it at the unknown's face.

Then he pulled Robert and Elly and ran towards the exit but before they could reach the exit, the door closed and a bright light lit up which showed the complete horror of that place.

"This is against the rules. When the military knows what you are doing here, they would definitely throw you out" Robert screamed at the old witch.

"Oh! I just missed to notice you! Robert, isn't? Your father is a military commander but he drove his wife out didn't he?" The old witch laughed looking at Robert.

She then whispered next to Robert's ears, " So now, tell me. Who is the person you are carrying around and what is in that pouch he brought?"

"You unknown old witch, I am not going to tell you anything but you better be prepared. This is not going to end well for you, if you do not let us go", Robert took a pinch of 'Renlow Powder' and cut his finger and poured a drop of blood into it and held it in front of the old witch's face.

"Oh! Come on. I am already so old, how can you have the heart to punish me? Is this how your parents taught you? Very ill-mannered kids! What is with you and your way of speaking? By the way, my name is not an unknown old witch and we are not Unknowns. We have a name and it is known throughout the entire galaxy; it is 'Amellander'. We ruled this universe, we are the originals. You guys are just small creatures and dare to drive us to extinction. We are back and we will seek our revenge"

Old witch roared with all her might and grabbed Robert's hand and licked the Renlow powder and swallowed it.

"Do know that this used to be my favorite snacks - Renlow powder mixed with half Saber's blood. Mmmmm… Yumm...Tasty! Oh! By the way, my name is 'Bairania' and for your guys, it is 'Your Majesty', Bairania patted Robert's cheeks and clapped her hands.

Two lowly creatures appeared before them and awaited her instructions by humbly lowering themselves.

"Catch them and put them into the newly built cage. Make sure that they are tightly locked with 'Yunacel' so that their magic does not work and they cannot escape. It is time to test our new cell" Bairania ordered; she put on her mask and went out.

The two creatures lifted their hands in the air and caught the kids with a magical purple ring and carried them to the cell next door.

"No! Let me go. I am not with them. Your Majesty! Your Majesty!", the short man shouted.

But Bairania already left long back and his shouts just hit the locked door with no one to hear his plea.

Robert rolled his eyes and 'Hygelnewl' plant held him with one of the tentacles and put a drop of purple liquid in his mouth and he went to sleep.

Once they were thrown inside the cell, they noticed a young 'Yunacel' in the corner of the cage with sadness visible in its face.

"Brother, I am afraid. It is so dark and scary here. I want mommy and daddy" Elly started crying and Peter did not know how to console her.

Robert sat beside her and hugged her while patting her back, trying to console her. Nameless followed wherever he went like a lifeless soul.

Once Elly stopped crying, Robert looked around them and started examining the room. Even though it looked small, its capacity is not to be underestimated.

"Peter, we need to find a way for Nameless to merge with me. I almost lost half of the strength when I tried to scare that old witch with my spell earlier. Now I don't know how much time left before the next attack. Maybe minutes or seconds now" Robert said while sitting in the other corner of the room opposite Yunacel and keeping a watch on her.

Nameless tiredly lifted his body and moved towards Robert once again. Looking at him Peter's heart ached and tried to hold him but Nameless pushed him away with his last strength and fainted on top of Robert once again.

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