Although Shen Bihan also hates to use this matter to calculate Wen Muxi and his mother, just as Qin Meishu said, it is true that Wen Muxi killed Shen Rou and deceived him.

He could only resent her, and could not point the spear at Qin Meishu.

It was not until it was dark that Shen Bihan turned back from the cemetery and returned to Shen residence.

She came to the room on the second floor where Wen Muxi was detained. After the infusion, she should have pulled out the needle and went to sleep by herself. Her face was pale and motionless. Lying in bed was the most distressing scene he ever had.

Now, compared with Shen Rou's sister who can only sleep underground, she is clearly enough to make people jealous and resentful.

Wen Muxi didn't know whether he had slept or fainted. When her consciousness was blurred, someone suddenly grabbed her collar and pulled her up.

Before she fully recovered her consciousness, Wen Muxi actually clenched her fist and was ready to fight back, but when she opened her eyes and looked at the light gray eyes in front of her, she immediately closed the fist she was ready to raise.

Although she has enough strength and ability to fight Shen Bihan, she... Is not qualified and can't do that.

"You're back." Wen Muxi even greeted him with a smile after seeing that it was him.

"I'm only beginning to notice now. Have you always seduced me in this way?" Shen Bi smiled coldly.

Just lost glucose, although it added some physical strength to her, but those physical strength were not enough for her to argue with Shen Bihan about these topics.

Therefore, when hearing Shen Bihan's sarcastic words, Wen Muxi just smiled and didn't say anything.

But in this quiet room, the sound from her stomach was like thunder roaring, which made Wen Muxi quite embarrassed.

Shen Bihan let go of the hand holding her collar without any more embarrassment, as if he thought he had soiled his gloves. Before leaving the room, he couldn't wait to take it off and throw it into the trash can.

The disgusting reaction made Wen Muxi smile bitterly. These were what she asked for. What could she complain about?

Shen Bihan came back soon. The food in his hand was no longer the dry toast and Iced Milk, but a bowl of steaming beef noodles.

He still cooked for her, but what she feared was the so-called toast and Iced Milk.

After pulling out the small table at the head of the bed, Shen Bihan put the bowl of steaming beef noodles in front of her.

"Don't die, don't forget what I said. If you really have any problems, I'll let others around you bear these torments for you." Shen Bihan said to her coldly.

"I know." Wen Muxi answered with a bitter smile. He didn't dare to stop. He picked up the solid wooden chopsticks on the chopstick rack and began to eat.

As soon as the smooth noodles came into the mouth, wenmuxi's body began to instinctively react with rejection. Her empty stomach rolled and twitched wildly. If it weren't for there was nothing in her stomach, she would have vomited now.

It's worse than fasting.

But fortunately, her empty stomach gave her enough time to finish the bowl.

In front of Shen Bihan, she really acted like a refugee who had been hungry for a long time. After eating a bowl of beef noodles at the fastest speed, she drank all the soup.

After she finished eating, Shen Bihan didn't say anything to her and removed the dishes and chopsticks.

Until Shen Bihan closed the door and left. After hearing his footsteps disappear from a distance, Wen Muxi couldn't help rushing into the bathroom at a fast speed.

Just like countless times in these days, Wen Muxi went directly to the bathroom and couldn't help vomiting.

The food that had just arrived in her stomach and didn't even have time to digest was rolling out madly mixed with gastric acid, which made her cry unconsciously.

When Wen Muxi finally vomited out the things in her stomach, she felt better. However, she looked up and saw a scene that frightened her in the mirror.

Shen Bihan didn't know when he came, so he stood behind her and looked at her coldly.

Wen Muxi didn't dare to speak, so he could only turn the faucet to the maximum and disperse the complex and unpleasant smell in the bathroom a little.

She is enough to disgust Shen Bihan, so she doesn't want to disgust him.

Shen Bihan seemed to turn a blind eye to those tastes, walked slowly behind her, and leaned close to her ear like a latent poisonous snake.

"Wen Muxi, do you just want to die?" the cold voice made people shudder when it was really cold.

Like being injected into the blood by the cold, Wen Muxi's whole person couldn't help shaking.

"Yes... Sorry, I can't control myself." she can only admit it frankly.

"Really can't eat anything, what will become like this?" Shen Bihan suddenly asked her.


Wen Muxi directly chose silence at this time. How dare she say that she was only eating the food made by Shen Bihan.

Shen Bihan suddenly sneered: "do you think I can let you go if I'm dying? I can torture you 24 hours a day by relying on various nutrient solutions. Don't want to rest until I don't die."

With Shen Bihan's words, Wen Muxi couldn't help imagining the picture in her head. The fear in her heart could scare her to death.

Thinking of this, Wen Muxi was in a panic and quickly said, "I can eat. Give me a bucket of instant noodles and I'll make bubbles myself."

Shen Bihan looked at her suspiciously. Finally, he turned and left the room without saying anything.

Of course, there is no such thing as instant noodles where Shen Bihan lives, so he asked the bodyguard to buy it directly.

After receiving the bucket of instant noodles, Wen Muxi didn't delay any longer. He directly received hot water from the water dispenser and waited for the instant when the instant noodles were ready.

Probably didn't like the smell of instant noodles, so Shen Bihan sat in the farthest corner of the room from the beginning.

This bucket of instant noodles also confirmed those guesses in Wen Muxi's heart. She didn't suffer from anorexia, but her instinctive fear and rejection of the food made by Shen Bihan.

After eating the large bucket of instant noodles and even drinking the soup, Wen Muxi still licked his lips. Finally, he felt satisfied, and the whole person didn't have any uncomfortable reaction at all.

Shen Bihan didn't know before, but now he can see the series of reactions of Wen Muxi. She only rejects the food he makes.

He should have hated her more, but he didn't expect his eyes to be hated in wenmuxi.

So the more he looked at Wen Muxi's satisfied expression, the colder Shen Bihan's eyes were.

When Wen Muxi reflected his "complacency" and looked up to see the expression on Shen Bihan's face, everything seemed to be late.

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