After this matter was exposed, Wen Muxi naturally had to be cleaned up by Shen Bihan.

It's absurd to say that Shen Bihan only targeted her, but did not involve her relatives and friends in revenge. Wen Muxi was very satisfied.

What she didn't expect was that Shen Bihan even changed her room to the first floor. Even the iron chain, which was only five meters long, was much longer, enough for her to move freely in and out of the kitchen on the first floor.

Be in a good mood. When Shen Bihan is away, she can even watch movies and listen to operas in the movie studio.

Although she was covered with an unhealed wound, Shen Bihan's little pity for her was enough to make her suffer from Stockholm syndrome. However, unlike those people, she was sorry for Shen Bihan and the Shen family first, so she was not qualified to complain. More importantly, she fell in love with him from the beginning.

So even at this stage, besides Shen Bihan's attack on Wen langxuan, Wen Muxi is still grateful to him.

At least, she can still be with him.

Even if he just wanted to make her suffer more than death, he had to bring some injuries, but she was satisfied.

Besides, her injuries really can't offset the mistakes she has made.


During this time, after Shen Bihan went to work, Wen Muxi came in and out of the kitchen. I have to say that her cooking has come back several times. At least the things made can be imported at last.

Shen Bihan usually gets off work at 5:00 p.m. and can basically come back at about 5:30 p.m. Wen Muxi will solve the dinner before that and nest in the room. When Shen Bihan doesn't take the initiative to find her, he tries not to make him angry.

But it was past twelve o'clock in the evening, and I still didn't hear anything outside the room.

Wen Muxi couldn't help dragging the iron chain buckled on his ankle and came to the living room all the way. He kept looking quietly at the window.

Compared with Shen Bihan's resentment and revenge against her, she is more afraid that he will suddenly disappear and don't want her.

Wen Muxi has been looking forward to it. It's almost 12:30 in the evening. After waiting for half an hour, she finally sees Shen Bihan's car coming back.

This made Wen Muxi finally breathe a sigh of relief, but Shen Bihan's appearance after coming back made her breathe again.

Although Shen Bihan's pace and body shape were still the same as usual, his face was as pale as a piece of paper, and even his hair in front of his forehead was wet with cold sweat.

Looking at Shen Bihan, Wen Muxi knew that he must have suffered from stomach disease again, and he didn't eat or take medicine all the time.

Wen Muxi hurriedly dragged the iron chain on his feet to the entrance of the porch, trying to reach out and help him.

But before her outstretched hand could touch Shen Bihan, she was avoided by the latter.

After Shen Bihan avoided her help with practical actions, he walked to the sofa in the living room. Then he let himself lean on the sofa and closed his eyes waiting for the relief of stomach pain.

Wen Muxi quickly pulled out the stomach medicine Shen Bi Hanping often took from the medicine box, poured a cup of warm pure water and handed it to him.

"Take the medicine first," she reminded.

This voice directly angered Shen Bihan who was suffering from pain. He raised his hand and directly overturned the medicine box she sent with warm water.

The helicopter glass smashed hard on the marble floor tile, and the glass fragments were scattered everywhere.

Even Wen Muxi's hand turned red when she was beaten by Shen Bihan, but she seemed to hide her hand behind her, regardless of his anger.

"Anyway, you have to take the medicine first..."

Wen Muxi whispered a reminder in exchange for Shen Bi's cold eyebrow and cross eyed warning: "go away! Stay away from me."

Wen Muxi could only put the medicine box on the tea table in front of him. He didn't dare to disturb him again for fear that she wouldn't even take the medicine as soon as she approached him.

It's not the right way for people who have stomach problems to be hungry all the time, so Wen Muxi directly stepped into the kitchen, set up a pot to wash rice and began to cook porridge for Shen Bihan.

He kept in the kitchen all the time. When turning and stirring the porridge, Wen Muxi was scalded by the jumping porridge liquid several times.

But fortunately, because she had been stirring and staring, the porridge didn't paste.

In addition to the porridge directly cooked in an electric rice cooker, this can be said to be the most successful cooking by Wen Muxi.

After cooking the porridge and turning off the fire, Wen Muxi couldn't wait to take a bowl and put the hot porridge out.

Because she wanted Shen Bihan to eat more, she greedily filled the porridge. It was clear that it was too hot across the bowl, but she kept biting her teeth until she put the hot porridge in front of Shen Bihan.

"I know you hate me, but no matter how much you eat," she said softly.

I don't know whether it was her voice or the fragrance of white porridge that made Shen Bihan finally slowly look up and open his eyes. Wen Muxi suddenly found that Shen Bihan's face was full of cold sweat.

With Shen Bihan's endurance, how painful it must be to torture him like this.

If it weren't for this posture, it wouldn't be suitable to be seen at all. Wen Muxi must have couldn't help calling an ambulance.

But now she can only look forward to him, hoping that he can eat more or less, at least relax.

Shen Bihan stared at the steaming porridge for a while, but he didn't mean to do it at all.

When Wen Muxi couldn't even hold back and wanted to go up and feed him with a spoon, Shen Bihan suddenly called her.

"Warm wood."

She called her full name in a hoarse voice, as if these three words had been crushed in the middle of her teeth.

Wen Muxi could only look at him nervously and wait for him to issue instructions.

The big hands with gloves finally raised their fingers to the porridge on the tea table, and then pointed to the direction of the bathroom.

"Take it and pour it out," he said ruthlessly.


Wen Muxi was anxious and just wanted to persuade him, but as soon as he opened his mouth, the first word was interrupted by Shen Bihan's indifference.

"You'd better re aware of what you've done and whether you're qualified to call that name."

A hoarse and indifferent reminder made Wen Muxi completely petrified, half open his mouth and couldn't make any sound for a moment.

Yes, she is not qualified to call him "Bihan" again.

After swallowing the bleeding wound in his heart, Wen Muxi, who was relieved, could only continue to persuade him.

"Young master Shen, anyway, eat first. You can't..."

Shen Bihan immediately got angry and angrily scolded with red eyes: "I want you to take it out now and immediately. Don't you understand!"

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