Although it is not clear what the situation is, it must not be wrong to count it on Qin Meishu's head.

What Wen Muxi didn't expect was that Qin Meishu was so impatient that she sent someone to trouble her the next day.

He brushed the cause of the matter like a deserter, and Wen Muxi didn't dare to wait any longer.

No matter what else Qin Meishu has prepared, if she is asked to wait a little longer, as the driver said, Wen Muxi believes that she may be unconscious by that time.

So after aiming at the angle, Wen Muxi took out the dagger that ye Yongsheng had given her from his pocket. Like a latent cheetah suddenly launched an attack, he did not hesitate to pass his hand through the protective net of the driver's seat.

The next second, the sharp blade was placed on the driver's neck, and the driver was surprised by Wen Muxi's sudden action.

He swallowed his saliva nervously. When his Adam's apple slid up and down, he was directly cut through a thin trace by the sharp blade and saw red immediately.

"Female... Madam, don't be impulsive. I'm a poor driver and don't have much money worth your knife."

The driver seemed to be a little scared, even with a tremor in his voice, as if he was really threatened by innocence.

But... Instead of stopping, he accelerated his speed.

I don't know. Give her a full play.

Wen Mu Xi make complaints about his mind, but he is not alert at all.

"Stop and open the door, or I'll kill you." Wen Muxi ordered his request in a cold voice.

"It hasn't reached its destination yet..."

The driver's absurd sophistry suddenly stopped with the approaching of the dagger blade on his neck.

"Don't play tricks for me. There are fans and drugs in the car fragrance. Don't you think I'm silly Baitian? Wen Muxi directly exposed their design and ordered coldly:" open the door! "

Under the threat of Wen Muxi, the driver in his twenties and eighties didn't mean to stop immediately. Instead, he accelerated and stepped on the accelerator directly, and no longer disguised it, he soared the speed to the top.

When he made a sharp turn, Wen Muxi quickly grabbed the safety barrier of the taxi driver's seat with his other hand to avoid being thrown away.

Seeing his stubbornness, when Wen Muxi was preparing to do it, he suddenly noticed that the driver was clenching his back teeth, and even his eyes began to become determined.

Looking at this situation, Wen Muxi noticed something wrong, so he specially paid attention to the every move of the seemingly ugly driver.

It was precisely because of this attention that at the moment when the driver's neck suddenly took the initiative to hit her dagger blade, Wen Muxi quickly withdrew his hand and quickly took back the dagger.

Even so, because the dagger was too sharp, it obviously aggravated the scar on the man's neck.

Although the driver had habitually stepped on the brake and stopped the car during the dispute just now, Wen Muxi was shocked and sweating.

Compared with the fear of a traffic accident, the reason why the driver took the initiative to hit her knife edge made Wen Muxi more afraid.

If the driver really succeeds in dying under her blade, she can't escape the crime of intentional homicide.

"You still want to plot against me. Your plan is really resourceful."

Wen Muxi gnashed his teeth and said that all the coldness of fear turned into full anger. He wanted to pull out the person who came up with this kind of sinister plan and peel off his bones and skin.

Seeing the plan exposed, the man was secretly surprised at Wen Muxi's reaction speed, but on the surface, he just kept biting his teeth without making a sound.

Seeing his calm appearance, he didn't mean to drive forward at all, and then look at the bird didn't shit. There were no other vehicles and pedestrian roads except them. Wen Muxi immediately reflected that this man's goal might have been achieved.

If Qin Meishu really wants her life, she will not only do this plan.

At the thought of this, Wen Muxi didn't dare to be careless. She quietly put her other hand into her bag. She wanted to touch her mobile phone and send a distress message to Shen Bihan, but she hesitated when she thought of Shen Bihan's warning yesterday.

In less than half a second, Wen Muxi changed his strategy and touched the interlayer of the bag. Ye Yongsheng left her a smaller mobile phone.

In fact, this mobile phone is more convenient. Just press the red button in the center, and the distress signal and her detailed location are sent out together.

After sending the signal in two seconds, Wen Muxi didn't dare to be careless.

"What on earth do you want to do?" she asked calmly. In fact, she was just procrastinating.

The man didn't mean to keep silent this time: "you should know better than us what you did and who you offended."

When listening to these words, Wen Muxi's face naturally became cold again. Of course, she knows who wants her life most right now.

Wen Muxi was still hesitant to turn over to the co pilot. He first tried to solve the driver and opened the door to escape.

Suddenly, a harsh sound of "bang -" pierced the sky. At the same time, the bullet had broken the rear window glass. What came in was the place where her head was close to the back of the driver's seat.

It was only a centimeter away from her face.

Cold sweat has wet Wen Muxi's back. Looking at the scene in front of her, Wen Muxi wants to say that she is not afraid. Even she doesn't believe it.

Although she can now play with the wooden warehouse in her hand like a toy, and has experienced countless experiences of life hanging on the line and almost dying, when she really faces this situation, fear is an instinctive reaction that people can't change.

"Second Olympics!"

After discovering the existence of a sniper, Wen Muxi couldn't help swearing. He quickly found a position that was probably the dead corner of the sniper's line of sight according to the position where the bullet had just been fired, and lay down in the back seat of the narrow taxi.

But Wen Muxi inadvertently forgot that there was the driver on the car. It was she who had just fallen down for less than two seconds that the driver directly opened the seemingly solid driver's seat guard.

Although there was blood on his neck because of the accident just now, the driver didn't care at all. He stabbed Wen Muxi in the back seat with a standard Swiss Army knife in his hand.

Wen Muxi was shocked. When the man rushed up, he directly raised his foot and kicked it hard.

Under normal circumstances, it was absolutely possible to directly kick a person's ribs, because the power was reduced by nearly half under the action of the medicine in chexiang. Unexpectedly, this kick only kicked the driver's body slightly.

Moreover, the driver is professionally trained at first sight, and his skill is at least a professional bodyguard.

After being kicked out of balance by wenmuxi, he could adjust his body as soon as possible. The next second, the dagger still fell towards wenmuxi.

"Hemp egg!"

There was a sniper outside and a killer inside. This situation of internal and external troubles made Wen Muxi roll to the other side to avoid the falling blade. He couldn't help but burst out a rude remark again.

Just as she rolled to the other side, the sound of the wooden warehouse that had disappeared after opening a wooden warehouse suddenly sounded again.

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