Even if Wen Muxi's reaction is no matter how capable, the man's speed is essentially different from the speed of the bullet.

When the bullet broke the window glass and shot at her, even if Wen Muxi dodged faster, the bullet scar still cut the skin of her jaw, and blood trickled down the small scar.

Wen Muxi only hesitated for less than half a second. In the blink of an eye, she relaxed from her panic. The next second, she grabbed the driver's collar and directly blocked the man in front of her.

The driver didn't even have time to struggle in Wen Muxi's hands. The next two bullets fell directly into the driver's back after breaking the window.

Listening to the driver's muffled voice on the top of his head and looking at the strange face that was still staring at him before he died, Wen Muxi still felt a little guilty.

Although the man took Qin Meishu's order and designed to kill her, the end of dying in his own hands was still pitiful.

The feeling of pity flashed by. Looking at the man who was dying and still didn't close his eyes, Wen Muxi finally had to say, "you asked for it, don't blame me."

Learning Shen Bihan's usual tone, when her voice fell, the strange man had stopped breathing.

Wen Muxi can only determine the general direction of the sniper. She doesn't know the detailed location of the other party, but it obviously won't be a rational decision if she just stays in the car filled with drugs.

If she drags on and faints here, she will be as dead as the lamb to be slaughtered.

Therefore, although knowing the danger, Wen Muxi pushed the dead human shield to the window of the back seat, and blocked the sniper's line of sight for the time being by his tall body.

After finishing this preparation, Wen Mu didn't dare to act rashly for a while, because she knew that the Sniper at the top of the dark must still be waiting for her every move.

He took off his woolen coat and threw it in the direction of the co pilot.

It was just when she threw up the woolen coat that the sound of the wooden warehouse sounded again, and the bullets attacked fiercely in the direction of the woolen coat.

In the midst of a hail of bullets, Wen Muxi also took advantage of this gap and dared not even be timid. While attracting the sniper's attention, he leaned over and rushed into the driver's seat, and manually untied the locked door.

After her success, she quickly retreated. Although she didn't know whether the sniper in the dark had found her purpose, she still gave her a cold sweat on her back.

After returning, Wen Muxi quickly opened the door in the other direction.

After the fresh air began to flow in, Wen Muxi didn't know if it was her illusion. Anyway, she felt much better.

But how to escape so that it won't be found by the sniper hiding high in the dark has become a very important problem.

"If it is lower, it should not be found."

Wen Muxi whispered. Before getting off the bus, he began to bend over and shrink his body into a very small ball. He bent over and began to try to squeeze out of the small door.

Perhaps her luck was really good. Just another window was blocked by the driver's body, just in a dead corner of sight, so the sniper didn't move.

Quietly got down from the car, squatted behind the wheel and looked at the place where there was no place to hide. Wen Muxi didn't dare to act rashly for a while.

When he took out two mobile phones of different sizes, Wen Muxi was still hesitating who to call for help.

At this time, Wen Muxi suddenly and gradually felt that someone was quietly approaching her.

When Wen Muxi suddenly looked up, it was already late, because a sniper had aimed at her, which was less than three steps away from her.

The man holding the wooden warehouse was also an ordinary one meter 75 tall. He was dressed in a black dress. Most of his face was covered by a gray scarf. Only a pair of dark eyes were exposed all over his body, staring at her like a poisonous snake staring at prey.

At this moment, Wen Muxi even breathed tightly. When he looked at the close wooden warehouse, his head was blank.

"Miss Wen, you are the smartest target I've ever received, but no matter how cunning the prey is, it can't escape the hunter's sniping wooden warehouse." the man's voice under the scarf obviously has a smell of pride.

Wen Muxi could only try his best to adjust his breathing and suppress the disordered mood for the time being.

She tried to make her tone sound calmer and pretended to be calm in the face of danger: "since you know who I am, I think you should know better that the benefits of not killing me are much more than those of killing me."

"Oh." her steady voice was replaced by a light laugh that men disdained.

Obviously, as a professional killer, he has heard such words from many people.

If people don't eat this set, Wen Muxi can only change his strategy as soon as possible.

"Your wooden warehouse method should be very good. Why don't we have a competition? If I win, why don't you let me go?" Wen Muxi said with a smile.

"Do you want to compare your shooting skills with me?" in a joking tone, Wen Muxi clearly saw the contempt and disdain from the killer from his eyes.

"You dare not compare with me. Are you afraid of losing?" Wen Muxi deliberately provoked.

"Don't try to procrastinate. Your man has been hampered by work, and no one can save you." he said Wen Muxi's purpose as soon as he opened his mouth.

In fact, Wen Muxi didn't really want to use the way of exciting to make him really agree to compete with her. She was just trying to delay time.

She prayed in her heart that ye Yongsheng had better not be too far away from her. If you come quickly, maybe you can come in time.

But in this case, the man obviously won't give her any more opportunities.

"Miss Wen, you are so smart that I can't even bear to attack you. Unfortunately..." the man said here and slowly put his index finger on the trigger.

Before opening the wooden warehouse, he opened his mouth and said to her, "if you want to blame, you can only blame your ignorance for blocking the way of your wife."

"You help her do things and kill me. Do you think you can let you go according to her style?" Wen Muxi made a panic noise. Of course she knew who the lady in the man's mouth meant.

When the man heard the speech, he just left a sentence: "this is my business."

Wen Muxi, who thought his life was going to be buried here today, was trying to curse, but he suddenly saw a figure coming in this direction.

It was when she looked at the figure of the light water colored woolen sweater slowly coming in this direction that her nervous mood suddenly calmed down for a moment, and even instinctively raised a smile.

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