"Chongwei..." Gu lichen looked at the people in front of him, like crying and laughing, like a heartbroken child, "how to do? I missed... I really missed... Is this my life... I missed... Just a few days, so few days... Why didn't I believe what she said at that time? Why didn't I come down to hear what she was going to say to me that day? Why, at that time, she clearly regarded me as a hopeless hope, but I personally cut off her hope... "

GU lichen yelled, yelled and cried over and over again... Ye Chongwei had never seen such a good friend, and all he could do was to stay with each other and comfort each other as much as he could.


after having dinner in Yi's house, Ling still washed, dressed in Yi Jinli's pajamas, walked out of the bathroom and went to Yi Jinli's bedroom next door.

Some of her personal belongings, clothes and so on have been moved to this bedroom.

The bedroom in front of her was not strange to her, but she had never slept in it before. The layout of the whole room is the tone of grey system, which looks a little chilly. But today, there are some red objects in this room.

Red happy quilt, red pillow case, and some red small things, but Ling is still a little surprised.

She... Is really divorced from Yi Jin! These red objects gradually gave her a real feeling of marriage.

Yi Jin is not in the room at the moment, but there is light in the bathroom. I think it should be in the bathroom.

At this time, Ling still's mobile phone rang, she picked it up, there came Qin's father's voice, "is... Is it still?"

"Well, it's me." Ling was still quick to answer, "Uncle Qin, you called, is... What happened to Lianyi? Is it dangerous? "

Ling still immediately began to worry about the current situation of friends.

After all, doctors have also said that ripple's current condition has not been out of danger after surgery.

"Ripple is fine now." Qin's father said, "you don't have to worry. I'm just... I want to thank you. Thank you for your willingness to help Lianyi!"

Qin's father sincerely thanks, even though they were still dissatisfied with Ling and thought that Ling still destroyed her daughter's future, after such a big event, it was the person they once hated who was helping ripple.

Hearing Qin's father say so to himself, Ling's eyes are still red.

On the mobile phone, Qin's mother's voice came again, "still, before... It was Auntie who was in a bad mood and said heavy words to you. Don't mind. Auntie is really glad that Lianyi has a friend like you! It's auntie. I'm so old-fashioned that I'll just blame you! "

"Auntie, don't say that! If there were no ripples, there would be no me today. " Ling still said, "Lianyi is transferred to another hospital today. I have something to do. I will come to see Lianyi tomorrow."

"Well, take a look at ripple. Maybe she will feel that you are worried about her. She will get better soon." Qin's mother went on and on.

Wait until the end of the call, Ling still don't know why, nose a burst of acid, there is an impulse to cry.

Maybe after these years, Qin's father and mother finally forgive themselves. If the ripples wake up, they will be happy.

At the beginning, Lianyi always wanted to resolve her parents' heart knot for her. Now, this knot is finally untied.

Yi Jin from a bathroom, see Ling is still red eyes, eyes are also covered with a layer of fog.

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