"Why are you crying?" Yi Jin left micro frown and went to the front road.

Ling still sniffled, "just now... Lianyi's parents called me and said that Lianyi has transferred to another hospital. Thank you." She expressed her sincere thanks.

Yi Jin left the light way, "since it is to promise your conditions, I will naturally do it, you have nothing to thank, after all, you will marry me, is not it just for Qin Lianyi?"

As he spoke, he wiped his wet hair with a bath towel.

She took a deep breath and took the initiative to step forward and said, "I... help you wipe it." In the past, when he washed his hair, he always liked to ask her to help him.

His body is slightly stiff, lift an eye to look at her, dark eyes, in front of the wet bangs, with a bit of deep, "you are flattering me?"

"You think I'm trying to please you." Ling still said, "even if the reason why we get married is because of ripples, but I don't want our marriage to get worse. After all, if you don't want to divorce me, then we should be people who get along for a lifetime, right? You don't want our marriage to be cold all my life. "

He was silent. After a moment, he handed the towel to her.

"You bend down." Ling still said. If he is too tall, she can't really dry his hair if he doesn't bend down.

His black eyes were fixed on her, and then he bent down slowly until they looked at each other equally.

All of a sudden, two people's faces into a close look, Ling can still easily in each other's dark pupil, see their own figure.

His eyes, straight at her, as if he did not want to miss the slightest expression on her face, as if he could see through her heart.

Ling still only felt the cheek, some slightly hot, almost subconsciously, she put the towel on his head, also covered his eyes.

With a towel in her hand, she wiped his wet hair a little bit. At this moment, it seems that she has a kind of illusion back to the past.

"Tomorrow, there will be a dangerous evaluation report at the hospital, but... Ah Jin, I really don't want to lose any of the three children. Every child is alive. If one of them is allowed to die in my stomach like this, even... At the end of the day when I give birth, everything about that child will only become a pile of medical waste, I don't know, I should use what kind of mood to face

Even, she felt that she would regret her life and regret that she had not kept the child!

"Your body is not suitable for triplets." Yi Jin left a cold voice, "if tomorrow's risk assessment report, the doctor still recommends that you reduce the fetus, then even if you don't want to, I will put you on the operating table."

Because he can not bear the possibility of losing her, even if it is not willing to bear it!

"Then I will refuse. The law does not have the right to force me to have a birth reduction. I will not let anyone move the child in my stomach!" Ling still said.

For her, it was a gamble, a bet that she had to take, "if there was no risk in the birth of the other two children, I might agree, but now that the birth of the other two children is safe, the risk of the other two children is much higher than that of the normal operation. I dare not take this risk!"

Yi Jin left abruptly pulled off the towel on her head, staring at the woman in front of her and said, "do you know, once your body can't bear three children, what will the final result be like?"

"But at least, my body should be able to last for less than four months!" Ling is still facing Yi Jin's stare, but he doesn't retreat. "As long as I can hold on to 28 weeks, even if it's cesarean section and take the baby out early, the child will survive, isn't it?"

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