But every time, she was stopped.

"Is chairman ye what you want to see? Roll on The security guard said impatiently, "if you do this again, we will call the police."

At this time, suddenly a figure came up and said, "you get out of the way, let her in, ye Dong wants to see her."

Zhuo qianyun is stunned. Looking at the person in front of her, she... Remembers that this person is a secretary beside Ye Wenming, and also her... Colleague at that time!

At that time, the two were still good friends. The other party had reminded her several times. Ye Wenming also had other people who cared about her. She asked her not to be too involved in this relationship. Unfortunately, she didn't listen to it. She just threw herself into the relationship, but ended up in that way.

In the final analysis, it is she who is stupid and innocent, and she is responsible for it!

Those who stop Zhuo qianyun's security guards are stunned. Unexpectedly, this woman can really see ye Dong! Suddenly, these people began to guess what Zhuo qianyun was.

Zhuo qianyun followed the Secretary into the building.

Along the way, two people have nothing to say, until each other with Zhuo qianyun came to Ye Wenming's office, just said, "Ye Dong is to eat soft rather than hard, if you really have something to ask Ye Dong, lower your posture, maybe useful."

Finish saying, the other side then knocked on the door of the office, and then opened the door, "go in."

Zhuo qianyun knows that the other party is a good intention to remind her, she gently tunnel a, "thank you."

Unfortunately, she did not listen to the advice of the other side, otherwise life might be a different time.

Just... If at the beginning, she really timely leave, then there is no small inflammation of the existence of it.

Ye Wenming gives her the greatest pain, but Xiaoyan is her greatest happiness.

Zhuo qianyun walked into the office. In the huge office, ye Wenming was sitting in front of the desk, "do you want to see me?" He raised his eyes and asked faintly.

Just now, a secretary came to tell him that Zhuo qianyun was making a big noise in front of the building to see him.

He hesitated for a moment, but let the Secretary bring the man up.

"Did you have Xiao Yan taken away?" Zhuo qianyun asked urgently.

Ye Wenming frowned, "what's wrong with Xiaoyan?"

"He's gone. Did you take him?" She asked again, her face full of anxiety.

"If I took him, would I have to ask you what happened to him?" Ye Wenming only thinks that Zhuo qianyun's question is a silly one.

"What about Kong Ziyin? Will she send someone to take Xiaoyan away?" Zhuo qianyun all the mind, only in the end where Xiaoyan is.

"Ziyin will not." Hearing Ye Ming directly.

"Why don't you call and find out, do you trust her so much?" Zhuo qianyun is worried about whether Kong Ziyin has taken his son.

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